(Rockford) Spanaway Electric Railway. Complaint-Overcharge on fare. Disposition-Beyond the jurisdiction of Commission. No. 4. (Pullman) Northern Pacific Ry. Co., and Oregon Railroad & Navigation. Disposition-Complaint due to misunderstanding of rates Complaint-Advance in rates to Chehalis and other points. Case pending. No. 5. Washington Brick, Lime & Mfg. Co., Joseph H. Spear, Sec'y V. (Spokane) Spokane Falls & Northern, Great Northern, Oregon Railroad Disposition-Interstate-no jurisdiction. Case closed. G. H. Brown V. Northern Pacific Railway. Complaint-Car shortage. Disposition-Unable to obtain relief. Case closed. L. N. Jones V. Northern Pacific Railway. Complaint-As to freight rates to Arlington, Wash. (Roslyn) (Arlington) Disposition-Conditions complained of due to water com petitive rates. Case pending. No. 8. No. 9. Northwest Grain Co. V. (Spokane) Oregon Railroad & Navigation, Northern Pacific, and Great Complaint-As to lack of joint rates on hay, oats, barley, and Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief granted as shown in history of that case. Northwest Chittem Company V. Northern Pacific Railway Company. Complaint-As to rate on cascara bark. (Chehalis) Disposition-Complaint due to error in quotation of rate by employe of company. Complaint withdrawn. No. 10. State Board of Control V. Railways in general. (Olympia) Complaint-A request for issuance of a mileage book to guard or attendant in charge of patient or convict so that same could be used for transportation of convict or patient. Disposition-Railways issued such book in accordance with request. No. 11. E. T. Montgomery (Elk) V. Great Northern Railway. Complaint-As to shipment of beer. Disposition-Relieved with ending of telegraphers' strike. No. 12. A. S. Newland V. (Ritzville) Northern Pacific, and Washington & Columbia River. Disposition-On conference with traffic officials of railways, No. 13. Gilbert Hunt V. (Walla Walla) Northern Pacific, Washington & Columbia River, and Oregon Complaint-As to rate on threshing machines. Disposition-Finally merged into Formal Complaint No. 1 and relief obtained. No. 14. Codd & Mackenzie (Colfax) V. Oregon Railroad & Navigation, and Northern Pacific. Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief No. 15. Commercial Club of Walla Walla No. 16. V. Northern Pacific Railway Co. Complaint-As to passenger depot at Pasco. (Walla Walla) Disposition-Company agreed to build new depot upon completion of branch line to Pasco and re-location of depot. Commercial Club of Walla Walla, Wash. V. (Walla Walla) Washington & Columbia River, and Northern Pacific, and Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Rys. Complaint-Asks for jobbing and distributing rates. Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 3, and relief obtained. No. 17. B. F. Barge et al. No. 18. V. Northern Pacific Railway Co. (North Yakima) Complaint-As to lack of switch engine and car supply. Complainants satisfied. Citizens of North Yakima V. Northern Pacific Railway Company. (North Yakima) Complaint-Failure to supply with refrigerator cars. No. 20. (Colfax) Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Complaint-Asking for same rate from Colfax to Spokane as applied from Spokane to Colfax. Disposition-Relief granted in new distance tariff promulgated by Commission. Bruhn and Henry V. Northern Pacific Railway Co. Complaint-As to rates to Snohomish. (Snohomish) Disposition-Complaint investigated; cause of complaint due to water competitive rates. Case closed. No. 21. Seattle Manufacturing Association V. (Seattle) Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Oregon Railroad & Navigation. Complaint-Rates on merchandise to points in Eastern Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief No. 22. R. A. Klinge V. Railways generally. Complaint-As to minimum charges. (Kennewick) Disposition-Conference held with traffic officials of railways, and agreement reached to make minimum charges as requested. Complainant satisfied. |