The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere, Svazky 1–2Charles Knight and Company, 1839 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-3 z 14
Strana 402
... BASSANIO , Lorenzo , and GRATIANO . Solan . Here comes Bassanio , your most noble kinsman , Gratiano , and Lorenzo : Fare you well ; We leave you now with better company . Salar . I would have staid till I had made you merry , If ...
... BASSANIO , Lorenzo , and GRATIANO . Solan . Here comes Bassanio , your most noble kinsman , Gratiano , and Lorenzo : Fare you well ; We leave you now with better company . Salar . I would have staid till I had made you merry , If ...
Strana 417
... Bassanio under sail ; With him is Gratiano gone along ; And in their ship , I am sure , Lorenzo is not . Solan . The villain Jew with outcries rais'd the duke ; Who went with him to search Bassanio's ship . Salar . He came too late ...
... Bassanio under sail ; With him is Gratiano gone along ; And in their ship , I am sure , Lorenzo is not . Solan . The villain Jew with outcries rais'd the duke ; Who went with him to search Bassanio's ship . Salar . He came too late ...
Strana 431
... Bassanio's wife ? Jes . Past all expressing : It is very meet , The lord Bassanio live an upright life ; For , having such a blessing in his lady , He finds the joys of heaven here on earth ; And , if on earth he do not mean it , it ...
... Bassanio's wife ? Jes . Past all expressing : It is very meet , The lord Bassanio live an upright life ; For , having such a blessing in his lady , He finds the joys of heaven here on earth ; And , if on earth he do not mean it , it ...
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