General OrdersThe Department, 1904 |
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1st Lieutenant Knud 1st Specification 2d Specification 7th Infantry Acting Adjutant Adjutant ADNA Alaska ammunition approved Article of War artillery district authorized Barracks battalion battery Bronze Cadet captain cent of possible Certificate of merit CHAFFEE charge Chief of Staff Coast Artillery commanding officer commissary course of instruction Davis detailed duty engineer enlisted examination F. C. AINSWORTH Field Artillery figure of merit Fort Davis Fort Leavenworth Fort Monroe Fort Riley gunners guns hereby Hippology instructors Lieutenant Knud Knudson ment merit awarded December Military Secretary month nineteen hundred October oral ordnance Philippine Islands possible score practice prescribed president purchase quartermaster Quartermaster's Department rapid fire Received and filed regiment repairs rifle Second Lieutenant Secretary of War sergeant station subsistence target Telegraph Company thence thousand dollars tion troops U. S. Army U. S. Infantry United Volley fire W. P. HALL War Department Washington yards
Oblíbené pasáže
Strana 25 - ... a post route and military road subject to the use of the United States for postal, military, naval, and other government services, and also, subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charges for such government transportation...
Strana 6 - ... to the entire exclusion of the exercise by the Republic of Panama of any such sovereign rights, power or authority.
Strana 8 - ... no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of speech or of the press...
Strana 12 - SEC. 4956. No person shall be entitled to a copyright unless he shall, on or before the day of publication in this or any foreign country, deliver at the office of the Librarian of Congress, or deposit in the mail...
Strana 38 - ... except in case of stress of weather, or of her requiring provisions or things necessary for the subsistence of her crew, or repairs ; in either of which cases the authorities of the port, or of the nearest port, as the case may be, shall require her to put to sea as soon as possible after the expiration of such period of twenty-four hours...
Strana 25 - ... for the payment of army transportation lawfully due such land-grant railroads as have not received aid in Government bonds (to be adjusted in accordance with the decisions of the Supreme Court...
Strana 5 - President is hereby authorized to acquire from the Republic of Colombia, for and on behalf of the United States, upon such terms as he may deem reasonable, perpetual control of a strip of land, the territory of the Republic of Colombia, not less than six miles in width, extending from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean...
Strana 1 - An act to increase the efficiency of the permanent military establishment of the United States," modified by War Department Orders of May 31, 1902, and published in General Orders, No.
Strana 16 - For fuel, lights, oil, waste, packing, tools, matches, paints, brushes, brooms, lanterns, rope, nails, screws, lead, electric lights, heating apparatus, oil stoves for elevator car and upper and lower floors, repairs to engines, boilers, dynamos...