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ect and that might prove bene

The Agronomist in charge of the taff of eleven, including another clerks. A horticulturist and his ents in their widely diversified ortant staff members in Hawaii tension club leader. With three with the University of Hawaii Association, they conduct work ctivities of the Bureau of Home vice of the Department of Agriny state. They organize the boys' ens, and the extension centers, conduct visual instruction at cture tours, and administer the ation staff as a unit conducts the anges the coöperative activities

ge of the Alaskan and insular experive pay rolls. In reality these men are hey simply carry their pay roll title the Civil Service.

staff is organized for the conduct of out the territory, the popular circulatio edition of the results of station work, bulletins.

Likewise, the personnel is organize in pathology, to investigate the tran the development of other auxiliary experiment in forestry, and to coöp Chemistry of the Department in the u

Guam Station. The Guam Station Husbandman, who is assisted by anot assistant in horticulture, a clerk, and a sonnel is thus limited, the staff avails to coöperate with various national ag tions and of private individuals in the Bureau of Plant Industry of the Dep introduction of plants, the insular dep in the distribution of garden seeds an


In practice it is difficult to determine the bers of the insular staffs, because of the i Likewise it is impracticable to compare the r stations because each must act according to support given by Congress. All of the stati of the Department of Agriculture.

sniuing the personnel among the justment to transitory problems is

this lies partly in the nature of pactness of the organization. In a nuous tenure of the personnel, and e organization.

organization units, the presentation enough to show the personnel embrac These outlines are of value not mer making known the organization of t revised to date by the services, they o tant tools of administration. They p to see at a glance the organization an tion. They establish definitely the lin and enable each employee to know h furnish the essential basis for making by organization division and sub-div for a consideration of the problem o ing personnel and compensation. Co sible to determine the number and 1 sions of any particular kind, as, for ex blue-print rooms, or any other kind national government, to what services they are located, or to determine w stations at any city or point in the hopes that upon the completion of the to prepare a complete classified stat other facilities at the disposal of th

1 House Doc. 458, 62d Congress, 2d Sess

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shown in the outline are drawn someance, may be transferred to the difaily.

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onus or additional compensation of 240 on classes of $400 to $2500, and of tal compensation $2740 on classes of nor exceptions in special cases.

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