* Sword, hold thy temper; heart, be wrathful still ; * Priests pray for enemies, but princes kill. [Exit. Alarums: Excursions. Enter KING HENRY, QUEEN MARGARET, and others, retreating. Q. Mar. Away, my lord! you are slow; for shame, away! * K. Hen. Can we outrun the heavens? good Mar garet, stay. * Q. Mar. What are you made of? you'll not fight, nor fly. * Now is it manhood, wisdom, and defence, * To give the enemy way; and to secure us * By what we can, which can no more but fly. [Alarum afar off. * If you be ta'en, we then should see the bottom * Of all our fortunes; but if we haply scape, * (As well we may, if not through your neglect,) * We shall to London get, where you are loved ; * And where this breach, now in our fortunes made, * May readily be stopped. Enter Young Clifford. * Y. Clif. But that my heart's on future mischief set, * I would speak blasphemy ere bid you fly; * But fly you must; uncurable discomfit * Reigns in the hearts of all our present parts.1 * Away, for your relief! and we will live * To see their day, and them our fortune give. * Away, my lord, away! [Exeunt. SCENE III. Fields near Saint Albans. 1 Parts may stand for parties; it may be also an error for party. Alarum: Retreat. Flourish; then enter YORK, RICHARD PLANTAGENET, WARWICK, and Soldiers, with drum and colors. York. Of Salisbury, who can report of him ; 2 * That winter lion, who, in rage, forgets * If Salisbury be lost. Rich. My noble father Three times to-day I holp him to his horse, • Three times bestrid him, thrice I led him off, ، Persuaded him from any further act; ، But still, where danger was, still there I met him; * And like rich hangings in a homely house, * So was his will in his old feeble body. * But, noble as he is, look where he comes. Enter SALISBURY. Sal. Now, by my sword, well hast thou fought to-day; By the mass, so did we all. I thank you, Richard. • God knows how long it is I have to live ; • And it hath pleased him that three times to-day You have defended me from imminent death.* Well, lords, we have not got that which we have; 3 * 'Tis not enough our foes are this time fled, * Being opposites of such repairing nature. 1 Warburton would substitute "all bruise of time;" but, as Steevens observes, "the brush of time" is the gradual detrition of time. 2 i. e. the height of youth; the brow of a hill is its summit. 3 i. e. we have not secured that which we have acquired. ، York. I know our safety is to follow them; For, as I hear, the king is fled to London, To call a present court of parliament. 'Let us pursue him, ere the writs go forth.، What says lord Warwick? shall we after them? War. After them! nay, before them, if we can. Now, by my faith, lords, 'twas a glorious day; Saint Albans' battle won by famous York, Shall be eternized in all age to come.Sound, drums and trumpets, and to London all; And more such days as these to us befall! [Exeunt. THIRD PART OF KING HENRY THE SIXTH.* PRELIMINARY REMARKS. THE action of this play opens just after the first battle of St. Albans [May 23, 1455], wherein the York faction carried the day; and closes with the murder of king Henry VI. and the birth of prince Edward, afterwards king Edward V. [November 4, 1471]. So that this history takes in the space of full sixteen years. The title of the old play, which Shakspeare altered and improved, is, "The True Tragedie of Richard Duke of Yorke, and the Death of good King Kenry the Sixth: with the whole Contention between the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke: as it was sundrie times acted by the Right Honourable the Earle of Pembroke his Servants. Printed at London by P. S. for Thomas Millington, and are to be solde at his Shoppe under St. Peter's Church in Cornewal, 1595." There was another edition in 1600, by the same publisher; and it was reproduced with the name of Shakspeare on the title page, printed by T. P. no date, but ascertained to have been printed in 1619. The present historical drama was altered by Crown, and brought on the stage in 1680, under the title of The Miseries of Civil War. Surely the works of Shakspeare could have been little read at that period; for Crown, in his prologue, declares the play to be entirely his own composition: "For by his feeble skill 'tis built alone, Whereas the very first scene is that of Jack Cade, copied almost verbatim from the Second Part of King Henry VI., and several others from this Third Part, with as little variation. * This play is only divided from the former for the convenience of exhibition; for the series of action is continued without interruption, nor are any two scenes of any play more closely connected than the first scene of this play with the last of the former. Johnson. GEORGE, afterwards Duke of Clarence, Duke of Norfolk, } } his Sons. of the Duke of York's Party. Uncles to the Duke of York. SIR JOHN MORTIMER, LORD RIVERS, Brother to Lady Grey. SIR WILLIAM STANLEY. SIR JOHN MONTGOMERY. SIR JOHN SOMERVILE. Tutor to QUEEN MARGARET. LADY GREY, afterwards Queen to Edward IV. Soldiers, and other Attendants on King Henry and King Edward, Messengers, Watchmen, &c. SCENE, during part of the third act, in France; during all the rest of the play, in England. |