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Motor-Trucks on America's "Bread Line" (Continued)

ines, and pointing out the necessity for nore and quicker transportation to aid ncreased food production.

The railways are apparently not equipped o carry all food and other supplies at the ame time. Naturally farmers hesitate to produce to capacity, fearing their produce annot be marketed. About twenty per ent of farm help has been lost by the traft and other causes, making it imposible for farmers to haul crops to market nd work on the farm at the same time.

The remedy lies in rural motor-truck xpress lines. Farmers, truck gardeners, nd dairymen have found that motor trucks nsure daily transportation to market, enbling them to devote all of their time to heir farms. Increased production and compensation for loss of labor result.

The congestion of the railways has in ome sections necessitated delivery of live tock to the stock-yards by motor truck. During the year there were hauled over

ighways for a radius of thirty miles to Cincinnati more than 77,000 hogs, 235,000 sheep, 28,500 calves, and 27,500 head of cattle, forty per cent of which were driven n on the hoof, and sixty per cent in motor rucks. This experiment has proved that he motor-truck method promises to be permanent, as stock can be handled cheaper han by railway, and arrive in better conlition and in quicker time.

The dependability and adaptability of he motor truck have attracted the attention of manufacturers and growers of perishable goods. In the West and South growers have employed motor trucks for shipping strawberries and early summer fruits ind vegetables to market or to warehouses. Even such delicate fruits as peaches, plums, and grapes are now being shipped out of the fruit-producing States over long distances by motor trucks. The hardier fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit, apples, pears, etc., are in some sections being almost entirely shipped by this method.

Such examples prove that the motor truck can be utilized to feed a community, and that it is not necessary, because food is of a perishable nature, to make the railways shoulder this work.


Uninterrupted distribution of food is one which the Nation must solve, not only for immediate relief, but after the war as well. I would not be surprised if such a solution were found in a centralized plan whereby distribution points would be located to facilitate the distribution of perishable and

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Just Out. A New Song Book. Sample copy will
demonstrate its value. Examination Copy Board 25c. Cloth 35c
The Biglow and Main Co., New York - Chicago

You can cure


semi-perishable food products, eliminating without drugs-at home-with food the short haul on the railways.

This would enable the railways to run through trains from growing and manufacturing points direct to these distribution centers, whence motor trucks would complete the work of delivery to consignees. This would save time for the railways, as they would have no stops and but one loading and unloading. The growers and manufacturers would have but one point to ship to, and the consignees would have but one point to look to for their goods.

In my opinion, this would assure delivery of goods irrespective of what transportation problems might arise in the future. Either the Government might take this matter in hand, build food distribution warehouses, where all the goods for each point would be forwarded, and whence motor trucks would convey them to destinations, or the food manufacturers and producers

Complete and definite instructions by R. L. Alsaker, M.D.
(recognized as an authority on the cure of this disease), will
be mailed on receipt of $2.00. Satisfaction guaranteed.
FRANK E. MORRISON (Est. 1889), Publisher
Dept. 152, 1133 Broadway, New York.


We furnish Edwards complete lock-
er equipments for factories, stores,
schools, colleges, clubs, gymnas
iums, offices, etc. The Edwards
Steel Lockers are complete with hat
shelves,hooks, locking devices, locks
and number plates. They are adjust-
able, economize space and have no
complicated parts. Each locker com-
prises only six units-interchange-
able and standardized, making the
Edwards Steel Lockers cheapest and
best. Every locker guaranteed. All
beautifully finished in baked enam-
el. Send for catalog and estimates.
Responsible representatives with es-
tablished offices wanted for unoccu-
pied territory. Write for terms.

The Edwards Mfg., Co., 339-389 Culvert St., Cincinnati, O.
Makers also of Edwards Adjustable All-Steel Shelving for Postoffices,
Factories, Dept. Stores and all places where wood shelving is used,


Motor-Trucks on America's "Bread Line" (Continued) themselves might combine for this purpose.


There are several plans whereby a community can insure its own food supplies from delays. One way is for all food merchants in each community-the grocer, baker, meat market, fruit and vegetable dealer, confectioner,creamery, etc.-to form a co-operative motor-truck transportation company to collect and transport to their different places of business all food products and breadstuffs.

The number of trucks necessary to carry out this plan would depend on the number of dealers and the area necessary to cover. There would primarily have to be two different routes which this transportation company would have to operate over. The first route would be that of the farmers, dairies, and live-stock growers, whence the city derives its supply of fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, eggs, poultry, and meats. The location of each source of supply on this route should be listed and arranged on a schedule so that each truck would carry full loads both ways.

The second route would be for those trucks that would take care of all goods shipped over the railways by the manufacturers and would include all package goods and supplies. If a community is situated near a large city which is the distribution point for manufactured goods, time could be saved by the trucks going to this city and not waiting until they had been reshipped to the community. A great deal of time is lost in waiting for less than car-load lots to be reshipped from distribution points to small communities, and it is here that the motor truck would prove of invaluable aid in deliveries. prompt

The second plan would be that of a municipal motor-truck transportation company owned and operated by the community or by a group of individuals, for the purpose of supplying the community's dealers and merchants with their food supply. This could be operated over routes as outlined in the first plan.

The third plan would be that of a farmers' co-operative motor-truck_transportation company, to be owned and operated by the farmers and dairymen who supply the community with its fresh vegetables, milk, etc. The farmers participating in such a company could use the motortruck equipment for transporting their products to the community and bringing back with them supplies needed on the farm, thus insuring a load both ways.

The above three plans are more or less in the rough, but I believe that every community can find an idea among them that they could profitably apply to their local conditions.

This war is a matter of men, equipment, and supplies. These three war essentials have to be transported. This means a load on the Nation's transportation equipment far in excess of its capacity. If it comes to a show-down, the railways will have to confine themselves strictly to Government work. This would mean that all goods and supplies for other than Governmental use would have to be transported in other ways. The motor truck has proved itself the logical means of transportation. It is an equipment that can be purchased and operated by every community without great initial outlay or time spent in putting it into operation.

To my mind, the time has arrived when such transportation steps should be taken without delay.


The late Professor W. D. Whitney was quoted on page 156 of The Outlook of May 22 as saying that the Bible contains no such word as "its." A subscriber writes: "The word its does occur in Leviticus xxv. 5." The Oxford English Dictionary thus comments on the matter: "Its was formed in the end of the sixteenth century from it's of the possessive or genitive case, and at first commonly written it's. Its was not admitted in the Bible of 1611; the possessive it occurs once, but was altered (in an edition of 1660) to its, which appears in all current editions." (The word, it may be remarked, is found in only one of a halfdozen standard concordances.)

An examination of a copy of the Bible of 1611 in the New York Public Library corroborates the above statement. Leviticus xxv. 5 reads, as printed in the quaint "black letter" type of this early edition:

That which groweth of it owne accord of thy haruest, thou shalt not reape, neither gather the grapes of thy Vine undressed: for it is a peere of rest vnto the land.

The title-page of this Bible reads: "THE HOLY BIBLE. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings moft excellent Maieftie. Anno Dom. 1611." A note on the fly-leaf in the handwriting of Mr. James Lenox, the founder of the Lenox Library in New York City, says, curiously enough, that this title-page is that of an edition of 1613, altered to "1611." A close examination. of the last 1 in 1611 shows that the figure had, in fact, been tampered with, in order, possibly, to increase the value of the book to an inattentive bibliophile. The words of the Preacher seem apposite in this connection: "God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions."

The question about the identity of the jackknife that first had its blade renewed and then got a new handle is fairly matched by this story quoted from the "American Hatter:" "You say you've worn this hat for two years?" "Yes, sir; and it looks all right still. Twice I've had it cleaned and once I exchanged it in a restaurant for one that was entirely new."

The coming back of the full-rigged sailing ship is one of the wonders of the war. Recently a round dozen of these old-time monarchs of the deep were counted in New York Harbor lying off Staten Island. Two of the dozen were four-masters.

Speaking of the shortage of copper in Germany, Cyril Brown says in "Germany as It Is To-Day" that "about the last of Germany's famous church bells to go into the melting pot has been the so-called 'Kaiser Bell,' out of the belfry of Cologne Cathedral, the largest church bell in all Germany, weighing sixty tons. Hung in 1877, it pealed its last on New Year's, 1918." Other authorities state that this bell weighed 271⁄2 tons, that it was cast in 1874 from French cannon captured in the war of 1870, and that it was exceeded in size only by the famous Russian bells of Moscow and by certain Chinese bells.

Negroes who can trace their ancestry to the Coromantees of the African Gold Coast have reason to be proud. A recent book entitled "American Negro Slavery," by Professor U B. Phillips, quotes from a letter written in 1701 by Governor Codrington, of the Leeward Islands, as to this tribe: "The Corramantes are not only the best and most faithful of our slaves, but are really all born heroes. There never was a raskal or coward of that nation. Intrepid to the last degree, not a man of

them but will stand to be cut to pieces without a sigh or groan. My father, who had studied the genius and temper of all kinds of negroes forty-five years with a very nice observation, would say, noe man deserved a Corramante that would not treat him like a friend rather than a slave."

A subscriber writes that the translation of the Indian word "agawam " in our issue of June 12, "Great salt meadows of the Atlantic Coast," is somewhat too specific. "Great," he says, would be some form of missi, as in Mississippi, “great river.” Salt, he affirms, was a word unknown to the Indians, as was Atlantic. "The word," he concludes, "is undoubtedly derived from agwaam, meaning 'ground overflowed by water.'" Without questioning the philological knowledge of our correspondent, we may express our surprise at his statement

that salt was unknown to the Indians. The numerous" salt licks" of the West, it would seem, must certainly have had a descriptive name in the Indian languages.

It is unprecedented, unconstitutional, and otherwise quite out of the question for a man to be Senator from two States at the same time; yet if this were conceivable, there is no one who could carry this double burden with better grace than Oscar W. Underwood, of Alabama. That must be our excuse for referring to him two weeks ago as "Oscar W. Underwood, of Georgia." We trust that Georgia, Alabama, and the Senator appreciated the compliment.

Summer guests of an unusual character are solicited in the following advertisement in a New York City daily :

Woman with genuine affection for dogs, understanding care of same, spacious grounds, wired runs, will accept five dogs only as boarders. Boston bulls preferred. Address


The French word bijou (jewel) is a popu lar one in America as a name for a small theater. The pronunciation of the word is difficult for the average playgoer, who is probably innocent even of boarding-school French, and it is sometimes Anglicized as "By Joe." A Newport (Rhode Island) newspaper advertisement frankly accepts this pronunciation; in the announcement of a moving-picture theater the name appears in large black letters as BIJO.

Cherry-pit bean bags are the latest device of the conservationist. Bean bags make nice little gifts for children at Christmas, and now is the time to save the cherry pits for them. Beans are too costly to use for this purpose any longer, and, besides, it is said that the cherry pits are lighter and make better bags for children's use.

"One can't realize the magnitude of this war till one sees it," says John Kautz in his book "Trucking to the Trenches,” "The other day we passed five solid miles of horses and guns going up-it is not an uncommon sight, but a wonderful one. We are only one section of twenty-four trucks out of more than 200,000, yet every time we load with shells the load is worth from $78,000 to $100,000, depending on the kind."

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"The old adage, Talking is still done by hand in France," continues the author above mentioned, "has just been borne out again. I've had to tie up a Frenchman's elbow. He sprained it trying to translate Crank up your motor' from French into English-that's a fact. His two favorite American expressions, out of a vocabulary of about a hundred words, are, It is a gift, and You darn fool. He uses both indiscriminately, but he is the best friend I have among the French in spite of his frequent use of the last compliment."

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Advertising rates are: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, Live Stock and Poultry, fifty cents per agate line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. In calculating space required for an advertisement, count an average of six words to the line unless display type is desired. "Want" advertisements, under the various headings, "Board and Rooms," "Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address, for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertisement is set in capital letters without additional charge. Other words may be set in capitals, if desired, at double rates. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered. Special headings appropriate to the department may be arranged for on application.

Orders and copy for Classified Advertisements must be received with remittance ten days before the Wednesday on which it is intended the advertisement shall first appear.


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Hotels and Resorts


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White Mountains HILLSIDE INN

Bethlehem, N. H. Rates moderate. Every attraction. 2,000 sq. ft. porch. Large grounds and gardens. Illustrated booklet. L. T. CLAWSON, Prop.


Jefferson, New Hampshire

House is beautifully situated, with fine lawn, shade trees and broad piazzas. Newly furnished throughout. Fine walks and drives. Sunset Inn, Jefferson, N. H.

Near golf club. Address Mrs. REYNOLDS,

Meriden, N. H.


is a place of unusual charm for people who desire a restful vacation and for those interested in nature study, especially birds. Guests will be taken at THE DEXTER RICHARDS HALL. July and August, $14 to $21 a week. J. O. COOK, Manager.




Right on the beach. Every room ocean view. A quiet, restful, refined, homelike family hotel of 100 rooms. Surf and still water bathing; tennis, golf, dancing. Country surroundings; no boardwalk. Booklet.


ON THE OCEAN SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. A house that's" different" in its fine appointments, unusual and artistic decorations, homelike atmosphere and service. Surrounded by green lawns and gardens, at the edge of the sea. W. B. STUBBS, Prop., N. Y. Office Norece Hall. Tel. 7140 Schuyler.



Hotel Le Marquis

31st Street & Fifth Avenue New York

Combines every convenience and home comfort, and commends itself to people of refinement wishing to live on American Plan and be within easy reach of social and dramatic centers.

Room and bath $3.50 per day with meals, or $2.00 per day without meals. Illustrated Booklet gladly sent upon request. JOHN P. TOLSON.



on aristocratic Brooklyn Heights and enjoy the advantages of


the most famous roof in America. Dine 300 feet in the air, with a panographic view of New York Harbor stretching before you for a distance of 10 miles. Dancing if you like. Write for booklet B.

Montague, Hicks, and Remsen Streets, Brooklyn

Norece Hall, 114 W. 79th St.

THE WELDON HOTEL The Graycourt, 124 W. 82d St.


It affords all the comforts of home without

The Leslie

A quiet, cozy little house by the sea

Quiet houses where families and ladies traveling alone will find homelike and refined surroundings. Folder and rates on application. W. B. Stubbs, Norece Co., 114 W. 79th St., N. Y.

HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washington Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $2.50 per day, including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car ines.

Hotels and Resorts




Hurricane, Essex Co., N. V.
Comfortable, homelike. Al

[blocks in formation]

titude 1,800 ft. Extensive ROSE VALLEY SANITARIUM

verandas overlooking Keene Valley. Trout fishing. Camping. Golf links, nine well-kept greens. Mile course. Tennis and croquet. Fresh vegetables. Fine dairy. Furnished cottages, all improvements. Terms $17 to $30 per week. Special rates for season. Address K. BELKNAP, Manager, Hurricane, Essex Co., N. Y.


On Pine Lake. Includes 500 acres of wildest Adirondack Mountains. Hunting, fishing, swimming, canoeing, tennis. Saddle horses. Tramps to surrounding mountain peaks, Lake George and Lake Champlain. Dancing. Excellent meals. Spring water. Cabins and tents $14 and $16. Private parties entirely isolated.

References required. Manager, O. D. ROBINSON, Clemons, N. Y.


Box D, Media, Pa. For treatment
of disease by Osteopathy and allied physi-
ological methods, including Fruit, Milk,
and other Scientific Diets; Hydrother-
apy; Massage; Corrective Exercise;
Sun, Light, and Air baths, etc. Ideal for
rest and recreation. Booklet on request.

Newfoundland, New Jersey

A quiet, restful health resort among the hills
of northern New Jersey. Large sunny porch;

Conn. FOR RENT, furnished; 12 rooms, bath, 5 acres; terms moderate. MOEN, 45 Cedar St., N. Y.

[blocks in formation]


PRIVATE family who could take sixteen year old school girl and teacher from September to June. Two rooms necessary, with breakfast and dinner. Address Parker, 34 E 81st St., New York.


Professional Situations WANTED-Assistant physician, Berea College (for Southern mountains). 1,600 students, workers, and families. Nurse training. New 50-bed hospital. Must be religious man of missionary type, not using tobacco. Able to do night work. Address Dr. R. H. Cowley, Berea, Ky.

White Mountains WHITEFIELD, Companions and Domestic Helpers

N. H.

Rent, furnished.
14-room Cottage. All conveniences. Apply
W. B. & E. S. CHASE, 150 W. 105th St., N.Y.C.


dry, exhilarating air. All forms of hydrother: Desirable Tenant Wanted For

apy and massage under medical supervision.
Believing that there is a curable physical basis
for most chronic ailments, we seek the under-
lying cause through a scientific study of each

Interbrook Lodge and Cottages individual case. Booklet sent on application.

Keene Valley, N. Y. Situated in spruces and pines. Wonderful location. Beautiful illustrated booklet. $12 and up. M. E. LUCK, Prop.


An Ideal Summer Home for 400 Guests

Ocean View

The Leading Hotel of



Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

Practice limited to Disorders of Diges
tion, Nutrition and Elimination.
All meals privately served.


Block Island, Rhode Island liable, dependable and ethical. Every com


CHESTER, YT. "The Maples." Delightful summer home. Cheerful, large, airy rooms, pure water, bath, hot and cold; broad piazza, croquet, fine roads. Terms reasonable. Refs. exchanged. The MISSES SARGEANT.

Health Resorts

LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick
People to Get Well

Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to
the personal study and specialized treat-
ment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity,
Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to
(late of The Walter Sanitarium)

Beautiful, quiet, restful and homelike. Over
26 years of successful work. Thorough, re-
fort and convenience. Accommodations of
superior quality. Disorder of the nervous sys-
tem a specialty. Fred. W. Seward, Sr., M.D.,
Fred. W. Seward, Jr., M.D., Goshen, N. Y.

Crest View Sanatorium

Greenwich, Ct. First-class in all respects,
home comforts. H. M. HITCHCOCK, M.D.

Real Estate



1,200 feet above the sea.

Modern house, furnished, icehouse filled.

Dr. L. D. BULKLEY, 531 Madison Ave., N. Y.

Residence. 7 bedrooms, electric lights, hot-water heating, piazza, garden. Exceptional educational advantages, railroad and river travel, accessible to State buildings, unique and interesting motor trips. Address G. W. WILCOX, 51 State St., Albany, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

WANTED-Working housekeeper, American preferred. For particulars apply to (Mrs.) F. R. Littell, 34 Elm St., Summit, N. J.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Governess to take charge of girl, 8 years. State reference, age, and salary expected. Write Mrs. S. A. Fassler, 151 No. Whitney St., Hartford, Conn.

WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools and colleges. Send for bulletin. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N.Y. GOVERNESSES, matrons, mothers' helpers, cafeteria managers, dietitians. Miss Richards, 537 Howard Building, Providence, Boston, 16 Jackson Hall, Trinity Court, Thursdays, 11 to 1.


Professional Situations NEEDED, early chaplaincy of institution. New Hampshire or Massachusetts. 6,051, Outlook.

Business Situations PAGEANT writer of experience is open to a limited number of engagements during July and August. 6,055, Outlook. Companions and Domestic Helpers

TWO young women desire positions in same institution or home. References exchanged. 6,052, Outlook.

NURSE, practical, unexcelled, desires patient. 6,053, Outlook.

SCHOOL NURSE graduate, experienced nurse, 34 years old, with good record and best references, wishes position in fall as resident in boarding school. "6,054, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses YOUNG woman desires governess position for summer; experienced primary teacher. References. 6,059, Outlook,


PATRIOTISM by Lyman Abbott, also 4 verses of America The Pledge to the Flag2 verses of The Star-Spangled Banner, all in a little leaflet. Further the cause of Patriotism by distributing in your letters, in pay envel opes, in schools, churches, clubs, and social gatherings. 200 sent prepaid for 30 cents. Arthur M. Morse, Montclair, N. J.

6 Days-1600 Miles
Detroit to Duluth


Sarnia, Soo,
Port Arthur

Fort William

AMERICA'S INLAND SEAS INVITE YOU Vacation time is here. Start out for the change of scene and mode of living that will rest you most.

Board the big steel liners, " Noronic," " Hamonic," or "Huronic". Feel the thrill of delight in the scenery about the beautiful St. Clair FlatsAmerica's Venice-and in the wilderness of the shores that fringe the enchanting St. Mary's River. See the Locks at the Soo-Canada's Twin Cities, Port Arthur and Fort William-Duluth, the Naples of the North. Travel twice the length of the World's greatest lakes-Huron and Superior. No vacation is more economical-none more filled with complete relaxation-none more inspiring.

Ticket includes meals, berth, afternoon teas, evening dances and refresh-
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For particulars and cruise folder about this cruise and the Northern
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E. W. Holton, General Passenger Agent, Dep. 3

Sarnia, Ontario

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Newcastle By-the-Sea

New Hampshire
(Near Portsmouth)

No Hotel on the New England Coast is more notable in the beauty of its location, the attractiveness of surroundings and perfection of service. Located on the sea, in the center of a large private park. Accommodates 500. Local and long distance telephone in each room.

Associated with the IDEAL and
Every facility for sport and recrea-
tion. Fine golf course, yachting,
tennis, trap shooting and rifle range,
dancing. Pool, still and surf bathing,
deep sea fishing, and well-equipped
garage under competent supervision.
Music by symphony orchestra. Send postal today for
beautiful illustrated book, telling how easy
to reach here from all points.

H. W. Priest, Prest., C. A. Judkins, Mangr.

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