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form exceptions to a general rule, and then no one thinks of appealing to them, to determine whether an action be just or unjust in any particular case. In like manner, men deficient in the faculties which give the perception of Beauty, are not authorities in Taste; but that individual is the highest judge in whom large Ideality is combined with a fine temperament, and the most favorable developement of the organs of propensity, sentiment, and intellect; and who, besides, has exercised his faculties with the greatest assiduity. His determinations in regard to degrees of beauty in objects, will form the best standards of Taste which our imperfect nature is capable of attaining.


THE reader is referred to the distinction between POWER and ACTIVITY in the mind, as stated on page 95 of the present work. Cæteris paribus, size in the organs is the measure of power in the manifestations of the faculties. The practical application of this doctrine remains to be stated; and it will be understood now, after the functions and modes of activity of the primitive faculties have been elucidated.

As size in the organs in an indispensable requisite to power in the mind, no instance ought to occur of an individual who, with a small brain, has manifested clearly and unequivocally, great force of character, animal, moral and intellectual, such as belonged to Bruce, Buonaparte, or Fox; and such accordingly phrenologists affirm to be the fact. The Phrenological Society possesses casts of the skulls of Bruce, Raphael, and La Fontaine, and they are all large. The busts and portraits of Lord Bacon, Shakspeare and Buonaparte, indicate large heads; and among living characters no individual has occurred to my observation who leaves a vivid impression of his own greatness upon the public mind, and who yet presents to their eyes only a small brain.

The European head is distinguished from the Asiatic and native

American, not more by difference of form than of size; the European is much the larger, and the superior energy of this variety of mankind is known. The heads of men are larger than those of women, and the latter obey; or to bring the point to the clearest demonstration, we require only to compare the head of an idiot with that of Burke, or of a child with that of a full grown man, as represented on p. 72. If, then, size is so clearly a concomitant of power in extreme cases, we are not to presume that it ceases to exert an influence where the differences are so minute that the eye is scarcely able to detect them. The rule, Extremis probatis media præsumuntur, is completely applicable here.

The doctrine, that power is a characteristic of mind, distinguishable at once from mere intellectual acumen, and also from activity, is one of great practical importance; and it explains a variety of phenomena of which we previously possessed no theory. In society we meet with persons whose whole manner is little, whom we instinctively feel to be unfit for any great enterprise or arduous duty, and who are, nevertheless, distinguished for aniable feeling and good sense. This springs from a small brain favorably proportioned in its parts. Other individuals, again, with far less polish, inferior information, and fewer amiable qualities, impress us with a sentiment of their power, force, energy, or greatness; we instinctively feel that they have weight, and that, if acting against us, they would prove formidable opponents. This arises from great size. Buonaparte, who had an admirable tact in judging of human nature, distinguishes between mere cleverness and force of character, and almost always prefers the latter. In his Memoirs, he speaks of some of his generals as possessing talents, intellect, book-learning, but as still being nobody, as wanting that weight and comprehensiveness which fit a man for great enterprises; while he adverts to others as possessing limited intellect and little judgment, but prodigious force of character; and considers them as admirably adapted by this qualification to lead soldiers through peril and difficulty, provided they be directed by minds superior to their own. Murat was such a man; and Buonaparte appears on the whole to have liked such officers, for they did not trouble him with thinking

for themselves, while they possessed energy adequate to the execution of his most gigantic designs. The leader of a popular party who has risen to that rank by election, or assumed it with acquiescence, will be found to have a large brain. The leaders of an army or a fleet also require a similar endowment, for otherwise they would possess authority without natural weight, and would never inspire confidence in their followers. Buonaparte had a large head; and officers and soldiers, citizens and statesmen, bowed before his mental greatness, however much they might detest the use he made of his power. In him, all the organs, animal, moral, and intellectual (Conscientiousness and, perhaps, Firmness, excepted), seem to have been large; great activity was added; and hence arose commanding energy, combined with profound and comprehensive intellectual capacity.

The Society possesses casts of the heads of Captains Franklin and Parry; and both are decidedly large, with an excellent proportion in the different orders of organs. These commanders displayed great force of character in their respective expeditions in quest of a North-west Passage. No tendency to mutiny, or insubordination, occurred even in the most trying circumstances; and this would be the case, because the men under their command would instinctively feel natural superiority coinciding with artificial rank.

The figure represents the cast of Captain Parry, taken by Deville. The brain is large, the portion before the ear greatly exceeds that behind it. The asterisks indicate the seat of Cautiousness and Causality; the region above them belongs to the moral sentiments; it is large; Firmness is conspic

uously developed; but the hair gives part of the elevation at Firmness, and allowance falls to be made for its thickness.

The men who are able to attend to their private duties, and at the same time carry a load of public business on their minds, without feeling encumbered, owe this quality to great size in the brain, combined with large Knowing Organs. Those who, having small


brains, find their whole powers absorbed and exhausted by their particular occupations, wonder at such men, and cannot comprehend either their motives, or the means by which they accomplish so much. It is power which distinguishes them, so that duties which to others are oppressive, press lightly on them, or afford them only amusement or relaxation. Mr. Joseph Hume, M. P. is a beautiful illustration of this doctrine. He possesses moderate organs of Causality, little Wit, less Ideality, with no great endowment of Language; and yet even his opponents allow him to manifest great force of character, with a power of application and perseverance which to ordinary minds is incomprehensible. If we look at the large brain indicated in his cast, and attend to the combination of organs which it displays, we shall perceive the source of his weight. Thurtell also showed great force of character, and his brain was large. This quality in Thurtell was the source of the intense and long enduring interest which he created and supported in the public mind. He made deep impressions on those individuals who came in contact with him, they wrote and printed their emotions, and the public caught the feeling.

In examining the heads of criminals in jail, I have found the most daring, desperate and energetic to possess large brains. When great size and an unfavorable combination occur together, the officers of justice are reduced to despair of correcting the offender. They feel a strength of character which they cannot subdue, and an evil bent which they cannot direct ;-the result generally is a report from the police that the individual is incorrigible; the first capital offence is prosecuted to extremity, and he is hanged for the sake of protecting society from farther mischief. In professional pursuits, also, the men who are indisputably paramount to their fellows not merely in cleverness, but in depth and force of character, have large heads; and this holds not only in the learned professions, but in mercantile avocations. I have observed, that individuals who, born in indigence, have risen to wealth, by conducting great and extensive establishments, have uniformly brains above an average size; and mercantile travellers who succeed in procuring orders, and pushing a trade amidst a keen and arduous

competition, are distinguished by the same quality. Such men make an impression, and act with a confidence of power, which gives effect to all they say or do. In a school, if the children care nothing for the master, treat him with disrespect, and he fail, after using every severity, to maintain discipline and subordination, he will be found to have a small head. In the domestic circle, if the mistress of a family (while in good health), is easily overcome, annoyed and oppressed with the cares and duties of her household, the origin of the evil will be found in too small a head.

In the Church, the effects of size are equally conspicuous. A preacher with a large brain is felt by his flock to possess weight, and they submit willingly to be led and taught by him, while they treat with indifference the feebleness that accompanies a little head. If, as occasionally happens, a preacher possess an excellent combination, that is, the organs of the sentiments and intellect large in proportion to those of the animal propensities, he will be acute, amiable, sensible, and interesting; but if the general size of his brain be under an average, he will not be impressive and commanding.

The principle that Size gives power of manifestation, forms the key to the following criticism on Dr. Chalmers. "His manner, so far from being graceful," says a contemporary writer, "is very nearly uncouth; his tones are neither musical, nor under strict subordination; in the selection of words, and management of figures, his taste, so far from being pure, is sometimes very much the reverse; his pronunciation, though vigorous and distinct, is beset with provincialisms, which time and a city audience have done very little to correct; and as to gesture, wherever we have heard him, he appeared to be totally unconscious that he had got such a thing as hands and arms to manage. In what, then, it may be asked, consists the secret of the Doctor's eloquence? Simply, as we take it, in this,-that, while his arguments and illustrations are for the most part striking and original, he possesses prodigious enthusiasm and energy in enforcing them; that the defects of his rhetoric are completely lost in the force of his ratiocination; that while he has mathematics or logic enough to make his reason

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