IV, 162 Receivers: at salt works, duty and pay of, ш, 212, 229 III, 674 .. may appeal, when,... may be petitioning creditors,. IV, 482 powers of, extended, of lunatics and drunkards, in actions,..... in supplementary proceedings,. Receipts, of warehousemen, &c, Recorders: election of,... by mortgagee,......... IV, 623, 624, 625 by whom effected and how, .... Recoveries, interest on,.. IV, 661 ........ IV, 629, v, 91 on sales of public lands, on tax sales, III, 342, 347, 365, 369, III, 132 time may be extended,. IV, 625 III, 356 by creditors, IV, 630, 663, 664 how exercised, title on, how acquired, . IV, 631 ... IV, 632 ..... IV, 636 IV, 667 on mortgage sales,.. of bank notes, IV, 662 IV, 128, 130 |