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Spanaway Electric Railway.

Complaint-Overcharge on fare.

Disposition-Beyond the jurisdiction of Commission.

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No. 4.


Northern Pacific Ry. Co., and Oregon Railroad & Navigation.
Complaint-Rate on mill rolls and flour products.

Disposition-Complaint due to misunderstanding of rates

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Complaint-Advance in rates to Chehalis and other points.
Disposition-No adjustment reached.

Case pending.

No. 5. Washington Brick, Lime & Mfg. Co., Joseph H. Spear, Sec'y

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Spokane Falls & Northern, Great Northern, Oregon Railroad
& Navigation, and Northern Pacific Companies.
Complaint-As to classification of lime and plaster, calling at-
tention to interstate rates.

Disposition-Interstate-no jurisdiction.

Case closed.

G. H. Brown


Northern Pacific Railway.

Complaint-Car shortage.

Disposition-Unable to obtain relief.

Case closed.

L. N. Jones


Northern Pacific Railway.

Complaint-As to freight rates to Arlington, Wash.



Disposition-Conditions complained of due to water com

petitive rates.

Case pending.

No. 8.

No. 9.

Northwest Grain Co.



Oregon Railroad & Navigation, Northern Pacific, and Great

Complaint-As to lack of joint rates on hay, oats, barley, and
mill feed.

Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief granted as shown in history of that case.

Northwest Chittem Company


Northern Pacific Railway Company.

Complaint-As to rate on cascara bark.


Disposition-Complaint due to error in quotation of rate by

employe of company.

Complaint withdrawn.

No. 10. State Board of Control


Railways in general.


Complaint-A request for issuance of a mileage book to guard or attendant in charge of patient or convict so that same could be used for transportation of convict or patient. Disposition-Railways issued such book in accordance with request.

No. 11. E. T. Montgomery



Great Northern Railway.

Complaint-As to shipment of beer.

Disposition-Relieved with ending of telegraphers' strike.
Case closed.

No. 12.

A. S. Newland



Northern Pacific, and Washington & Columbia River.
Complaint-As to rate on grain bags from Walla Walla. The
Commision, on its own motion, included classification
of grain bags generally.

Disposition-On conference with traffic officials of railways,
classification of grain bags was reduced from third to
fourth class L. C. L., and from fourth to fifth class C. L.
Complainant satisfied.

No. 13. Gilbert Hunt


(Walla Walla)

Northern Pacific, Washington & Columbia River, and Oregon
Railroad & Navigation.

Complaint-As to rate on threshing machines.

Disposition-Finally merged into Formal Complaint No. 1 and relief obtained.

No. 14.

Codd & Mackenzie



Oregon Railroad & Navigation, and Northern Pacific.
Complaint-Joint rate on coal from Roslyn.

Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief

No. 15. Commercial Club of Walla Walla

No. 16.


Northern Pacific Railway Co.

Complaint-As to passenger depot at Pasco.

(Walla Walla)

Disposition-Company agreed to build new depot upon completion of branch line to Pasco and re-location of depot.

Commercial Club of Walla Walla, Wash.


(Walla Walla)

Washington & Columbia River, and Northern Pacific, and Ore

gon Railroad & Navigation Rys.

Complaint-Asks for jobbing and distributing rates.

Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 3, and relief


No. 17. B. F. Barge et al.

No. 18.


Northern Pacific Railway Co.

(North Yakima)

Complaint-As to lack of switch engine and car supply.
Disposition-Switch engine supplied by company.

Complainants satisfied.

Citizens of North Yakima


Northern Pacific Railway Company.

(North Yakima)

Complaint-Failure to supply with refrigerator cars.
Disposition-Considered in connection with Complaint No. 17.

[blocks in formation]

No. 20.


Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company.

Complaint-Asking for same rate from Colfax to Spokane as applied from Spokane to Colfax.

Disposition-Relief granted in new distance tariff promulgated by Commission.

Bruhn and Henry


Northern Pacific Railway Co.

Complaint-As to rates to Snohomish.


Disposition-Complaint investigated; cause of complaint due

to water competitive rates. Case closed.

No. 21.

Seattle Manufacturing Association



Northern Pacific, Great Northern, and Oregon Railroad &


Complaint-Rates on merchandise to points in Eastern
Washington-request for joint rate.

Disposition-Merged into Formal Complaint No. 1, and relief

No. 22. R. A. Klinge


Railways generally.

Complaint-As to minimum charges.


Disposition-Conference held with traffic officials of railways, and agreement reached to make minimum charges as requested.

Complainant satisfied.

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