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[blocks in formation]

Ackland v. Pring, 136.

Ansell v. Robson, 184.

Adam v. Inhabitants of Bristol, 244, 244 f. Anstey v. Manners, 75. 176.

Adams v. Cheverel, 245.

v. Gibney, 41. 130 b. 137.

Addison v. Gandasequi, 144.

v. Overend, 209. 218.

Agar v. Blethyn, 70.
Alcorne v. Gomme, 34.
Alciator v. Smith, 238 b.
Alder v. Keighley, 89.
Alderson v. Davenport, 274.
v. Pope, 172.
Aldridge v. Buller, 86.
Aldritt v. Kettridge, 93.
Alexander v. Barker, 62.
v. Southey, 260.
v. Townley, 96.
v. Vane, 119.

Alford v. Vickery, 25.
Alivon v. Furnival, 91.
Allen v. Bryan, 38 c.
v. Hayward, 273.
v. Hopkins, 103.
v. Imlett, 2. 108.
v. Impett, 108, 109.

v. Waldegrave, 161.

Allport v. Nutt, 153.
Alner v. George, 3.

Alsager v. Close, 244 a. Alston v. Scales, 215.

Amos v. Temperley, 156.

Anderson v. Martindale, 2. 7, 8 a. 8 d.

v. Towgood, 112.

Andrew v. Pearce, 42. 136. 199.

Andrews v. Dally, 161.

v. Ellison, 56.

v. Marris, 269.

Ankerstein v. Clarke, 79.

Appleton v. Binks, 110. 142.
Archer v. Dudley, 12.

v. English, 121.

Arden v. Tucker, 62.

Ards v. Watkin, 131.
Armani v. Castrique, 190.

Armory v. Delamirie, 206 a.

Arnold v. Bidgood, 78.

v. Jefferson, 206 a. 223.

v. The Mayor of Poole, 67. 172 d.
v. Revoult, 78, 79.

Arthur v. Barton, 156 a, 157.
v. Vanderplank, 130 b.
Arundel v. Short, 229, 230.
Ashby v. Ashby, 195, 196.
Ashley v. Killick, 190.
Ashmead v. Ranger, 201.
Ashton v. Sherman, 148.
Aslin v. Parkin, 199.
Aspinal v. Wake, 103.
Atkins v. Humphrey, 139. 195.
v. Kilby, 270.

Atkinson v. Cotesworth, 53.
Atkyns v. Amber, 47.

Atlee v. Backhouse, 160.

Attersoll v. Stevens, 206 b. 220.
Attoe v. Hemmings, 29.

Attorney-General v. Siddons, 266.

Attwood v. Munnings, 141.

Augarde v. Thompson, 185.

Auriol v. Mills, 130 b.

Auster v. Holland, 3.

Aveline v. Whisson, 22 c. 110.
Ayling v. Whicher, 77. 230. 235.

Baber v. Harris, 41.

Bachelour v. Gage, 130 b,
Bacon v. Dubarry, 142.
v. Smith, 234. 285.
Badkin v. Powell, 263.
Bailey v. Walford, 261.
Baillie v. Moore, 22 c.
Bain v. Cooper, 122.
Baker v. Brereman, 234.
v. Gostling, 39.
v. Greenhill, 41.
v. Neaver, 91.

Ball v. Dunsterville, 164.
Ballantine v. Golding, 189.
Bally v. Wells, 134.

Bamford v. Shuttleworth, 151.
Banister v. Scott, 186.

Banks v. Goode, 290.
Banyster v. Trussel, 182.
Barber v. Fox, 116.

Barden v. De Keverberg, 76. 176.
Barford v. Stuckey, 3. 17.
Barham v. Dennis, 227.

Baring v. Corrie, 45.

Barker v. Beardwell, 10.
v. Birt, 299.

v. Braham, 263.

Barlow v. Bishop, 178.
Barnard v. Godscall, 130 b.
v. Gosling, 123.
Barnardiston v. Chapman, 219.
Barnett v. Lambert, 294, 295, 296.
Barnewell v. Williams, 218.
Baron v. Husband, 151.
Barratt v. Collins, 212.

Barrett v. Oliver, 227.
v. Rolph, 140.

Barrow v. Coles, 51.
Barry v. Arnaud, 273.

v. Robinson, 194.
Bartlett v. Bartlett, 109.
v. Dimond, 109.
v. Emery, 181.
v. Purnell, 154.
Barton v. Williams, 219.
Bastable v. Poole, 44, 45.
Basten v. Carew, 270.
Bateman v. Elman, 206.
Bates v. Dandy, 78. 82.
v. Pilling, 263.
v. Sturgess, 93.

Batmore v. Graves, 235.
Battley v. Bailey, 172 b.

Bauerman v. Radenius, 2, 3."

Bawden v. Howell, 62. 64. 144.

Baxter v. Burfield, 100. 193.
v. Nichols, 113.
v. Taylor, 215.

Baylis v. Strickland, 270.
Beadle v. Sherman, 78.
Beale v. Sanders, 136.
Beamond v. Long, 84.
Beard v. Webb, 75. 175.
Bearpark v. Hutchinson, 101.
Beaty v. Gibbons, 222.

Beaumont v. Greathead, 122.
v. Reeve, 174.
Beaurain v. Scott, 268.

[ocr errors]

|Beaver v. Lane, 78.

Becke v. Cattell, 143.

Beckham v. Drake, 89, 90. 102. 14

v. Knight, 146. 172 a.

Bedford v. Brutton, 56.

v. Deakin, 172 c.

Bedingfield v. Onslow, 214. 220.

Beech v. Eyre, 171. 305.
Beedle v. Morris, 225.
Beely v. Parry, 23.
Belcher v. Capper, 265.
v. Sambourne, 189.
Belknap's case, 75.
|Bell v. Francis, 162. 169.
v. Gibson, 43.

v. Kymer, 156.
v. Tuckett, 142.
Bellairs v. Ebsworth, 65.
Belshaw v. Marshall, 274.
Bendix v. Wakeman, 81.

Benjamin v. Bank of England, 205.
v. Belcher, 89.

Bennett v. Allcott, 227.

v. Verdun, 103.

Bennington v. Bennington, 218.
Benson v. Flower, 240.

Berkeley v. Hardy, 3, 4. 22 i. 43.

Berry v. Heard, 207.

v. Nevys, 274 b. 277.

Bertie v. Beaumont, 221.

Berwick v. Andrews, 101. 244 c.
Bethune v. Farebrother, 47.

Betteley v. Reed, 21.

Betts v. Kimpton, 71. 77.

Beverley v. Lilcoln Gas Light and C
Company, 67. 172 d.

Bickerton v. Burrell, 47.

Bidgood v. Way, 72, 73.

Bidwell v. Lethbridge, 111.

Biggs v. Cox, 93.

Billings v. Waters, 184.
Billingsworth v. Spearman, 178.
Birch v. Wright, 36.
Bird v. Boulter, 154.

v. Randell, 226.

v. Relph, 285, 286.
Birkley v. Pressgrave, 22. 113.
Birkmyr v. Darnell, 123.
Blackasper's case, 27.

Blackborn v. Greaves, 235.
Blackburn v. Scholes, 46.
Blackett v. Lowes, 207.

v. Weir, 22.

Blake v. Foster, 38.

Blaker v. Anscombe, 208.
Blaksley v. Smallwood, 195.
Blaymire v. Haley, 228.
Bleakley v. Jay, 121.

Blew v. Wyatt, 172 c.

Bloxam v. Hubbard, 93. 209. 239.

v. Sanders, 205, 206 d.

Blyth v. Smith, 140.

Boggett v. Frier, 76. 233.
Bollard v. Spencer, 245.
Bonafous v. Walker, 245.
Bond v. Gibson, 163.

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Bond v. Pittard, 61.
Boner v. Juner, 26.

Bonfield v. Smith, 172 a.
Bonzi v. Stewart, 44, 45.
Boorman v. Brown, 155.
v. Nash, 186.

Boot v. Wilson, 187.
Booth v. Mister, 259.
Boraston v. Green, 222.
Bosanquet v. Woodford, 60. 309.
v. Wray, 60.

Boswell v. Smith, 62.
Bothomley v. Usborne, 183.
Bottomley v. Brook, 109.
Boulton v. Crowther, 272.

Bourn v. Mattaire, 73.231. 235.
Bourne v. Mason, 13. 16.
Bovill v. Hammond, 55.
Bowden v. Waithman, 274.
Bowen v. Morris, 48. 67.
Bowles v. Poore, 279.
Boyle v. Brandon, 228.

Bradbee v. Mayor, &c. of London, 219.
Bradburne v. Botfield, 7, 8 b, 8 c.
Bradbury v. Anderton, 150.
Bradbury v. Arthur, 269.

v. Carr, 268.

v. Copley, 206 c.

v. Eyre, 171.305.
v. Warburg, 305.

Brady v. Giles, 264.
Braithwaite v. Skinner, 117, 118.
- v. Skofield, 162.
Bramah v. Roberts, 141. 165.
Brammel v. Jones, 218.
Brancker v. Molyneux, 206 a.
Brand v. Boulcott, 20.
Brandling v. Kent, 263.
Brandon v. Hubbard, 62.
v. Nesbitt, 85.

v. Pate, 89.

Brandt v. Bowlby, 50.

Brashford v. Buckingham, 80,

Brassington v. Ault, 104, 104 a, 104 b. Break v. Douglas, 19.

Brent v. Haddon, 253, 254.

Brereton v. Evans, 82.

Bret v. Cumberland, 78. 111. 130 b. 138.

Bretherton v. Wood, 251.

Brewer v. Dew, 242.

v. Hill, 134. 139.

v. Sparrow, 240.

Brewster v. Kitchell, 115.

Bridge v. Grand Junction Railway, 262 b.

Bridges v. Lewis, 29.

Bridgman v. Lightfoot, 137.

Brierley v. Cripps, 58.


Brigden v. Parkes, 195.

Briggs v. Sowry, 187, 188.


5 d.

v. Wilkinson, 156 a, 156 b.

Brind v. Hampshire, 124.
Bringloe v. Goodson, 30.
Bristow v. Eastman, 281.

v. James, 123. 248.

Britten v. Perrott, 1, 2. 87. 94. 109.
Britton v. Cole, 258.
Broadbent v. Ledward, 217.

Brockbank v. Anderson, 205.

Brooks v. Stuart, 113. 171.
Brooks v. Stroud, 104.

Broom v. Hore, 131.

Broughton v. Manchester Waterworks Company, 172 f.

Brouncker v. Scott, 53.

Brown v. Copley, 273, 274 a. -v. Edgington, 247, 248. v. Hedges, 216.

v. Hodgson, 49, 50. v. Ludham, 274 a. v. Storey, 36. v. Tapscott, 56. Browne v. Lee, 22. Bruce v. Wait, 51.. Brucker v. Fromont, 259. Brunton v. Thompson, 42. Bryans v. Nix, 20. 52. 223. Brydges v. Lewis, 32.

Buck v. Lee, 93. 98 a.

Buckley, ex-parte, in re Clarke, 140 a.
Buckley v. Collier, 72. 80.

v. Pirk, 137.

Buckworth v. Simpson, 137, 138. Bull v. Sibbs, 127.

v. Taylor, 121.

v. Wheeler, 137.

Buller v. Harrison, 150.

Bullock v. Dodds, 86. 238 b.
Bult v. Morrell, 166.
Bulwer v. Bulwer, 200.
Burgess v. Gray, 262 a.
Burls v. Smith, 162.

Burne v. Richardson, 257.
Burnell v. Minot, 59.

Burnett v. Lynch, 111. 134. 136. 257.
Burnell v. Jones, 142.

Burrough v. Moss, 79.

v. Skinner, 153.

Burton v. Barclay, 29. 31. 134. v. Hughes, 206 a.

Burwood v. Felton, 184.

Bush v. Steinman, 262 a, 262 b.

Bushell v. Bevan, 3. 110.

Butcher v. Butcher, 200, 201.

Butler v. Carver, 240.

v. Delt, 79.

Butterfield v. Forrester, 247.. Byers v.

Dobey, 167.

Cabell v. Vaughan, 8 a, 16. 111, 112.
Calder v. Rutherford, 121. 172 c.
Cameron v. Reynolds, 274 a.
Campbell v. Lewis, 8 d.

Cane v. Chapman, 272.

Canham v. Rust, 10.

Cannee v. Spanton, 218.

Carden v. The General Cemetery Company, 66. 172 e.

Cardwell v. Lucas, 22 i, 31.
Carew v. Edwards, 89.

Carey v. Matthews, 250.

Carlisle (Mayor of) v. Blamire, 114. 117.
Carlton v. Kenealy, 22 f.

Carmarthen, The Mayor of, &c. of, v. Lewis, 68.

Carnaby v. Welby, 200.
Carne v. Brice, 70.
Carnegie v. Waugh, 17.
Carpenter v. Marnell, 93, 98 a.
Carr v. Hinchliff, 45.
-v. Roberts, 100.

v. Smith, 59.

Carratt v. Morley, 269.
Carroll v. Blencow, 75.
Carter v. Hall, 159.

- v. Whalley, 172 b. Carvalho v. Burn, 22 e. 94. Cary v. Holt, 200.

Case v. Roberts, 109.

Casseres v. Bell, 85.

Catherwood v. Caslon, 237.

v. Chabaud, 106.

Catterall v. Kenyon, 260. 274 6, 277. Caudell v. Shaw, 75.

Chadwick v. Clarke, 59.

Challand v. Bray, 47. 153.
Chalmers v. Page, 94.

Chamberlain v. Hammond, 140 a.

v. Hazlewood, 227.

v. White, 249.

v. Williamson, 102.

Chambers v. Donaldson, 200.
Chamier v. Clingo, 217.
Chancellor v. Poole, 130 b.
Chandler v. Broughton, 259.
v. Gardiner, 89.

Channon v. Patch, 208.
Chanter v. Leese, 18.

Chapman v. Dalton, 41.

Chappel v. Cooper, 181.

Charles v. Branker, 121.
Charleton v. Alway, 270.

Cheetham v. Hampson, 253, 254.
v. Ward, 113. 122.

Child v. Morley, 119. 145.
Child v. Sands, 209.

Childs v. Monins, 195.

Chinnery v. Blackburne, 53.

Chippendale v. Tomlinson, 95.
Christie v. Lewis, 245.

Christy v. Tancred, 131, 132.
Chuck, Ex parte, 172 a.

Church v. The Imperial Gas Company, 172 f.

Churchill v. Bertrand, 195.
Claridge v. M'Kenzie, 35.

Clark v. Blackstock, 120.

v. Calvert, 242.

v. Dignam, 13. 151.
v. Gilbert, 209.
v. Hougham, 103.

Clarke v. Alexander, 110.
v. Crofts, 101.

v. Davies, 233.

v. Hume, 184.

Clay v. Harrison, 89.

Clayton v. Adams, 175.

Clement v. Henley, 5.
Clowes v. Brettell, 171. 305.

Coates v. Chaplin, 50. 225, 226.

- v. Lewis, 46. Cobb v. Becke, 15.

Cock v. Taylor, 156.
Cocks v. Brewer, 121.
v. Darson, 85.

Cockson v. Cock, 133.
Codrington v. Lloyd, 263.
Coffee v. Brian, 59.

Coghill v. Freelove, 130.

Colchester, Mayor of, v. Brooke, 66. 228 v. Seaber, 12. 69.

Coleman v. Harcourt, 232. 237.

v. Lambert, 49. 156.
v. Sherwin, 128.

Coles v. Barrow, 95.

v. Wright, 152.

Collins v. Benton, 190.
v. Harding, 29.
v. Prosser,

Colston v. Woolston,
Colvin v. Newbury, 265.
Colwill v. Reeves, 224.

Congham v. King, 132.

Congleton (Mayor of) v. Pattison, 133. Cooch v. Goodman, 5. 22 h, 22 i, 22 k 110.

Cook v. Palmer, 274.
Cooke v. Batchelor, 211.
Cooker v. Child, 4.
Cookson v. Castline, 229.
Cooper v. Johnson, 101.
v. Taylor, 289.

v. Willomatt, 206 c.
Copeland v. Stephens, 184. 188.
Copland v. Laporte, 128.
Copin v. Craig, 48.

v. Walker, 48.

Corner v. Shew, 193. 195, 196.
Cornfoot v. Fowke, 42. 260, 261.
Coryton v. Litheby, 16. 209, 210.
Cotes v. Davis, 178.
Cothay v. Fennell, 44. 64.
Cowell v. Edwards, 22.

v. Watts, 103.
Cowling v. Beachum, 153.
Cox v. Prentice, 150.
Coxe v. Cropwell, 277.

v. Harden, 51. 223.
Craib v. D'Aeth, 3.

67. Cranch v. White, 248. 259.
Crellin v. Calvert, 309.

Creswick v. Woodhead, 103.
Croft v. Alison, 264. 266.
Crofton v. Poole, 95.

Crofts v. Pick, 191.

Crosby v. Wadsworth, 202.
Crow v. Rogers, 13.

Crowder v. Long, 274.

Crowfoot v. Gurney, 22 d, 22 e. 125.

Cubitt v. Porter, 216. 218, 219.;

Culley v. Spearman, 256.

Cumberland v. Planché, 213.

Cuming v. Brown, 223.

Cumming v. Forester, 43.

v. Roebuck, 94. Cunningham v. Collier, 159. Curling v. Johnson, 54.

v. Robertson, 156 a.

Curtis v. Spitty, 135.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Cutting v. Derby, 27. Cuxon v. Chadley, 22 c.

Dalby v. Dorthall, 232. Dalson v. Tyson, 256. Dalzell v. Mair, 147.

Dangerfield v. Thomas, 93. 98 b.
D'Arnay v. Chesneau, 22 e. 87. 98.
Davey v. Chamberlain, 249.
David v. Ellice, 172 c.
Davidson v. Bower, 69. 309.
v. Stanley, 141.

Davies v. Churchman, 118.
v. Hawkins, 60.

v. Mann, 262 b.
v. Thompson, 121.

v. Vernon, 152. 259.

Davis v. Curling, 273.

v. Holding, 189.
v. James, 50.

v. Trevannion, 182.

Davy v. Pepys, 118.

Dawes v. Peck, 49, 50. 198. 225.
Dawtry v. Dee, 201.
Day v. Padrone, 78.
Day v. Sharp, 60. 302.
Dean v. Hogg, 265.
v. James, 93.
v. M'Ghie, 53.
v. Feel, 228.

Decharms v. Horwood, 25, 26.
Deeker v. Pope, 22.

De Cosson v. Vaughan, 93.
Decks v. Strutt, 118.

Deering v. Mooor, 215.

De Grave v. The Mayor, &c., of Monmouth,

172 e.

Delauney v. Strickland, 162.

De Mautort v. Saunders, 168. 172, 172 a. De Moranda v. Dunkin, 274.

Dengate v. Gardiner, 71. 231, 232. 237. Denne v. Knott, 190.

Dent v.. Oliver, 200.

Denton v. Rodie, 144.

Derby (Earl of) v. Taylor, 139.

Derisley v. Custance, 9. 128.
Shaw, 57.

De Tastet v.

Devereux v. Barlow, 134.
Dias v. Freeman, 12.

Dicas v. Lord Brougham, 268.
Dickenson v. Naul, 47. 103.
Dickinson v. Marrow, 22 e.
Dickinson v. Valpy, 160. 171, 172.
Dix v. Brookes, 231.
Dixon v. Yates, 207.
Dobbin v. Foster, 172 c.
Dobson v. Wilson, 22.

Doe d. Aslin v. Summersett, 24, 25.
Barney v. Adams, 37.

Bendall v. Summerset, 244 d.

Blight v. Pett, 26.

Doe d. Elliot v. Hulme, 25.
Evans v. Evans, 238.
Garrod v. Olley, 36.
George v. Jesson, 76.
- Gill v. Pearson, 26.

Griffith v. Pritchard, 238 b.
Hellings v. Bird, 216.
Hemmings v. Durnford, 134.
Higginbotham v. Barton, 34, 35, 36.
Hodsden v. Staple, 2. 198.
Hughes v. Bucknell, 34.
v. Jones, 2.

Jones v. Williams, 36.

Kindersley v. Hughes, 25.
Knight v. Nepean, 76.
Lullam v. Fenn, 25.

Marlow v. Wiggins, 22 h. 110.
Marriott v. Edwards, 33.

Marsack v. Read, 25.

Miller v. Rogers, 238 a.

Palk v. Marchetti, 32.

Palmer v. Andrews, 191. 199. 244 b.

Parr v. Roe, 251.

Parsley v. Day, 204.

Polk v. Marchetti, 32.

Poole v. Errington, 27.
Raper v. Lonsdale, 25.
Reade v. Reade, 198.
Roby v. Maisey, 36.
Rogers v. Rogers, 100.
Shewen v. Wroot, 2.
Shore v. Porter, 244 c.
Snell v. Tom, 36.
Spencer v. Clark, 199.
Stace v. Wheeler, 244 d.
Tresidder v. Tresidder, 199.
Wawn v. Horn, 216.
Whayman v. Chaplin, 24.
White v. Cuff, 216.

Wigan v. Jones, 115.
Williams v. Evans, 22 b.

Woodhouse v. Powell, 244 d.

Doe v. Daly, 238 a.

v. Guy, 199.

-v. Jones, 199.

v. Trye, 274.

Dolman v. Orchard, 147.
Domett v. Beckford, 49. 156.
Doswell v. Impey, 269.
Doubleday v. Muskett, 171.
Dougal v. Kemble, 154.
Douglas v. Forrest, 196.
Downman v. Jones, 140 a.
Dowse v. Coxe, 195.
Drake's case, 244 c.

Drake v. Beckham, 90. 172 a. 241.
Draper v. Fulkes, 274 b. 277.
Drayton v. Dale, 94.

Drinkwater v. Goodwin, 47.
Drue v. Thorn, 174.
Dry v. Davy, 64.

v. Carlisle (Earl of) v. Woodman, 259. Duckitt v. Šatchwell, 84.

Cheere v. Smith, 188.

Clark v. Spencer, 199.

Clarke v. Grant, 28.

Collins v. Weller, 238. De Rutzen v. Lewis, 26.

Duff v. Budd, 51.
Duffield v. Scott, 140.
Dumpor's case, 23. 29.
Duncan v. Cafe, 153.

v. Lowndes, 164.

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