405, 412 III, 391 permit vessels to pass,. to fix his pay,. III, 402 to adopt regulations,.... III, 402 with infected places, III, 402 III, 395 and to abate nuisances,.. III, 395 commissioners of health, how constituted,. their duties, to meet daily,. III, 386 III, 386 III, 387 to direct inspector of vessels, III, 387 III, 395 to remove same,. IIL 395 may permit sound hides and skins, 398 III, 399 to nominate health wardens,. II, 394 admit indigent students, III 381 to employ agents,... expenses, how defrayed,.. III, 402 boards of health, in towns,. IIL 402 .... III, 401 penalties for violating law,. powers and duties of board,.. III, 401 to have vessels cleansed, III, 406 III, 402 IIL 402 III, 407 ... III, 407 .... III, 397 III, 397 III, 400 deaths of patients,...... .... .... passing through line of vessels, trespassing on grounds, arrest of persons escaping, III, 391 resident physician one of the com- missioners of health, sale of poisons regulated, trial of indictments for nuisance,.. II, 403 Health insurance,.. [See Life Insurance.] Heap measure regulated,. Hebron, town of,. Hector, town of,. III, 867 ▼, Ap, 61 v, Ap., 154 .... III, .... .... ........ 6 preservation of game in,......... IV, 103 animals running at large, V, Ap., 156 III, 530 III, 305, 312, 314 ..... III, 306 III, 311 III, 311 special, to lay out roads,. III, 327, 331 ...... III, 531 III, 533 III, 538 III, 539 III, 543 ... .. repairing damaged bridges, appeals from, ....... III, 675 III, 312, 318 ..... III, 546 III, 546 intrusion on lands of,. IV, 362, 366, 372 law of divorce, applicable to, IV, 371 IV, 395 IV, 343, 392 IV, 392 IV, 368 IV, 394 marriages among them,. IV, 392 IV, 362, 372 IV, 411 IV, 397 IV, 371 IV, 365 IV, 359 attorney for,... IV, 350, 358, 372, 389 first Christian party, may own lands in severalty,.. IV, 373 selling liquor to.. schools among, IV, 364 IV, 372, 381 agent for,.... IV, 375, 380, 381, 403 IV, 405 IV, 382, 390, 391 |