Van Sandau v. Turner, 271. Waddilove v. Barnett, 34. Wakeman v. Robinson, 247. Walker v. Golling, 82. v. Hatton, 140. v. Hull, 193. v. Hunter, 260. v. Jones, 206. v. Needham, 206. v. Rostron, 22 e. 125. v. Thellusson, 86. Walley v. Montgomery, 51. Wankford v. Wankford, 104, 105. v. Brampston, 210. 212. v. Felton, 156. v. Macauley, 203. 205. Warden v. Bailey, 269. Waring v. Cox, 223. Warner v. M'Kay, 45. Warwick v. Bruce, 84. Waterman v. Soper, 218, 219. Wathan v. Sandys, 119. Watson v. Bodell, 272. v. Fraser, 84. v. Murrel, 143. v. Thorpe, 277. Watts v. Fraser, 249. Waugh v. Carver, 163. 172. 297. Weall v. King, 251. Weaver v. Ward, 281. Webb v. Austin, 38, 38 b. v. Batchelour, 270. v. Fox, 206 a. 243. v. Rhodes, 119. v. Russell, 31. 38, 38 d. Webber v. Tivill, 65. Webster v. Seekamp, 156 a. v. Spencer, 103, 104. Wedlake v. Harley, 124. Welsh v. Myers, 184. Welden v. Bridgewater, 201, 202. Weller v. Baker, 210. 234. Welsh v. Hall, 202. v. Masterman, 147. Williamson v. Dawes, 176, 177. v. Johnson, 164. v. Page, 156 a. Wills v. Nurse, 73. 82 Wilmer v. White, 190 a. 284. Wilmshurst v. Bowker, 206 a. 207. Wilsford v. Wood, 61. 65. Wilson v. Barker, 249. v. Barthrop, 148. v. Coupland, 22 a. 124. v. Craven, 69. v. Cutting, 59. v. Knubley, 116. 244 c. v. Woolfryes, 22 k. Winch v. Keeley, 93. Winchester (Bishop of) v. Knight, 287. Wintle v. Crowther, 163. 172 a. v. Metcalfe, 286, 287. Withers v. Bircham, 8, 8 d. Wollaston v. Hakewill, 39. 132. 137. 139. 140. Wolveridge v. Steward, 136. Wood v. the Duke of Argyll, 169. -v. Fenwick, 181. — v. Kerry, 195. Woodgate v. Knatchbull, 273. Woodin v. Burford, 148. 13. 153. 262. 10.112. 277. 5. rson, 204, on, 206. s, 65. Woodyer v. Gresham, 175. cer Lord), 267. ur, 90. Woolf v. Horncastle, 43. all, 203. 38. 38 6. ,205, 206 d. 225. Woodman v. Chapman, 175. 177. Woolf v. Beard, 247. Woolverston v. Fynnimore, 80. Wootton v. Steffenoni, 8 b. 30. 82. 238 b. Wormwell v. Hailstone, 272. v. Hunter, 60. 167. Wyatt v. Hertford (Marquis of) 148. Yarborough v. Bank of England, 250. Yates v. Railston, 265. Yorston v. Feather, 97.244 d. Young v. Axtell, 172. v. Brander, 156 b. Young v. Cole, 145. v. Hickens, 203. v. Higgon, 270. v. Pridd, 231. v. Rishworth, 88. 94, 96. v. Smith, 303. V. Spencer, 214. 244 b. 42. 130, 130 d PARTIES TO ACTIONS. PART I. PLAINTIFFS IN ACTIONS EX CONTRACTU. CHAPTER I. GENERAL RULES. Distinction between the legal and equitable Interest, ss. 1, 2. Who should sue on a Contract under Seal, ss. 3-6. Joinder of Parties to a Contract under Seal, ss. 7-9. Who should sue after Assignment of Land or a Chattel Real, ss. 10-12. After Assignment of Personalty, s. 13. After Assignment of a Contract under Seal, ss. 14, 15. Who should sue on a simple Contract, ss. 16-19. Joinder of Parties to a simple Contract, ss. 20-24. Who should sue after Assignment of a simple Contract, ss. 25—27. 1. THE accurate administration of justice requires, that the jurisdictions of the courts of law and of equity should be kept distinct ;(a) hence it is a general rule, that the party seeking redress at common law for a breach of contract, must be the party legally, and not merely equitably interested therein;(6) for our courts *of law only consider legal rights-our courts of equity have other rules, by which they sometimes super[ *2 ] sede those legal rules; and, in so doing, they act most beneficially for the subject.(c) 2. Hence, at law, no action lies by the cestui que trust against the trustee, (d) and the latter may set up the legal estate against the former; for, where there are two kinds of estates in different persons, the one equitable (a) Per Lord Lyndhurst, C. B., Britten v. Perrott, 2 Cr. & M. 597.602. (b) Per Ashhurst, J., Goodtitle v. Jones, 7 T. R. 50; Doe d. Hodsden v. Staple, 2 T. R. 684. See Story, Eq. Pl. s. 76; Per Bayley, J., Randoll v. Bell, 1 M. & S. 722; Per Lord Alvanley, C. J., Johnson v. Johnson, 3 B. & P. 169; Doe d. Hughes v. Jones, 9 M. & W. 372.* (c) Per Lord Kenyon, C. J., Bauerman v. Radenius, 7 T. R. 663. 667; Foreman v. Jeyes, 5 B. & Ad. 837; and per Lord Lyndhurst, C. B., Britten v. Perrott, 2 Cr. & M. 601. (d) Allen v. Imlett, Holt, N. P. C. 641; Mileham v. Eicke, 3 M. & W. 407 ;* post, s. 137. ♦Reprinted by T. & J. W. J., at $2.50 per vol. Eng. Com. Law Reps. 27. and the other legal, the person having the equitable estate must call in any defence arising from his act or admission will in the absence of fi 4. So far as relates to hereditaments, however, the above distinction now abolished; under an indenture executed after the 1st of October, 18 an immediate estate and interest in any tenements or hereditaments, (e) Doe d. Shewen v. Wroot, 5 East, 137, 138; Goodtitle v. Jones, 7 T. R. 50, 51. (g) Offly v. Warde, 1 Lev. 235; Shack v. Anthony, 1 M. & S. 575; Scholey v. Mea 7 East, 148; Lamb v. Vice, 6 M. & W. 472; Evans v. Cromlington, Carth. 5. (h) Anderson v. Martindale, 1 East, 497. (i) See Spicer v. Todd, 2 Cr. & J. 166, per Lord Lyndhurst, C. B.; recognised, Orch v. Coulsting, 6 Scott, N. R. 843; Auster v. Holland, 15 L. J., N. S., Q. B. 229. (k) Gibson v. Winter, 5 B. & Ad. 96 ; Bauerman v. Radenius, 7 T. R. 663. 666 ; C v. D'Aeth, Id. 670, n. (b); Alner v. George, 1 Camp. 392; May v. Taylor, 6 Scott R. 974; Per Parke, B., Wilkinson v. Lindo, 7 M. & W. 87 ;* Älner v. George, 1 Ca 392. (1) Per Lord Ellenborough, C. J., Storer v. Gordon, 3 M. & S. 322; Barford v. Stuck 2 B. & B. 333;c Bushell v. Beavan, 1 Bing. N. C. 120; Metcalfe v. Rycroft, 6 M. & S. Platt on Covenants, 7. (m) Ex parte Richardson, 14 Ves. jun. 187; Berkeley v. Hardy, 5 B. & C. 355. (n) Lord Southampton v. Brown, 6 B. & C. 718. (0) Pooley v. Goodwin, 4 A. & E. 94. (p) Gilby v. Copley, 3 Lev. 139; Cooker v. Child, 2 Lev. 74; and see Berkeley v. Ha 5 B. & C. 357, 358, where this distinction between a deed-poll and an indenture was down and admitted in the argument; Com. Dig. Covenant (A. 1.); Green v. Horne, 1 Så 197; Platt on Covenants, 5. Eng. Com. Law Reps. 27. cId. 6. Id. 27. Id. 13. Id. 31. Id. 11. *Reprinted by T. & J. W. J., at $2.50. |