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acted on. I shall very shortly write to Mr. Harrison on this subject & if we cannot have it settled otherwise I suppose we must apply to the Legislature. In this I will act in concert with you if you approve of it. Present my very affectionate respects to Mrs. Adams & be assured that no one more cordially esteems your virtues than, dear Sir, your sincere friend &




Mar. 2. 96.

DEAR SIR,-I wrote you two letters in the course of the last twelve months to wit May 26. & Sep. 6. 95. and have received from you those of Sep. 7. 94. & June 23. 95. neither of which were late enough to inform me if either of mine had got to hand. In those I gave you all the details public & private which my situation enabled me to do. In the last I asked the delivery of a note to Frouillé for some books, particularly the sequel of the Encyclopedia, come out since he last furnished me. I hope these have got to hand.

The most remarkable political occurrence with us has been the treaty with England, of which no man in the US. has had the effrontery to affirm that it was not a very bad one except A. H. under the signature of Camillus. It's most zealous defenders only pretended that it was better than war, as if war was not invited rather than avoided by unfounded demands. I have never known the public pulse beat so full and in such universal union on any subject

since the declaration of Independance, the House of representatives of the U. S. has manifested its disapprobation of the treaty. We are yet to learn whether they will exercise their constitutional right of refusing the means which depend on them for carrying it into execution. Should they be induced to lend their hand to it it will be hard swallowing with their constituents, but will be swallowed from the habits of order & obedience to the laws which so much distinguish our countrymen. The resignation or rather the removal of R. you will have learnt. will have learnt. His vindication bears hard on the executive in the opinions of this quarter, and tho' it clears him in their judgment of the charge of bribery, it does not give them high ideas of his wisdom or steadiness. The appointment of J. Rutledge to be C. J. seems to have been intended merely to establish a precedent against the descent of that office by seniority, and to keep five mouths always gaping for one sugar plumb: for it was immediately negatived by the very votes which so implicitly concur with the will of the executive. I may consign the appointment of Chase to the bench to your own knolege of him & reflections. McHenry secty. at war, Charles Lee Atty Genl, with Pickering & Wolcott by their devotion to genuine republicanism will show to our citizens on what principles alone they can expect to rise. The office of Secy. of State was offered to P. H. in order to draw him over & gain some popularity: but not till there was a moral certainty that he would not accept it. I presume you receive the newspapers, & will have seen the amend

ments to the constitution proposed by the Virginia Assembly. Their reception by some of the other assemblies has been such as to call for the sacrifice of all feeling rather than ruffle the harmony so necessary to the common good. The finances are said to have been left by the late financier in the utmost derangement, and his tools are urging the funding the new debts they have contracted. Thus Thus posterity is to be left to pay the ordinary expenses of our government in time of peace. As small news may escape the notice of your other correspondents, I shall give you what occurs to me. The James river canal is now conducted into the town of Richmond & full toll is exacted. 30. Doll. a share more however are necessary to complete it. The Patowmac & Norfolk canals are not in such forwardness. Mayo' bridge, nearly destroyed by a flood, is reestablished. R. is settled again in Richmond in the business of the law. Carter's lands on the back of yours & Mr Short's have got into the hands of one of the sons, Ned, who is coming to live on them. The price of wheat is 13/ here the bushel, & corn 20/ the barrel, and not to be had indeed at any price. I have been desirous of planting some fruit trees for you that they may be growing during your absence. But Mr Jones's visits to the neighborhood have been so rare & short that I have not had an opportunity of asking from him the inclosure & allotment of the piece of ground which seems proper for it. The season is now passing. Do not fail to send over the Abricot-peche. Bartram would receive & plant it, and

then furnish new plants.-Deaths are Zane, & Thos. Pleasants of 4. Mile Creek. Mr Pendleton is also said to be all but gone. A remarkable marriage is that of Capt Alcock with the widow of Dr. Walker. Your brother and family well. Derieux Derieux living in Goochland under great sufferance, and hoping a renovation of the aid promised from his aunt. My sincere affections to Mrs Monroe & to yourself. Adieu.



Mar. 6, 96.

I wrote you Feb 21, since which I have recd yours of the same day. Indeed, mine of that date related only to a single article in yours of Jan 31 & Feb 7. I do not at all wonder at the condition in which the finances of the US are found. Ham's object from the beginning, was to throw them into forms which should be utterly undecypherable. I ever said he did not understand their condition himself, nor was able to give a clear view of the excess of our debts beyond our credits, nor whether we were diminishing or increasing the debt. My own opinion was, that from the commencemt of this government to the time I ceased to attend to the subject, we had been increasing our debt about a million of D. annually. If mr. Gallatin would undertake to reduce this chaos to order, present us with a clear view of our finances, & put them into a form as simple as they will admit, he will merit immortal honor. The accounts of the US ought to be, and may be made as simple as those of a common.

farmer, and capable of being understood by common farmers.

Disapproving, as I do, of the unjustifiable largess to the dau'r's of the C de Grasse, I will certainly not propose to rivet it by a second example on behalf of M. de Chastellux's son. It will only be done in the event of such a repetition of the precedent, as will give every one a right to share in the plunder. It is, indeed, surprising you have not yet received the British treaty in form. I presume you would never receive it were not your co-operation on it necessary. But this will oblige the formal notification of it to you.


I thank you for your information respecting LowThere is one article still necessary to be known from mr Howell. Lownes began with credit of 90. days from the time of the departure of the nailrod from Philadelphia (not his delivery of it to the vessel; for that makes a difference sometimes of many weeks) but he afterwards reduced it to 60. days. What would be mr. Howell's credits? I know that credit in Virginia startle a merchant in Philadelphia; but I presume that mr. Howell could have confidence enough in me (tho not personally known to him) to make a trial, & govern himself afterwards according to the result, & to the punctuality with which he would receive his remittances. I wish to know this, tho I am not yet decided to drop Lownes, on account of his being a good man, & I like much to be in the hands of good men. There is great pleasure in unlimited confidence. My consumption has now advanced

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