Indian children,... inspection of schools,. nautical school, Normal school, orphan asylums,. III. 460, 487 III, 457, 493 ..... statistics,. [See Canals.] 489, 493, 495, 507 Inspector of vessels in New York,. how appointed,. III, 387 town clerks,. III, 471, 517 his duty and pay,. III, 387 trustees, Inspectors of turnpikes and plankroads: III, 387 III, 480, 524 Instructress at female state prison, ...... ▼, 192 appointment of,.. III, 559, 566 their powers and duties, III, 566 III, 526, 844, IV, 198 III, 523 superintendent, II, 451, 453, 457, 463, 466 Inspectors of prisons: may administer oaths, principal keepers, agent and warden, v, 191, 196 ....... ...... ..... V, 192 V, 195 v, 191, 203 V, 192 V, 193 V, 196 to contract for labor, v, 193, 195, 202 ... Instruments: in evidence when acknowledged,.. iv, 620 |