Obrázky stránek

as agents of the nation. (In Southrterly, Mar. 1921, v. 1, p. 307-27)

of station administration work. (In ultural colleges and experiment sta42-48)

service of the United States departournal of home economics, October,

Iministration of an experiment staAmerican agricultural colleges and dings, 1911, p. 174-76)

cation in the United States. (In v. 228: 315-32)

partment of agriculture. (In Amerisocial science. Annals, March, 1912, American agriculture. (In Forum,

E. G. Harmonizing investigational, work in agriculture. (In Associaal colleges and experiment stations, e).

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Adams, John Quincy, suggests pro-
motion of agriculture in annual
message, 9.

Adams Act (1906), provisions of
described, 59.

Agricultural colleges, established, II-

Agricultural engineering investiga-

tions, description of, 93-94, trans-
ferred to Public Roads Bureau, 94.
Agricultural experiment stations co-
öperation with, 104-10; develop-
ment of, 27-35, 55-56.
Agricultural libraries, collected, 12.
Agricultural schools, established in
Colonies, 4-6, 66-71.

Agricultural societies, early estab-
lishment of, 6-7.

Agriculture, Department of, estab-
lished, 10, 27-32; growth of, 44-

Aid to agriculture. See Colonial aid;
Government aid.

Alaska College, established, 63.
Alaskan experiment stations, de-
scription of, 62-63; equipment of,
141; organization of, 124; super-
vision of, 110-13.

Allen, Dr. E. W., as Director of
Office of Experiment Stations, 52-

American Association of Farmers'

Institute Workers, organized, 73.
American Institute Farmers' Club

of New York, organization of, 72.
Amherst College, begins study of

agriculture, 14-15.

Arnold Arboretum, establishment of,
Association of American Agricul-
tural Colleges and Experiment
Stations. See Association of Land
Grant Colleges.

Association of Land Grant Colleges,
established, 34, 52, 71; relations
of Experiment Stations Office,
with, 119.

Atwater, Dr. W. O., first Director of
Office of Experiment Stations, 52;
investigates nutrition, 95.

Baron de Hirsch School, organized
in New Jersey, 67.

Biological experiment stations, not
under this Office, 2.

Boys' clubs, organization of, de-
scribed, 86.

Brown, Amos, work for land-grant
colleges, 38.

Bussey Institution of Agriculture
and Horticulture, founded at Har-
vard University, 33.

California Polytechnic School, or-
ganized, 67.

Canada establishes agricultural semi-
nary, 5.


Catholepisternoid," plan for, in
Michigan, 14.

Colonial aid to agriculture, de-
scribed, 3-6.

Columbian Agriculture Society for
the Promotion of Rural and
Domestic Economy, founded, 7.
Cook Inlet, Alaska, lands reserved
at, 63.

Cookery investigations. See Home
Economics Bureau; Nutrition in-

Coöperative Extension Work, Office
of, created, 2; placed in Extension
Service of Agriculture Depart-
ment, 61, 85.

Cornell University, given special
appropriation for agricultural
school, 67.

County agents, work of, described,

Crawford's letter to consuls, de-
scribed, 8.

Cullen bill, introduced in Congress


Dartmouth College, developed from
agricultural school, 66.
Distribution of plants and seeds,
started by Crawford, 8.
Drainage investigations. See Irriga-
tion investigations.

Dutch aid to agriculture in Colonies,

Education in agriculture, started

early in Colonies, 4-6.
Elementary schools, agricultural
education in, 2, 66-71.
Engineering experiment stations,
coöperation with, 1; development
of, 35-42.

Exhibits Office, creation of, 2; trans-
ferred, 61; work of, 101-03, 119.
Experiment Station Record, man-
agement of, I; organization of,
122-23, 133; use of editorials in,
62; work of, 103, 120.
Experiment Stations. See Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations.
Extension work. See Coöperative
Extension Work, Office of.
Extension Work in North and West,
Office of, described, 61, 85.
Extension Work in South, Office of,
61, 85.

Fairbanks, Alaska, experiment sta-
tion at, described, 63; equipment
of, 141.
Farmers' Institute Managers. See
American Association of Farmers'
Institute Workers.

Farmers' Institute Specialist, work
of, described, 73-74, 76-80.
Farmers' Institutes, coöperation
with, 72-76.

Fillmore, President, recommends
agricultural bureau, 29.
Foreign agricultural experiment sta-
tions, coöperation with, 71-72, 120.
Forestry experiment stations, not
under this Office, 2.

Franklin, Benjamin, encourages agri-
culture, 5, 6.

Garden movement, organized in city
schools, 67.

Gardner Lyceum, Maine, agricul-
tural instruction at, 12, 35-36.
George School, organized in Penn-
sylvania, 67.

Girls' clubs, organization of, de-
scribed, 86.

Government aid to agriculture in
Colonies, 4-5.

Graduate schools of agriculture,
established, 65-66.

Grange. See National Grange.
Guam Experiment Station, equip-
ment of, 142; established, 1, 64-65 ;
organization of, 125-26; work of,

Harris, Dr. A. W., second Director
of Office of Experiment Stations,

Hatch Act, enacted, 34.
Hatch bill, reported in Congress, 49-

Hawaiian Experiment Station, equip-

ment of, 141-42; established, 1, 63-
64; organization of, 124-25; work
of, 114-16.

Home Economics Bureau, beginning
of, 95-98; creation of, 2; develop-
ment of, 61; work of, described,
61, 98-101.

High schools, agricultural education
in, 66-71.

Holmes, Ezekiel, teaches agriculture
at Gardner Lyceum, 36.
Home demonstration

scribed, 86.

work, de-

Home economics laboratories, co-
öperation with, 1-2.

Home Economics Office, organized,

Honolulu, experiment station estab-
lished at, 63-64.

Hop culture, promoted in Colonies,

Indigo culture, promoted in Colonies,

Industrial arts, movement for teach-
ing, 35-42.

Insular Stations Division, organiza-
tion of, 123-26.

Matanuska, Alaska, experiment sta-
tion, described, 63; equipment of,
Mayaguez, Porto Rico, experiment

station, equipment of, 142; estab-
lished, 64.

Mead, Dr. Elwood, directs investiga-
tion of water rights, 90.
Mechanical arts. See Industrial arts.
Michigan University, agricultural
college at, established, 14.

Mining experiment stations, not
under this Office, 2.

Mitchell, Samuel L., influences agri-
cultural legislation, II.

Moor's Indian School, development

into Dartmouth College, 66.

Morrill, Justin S., plan for land-
grant colleges, described, 16-17,

Morrill Act. See Land-Grant Act.
Motion Pictures Office, transferred
to Office of Secretary, 61.

National Board of Agriculture, pro-
posed to Congress, 8.

National Farm School, organized in
Pennsylvania, 67.

National Grange, influence of, in

establishing Office of Experiment
Stations, 43-44.


















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in agriculture, 0-8.

Water rights, discussion of, 87-93. Watson, Elkanah, suggests plan for national agricultural board, 9-10.

Yale University, agricultural laboratory established at, 14.

Zoological experiment stations, not under this Office, 2.

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