Volpone; Or, The FoxAppleton-Century-Crofts, 1958 - Počet stran: 111 A play that has suffered many adaptations may be read here in its original form. A wealth of textual footnotes explain colloquialisms and period references. The text is preceded by the argument and prologue to the play. Edited by Jonas A Barish, this edition of Volpone or The Fox for performance and study also includes an introduction, a list of principal dates in the life of Ben Jonson and a selected bibliography. |
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1ST AVOCATORE 1ST MERCATORE 2ND AVOCATORE 2ND MERCATORE 4TH AVOCATORE advocate Aethalides ANDROGYNO BEN JONSON blood BONARIO CASTRONE CELIA clarissimo comedy COMMENDATORI CORBACCIO court cozened creature cuckold dead devil discourse disguise doth ears Enter Mosca Enter VOLPONE eunuch Exeunt Exit eyes face faith fatherhoods fear feigned fellow fool fortune gentleman give Globe Theatre gold gorcrow grave fathers gull hath hear heart heaven heir honored fathers hope humor husband Is't Italian Jonson knave knight knocks LADY WOULDBE live Lollia Paulina look Madam merchant mountebank NANO never NOTARIO parasite patron PEREGRINE Petrarch physician plate play plot possessed pray thee professed Pythagoras rare Re-enter SCENE Scoto Signor Corvino Signor Voltore SIR POLITIC SIR POLITIC WOULDBE Sir Poll speak strange sweet tell There's things thou thought Tis true tongue twill unto Venetian Venice VOLTORE Who's whore wife wretch