The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere, Svazky 1–2Charles Knight and Company, 1839 |
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Anne Antipholus Armado Bardolph beauty Biron Boyet Caius called character Comedy of Errors Costard doth Dromio Duke Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair fairy Falstaff father folio fool gentle Gentlemen of Verona give grace hath hear heart heaven Henry Henry IV Herne the hunter Herne's Oak honour Host humour husband Julia Kate Kath King lady Laun look lord Love's Love's Labour's Lost madam Malone Marry master Brook master doctor Merry Wives Moth never night passage Petrucio Plautus play poet pray Proteus quarto Quick Romeo and Juliet SCENE servant Shakspere Shakspere's Shal Shallow shew Silvia Sir Hugh Sir John Sir John Falstaff Slen Slender speak Speed Steevens sweet tell thee thou art Thurio Valentine wife Wives of Windsor woman word