IV, 582, 591 IV, 628 appeal to the court of appeals,. v, ...... judges and jurisdiction,. terms, when held, costs in,.. .... IV, 603 IV, 604 ... IV, 605 IV, 605 .... .... IV, 605 .... IV, 605 . IV, 606 IV, 434 justices' court, powers of attorney, how ..... ... ... transcripts of judgm'ts, IV, 477, 546, 547 ••••. IV, 548 IV, 699, 701 V, 11 costs in, surrogate's court, failure of session not IV, 700, 702 to abate suit,. jurisdiction, V, 14 IV, 564 when and where to be held,.. IV, 565 judge cannot practice,. ... IV, 568 marine and justices courts in New IV, 576 V, 19 .... IV, 590 United States courts, copies of record, county court, criers to be appointed, Iv, 541, v, 12 jurisdiction, IV, 564, 586, 587, 634, v, terms of,. IV, 585, v, 10 Credit of state, loan of to railroads,... III, 104 IV, 590 V, 145 petit jurors in, abduction,. ...... fees of judge, ..... sale of land by religious societies, IV, 648, v, 10 V, 147 ш, 199, V, 158 V, 154 entering arsenals, &c.,. IV, 586 false pretences, V, 150 V, 151 IV, 564 V, 151 V, 150 IV, 567 V, 157, 160 V, 148 IV, 585 IV, 599 V, 161 IV, 648 sale of passage tickets,. V, 152 V, 156 ▼, 147 [See Felonies, Misdemeanors.] V, 157 "decree" under law as to costs,. "corporation" under usury law,.. Iv, 461 V, 127 De Peyster, town of,.. of canal damages, by agent of state prison, Depositions, to be used in other states, Deputy, second to the comptroller, to attorney-general, to state treasurer, to county clerk, special to same, ..... pilots, how selected, De Ruyter, town of, . Descent, rule of, among Indians, ... to illegitimate children, IV, 111 V, 199 .... III, 27 III, 37 III, 325 III, 335 73 IV, ▼, Ap., 163 Determination of claims to real property, IV, 348 IV, 357 IV, 433 IV, 298 Devise when aliens may take by,.... IV, 610, v, 124 III, 298 v, Ap., 151 ▼, 157 ... ....... IV, 627 "lunacy," "lunatic," "insane," "oath," "mortgage" under tax law,.......... by aliens, Devisee, may have will proved,. .... Digging in city lots and streets,. under factors' act, IV, 459 IV, 462 IV, 550 IV, 621 IV, 448 Dissolution, of joint-stock companies by death, I, 684 Dispossession under sum'ry proceedings, rv, 661 Disputed wills, how determined,.... Distribution, of soldiers' allotments, of laws, journals, &c., District attorney, duty on certiorari to sessions, .... III, 33 on charges against canal officers, to have witnesses recognized, V, Ap, 119 ..... III, 298 to sue delinquent officers, .... IV, 653 IV, 661 Demands against ships and vessels,. Demised premises, when may be redeemed, to summon foreign witnesses,.. Emigrants, continued: of bonds and penalties, IV, 307, 318, 328 v, Ap., 208 taken, evidence on complaints, when and how IV, 327 v, Ap., 146 IV, 337 v, Ap., 219 v, Ap., 220 v, Ap., 217 V, Ap., 169 ...... III, 2 v, Ap., 220 to remove them,... IV, 316 IV, 333 III, 516 fare, rates of, to be made known,.. IV, 336 land, may be bought, leased and sold, IV, 305, 312, 329, 338 landing of emigrants, .. IV, 312, 329, 338 superintendent of, to report the sick,.. mariners' fund, IV, 307 IV, 315 IV, 308 masters of vessels to make reports, IV, 309 ..... 324 may commute for tax,.... IV, 314 IV, 318 .... IV, 315, 327 IV, 327, 331 IV, 315 IV, 328 IV, 307, 338 325 IV, 330 ... IV, 336 IV, 330 govern persons under their charge, to take care of indigent emigrants, ..... what to contain,... paupers, how disposed of, IV, 315, 325 when chargeable out of N. Y., Iv, 335 penalties, how collected, IV, 307, 311, 313 a lien on vessels,... 317, 321, 329, 339 poor children, provided for, ... IV, 336, 339 .... .... .... ..... IV, 334 IV, 324 IV, 312 property of minors, how disposed of, IV, 322 211, 213 |