Obrázky stránek
[blocks in formation]

Qualities in families and races,


proper to men, 1336

wanting in a man are not
valued by him, 1339

Quasi vero, 306

Question, the, 292
Questions, foolish, 1529
Quick of eye, hand, &c., 1174
Quickness in movement, 1178
in performance, 1285

ACE-COURSE, walking over
the, 902

Races of men, harmony in, 1338
Rage, shame, 919

Rank, low birth despised, 387
Rashness, 464

Rather, the, 1378

Ravelling out, weaving up, 1071
Raven raising water, 893

to pick out the eyes of, 834
Reading what we believe, 262
Real, royal, 461

Reason, impulse, 337

your, 1386

repeat, 197

Reasons for consideration, 141
sought for, 1016

Reckoning, a, 737
Reconsidering, 1549
Recreation, 1171

Red and pale (or white), 907
Refutation, 1308, 1562
Reins, losing hold of the, 331
Relinquished, 1275, 1360

Remain, the best things, 1254,

forced to, 1361
Remainder, the, 423

Removing (stirring), 1422
Renown, 1501

Repartee, 193, 210

Repentance, divine, 1601

no signs of, 1590

Repenting orders given, 367

Repetition, pleasing, 1067
Report, evil, 1072

Reproof to a scorner, 226
Reputation precious, 1501
lost, 937

Request, at his, 1387
Resolution, wavering, 1011
Resolve in haste, repent, 603
Resorts (conceits), 1429
Respect, disrespect, 223

for a superior (' for his cloth')


for mankind, 389

Rest, for the, 1393

in death, 1205
Retaliation, 1145
Retreat impossible, 1361

should be kept, 1318
Return due for free gift, 1126
Reward for merit, 160, 161

for great good, 1260
Rhyme not reason, 649
Rich, hasting to be, 10

man dines, 1477

poor, 354

Riches, 67, 1271

induce a feeling of calm,

Ridicule, 1052
Right might, 964
Rigorous daughters, 1471
Ring on swine's snout, 687
tight, 815

Ripeness of time, 1558
Rise boy, 1199

Rising, 1229

before the sun, 1201

early, late, 1197, 1199, 1201,
1202, 1208

healthful, 1198, 1220

hurtful, 1208

Rivals, that for which there are,

Roads (avenues), 1432

Robin Hood, 491

of the valley (? Robin-Hood),

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Seared, 1434

Season, good in, 265
against the, 1262
approaches, 338

Second husband, 1307
Second place, 1310
Secrets of God, 1512

Security in poverty, 1576

unattainable, 1083

See then how, 1373

Seeds, studied, 1451

Seeing and hearing, 224

touching or profiting, 931

Seldom cometh the better, 472

Self-accused, 1261

Selfish shamelessness, 453

Seeming a saint, 452

what one is, 509, 1142

Semblances, 1440

Sense, no one has too much, 1575
pure, 1282

repugnant to, 1046

required in giving, 373

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Solon's law, 1445

Solution of difficulties, 1054

Something, nothing, 953

you say, 193

Son of somewhat, 1412

the soil, 844

ill clad, 1513

Sorrows borne well, 379
doubled, 977

our tutors, 1455

Soul struggling to be free, 61
Sought for its own sake, 1343
Sounding the depths, 1585
Sounds (enchantments), 707
Sour, sweets, 910
Sow, stupid as a, 1653
Sow with the hand, 563
Sowing curses, 822

troubles, 784
Space, grace, 941

Spaniard without a Jesuit, 1621
Spare, bare, 488

Spartan mother to her son, 767
Spartans, slaves, 886
Speak, strike, 1134
Speaking as I think, 225
Speaking, believing, 1150

to men and brethren, 245
listening, 1499

Spectacles, putting on one's, 1632
Speech, 1164

broad northern, 558
forbearing, 1148

hesitating, 559

how to begin a, 1010

inconclusive, 1162
in despair, 800

theatrical, 101
to dig in, 1131

short turns of, 1369, 1439


Speech, voluble, 98

weighty but ill applied, 1163'
Spider, he draws out threads like

a, 797a

Spinning from a distaff, 667
Spitting at heaven, 515

Spire lines, 406

Spontaneous thing's good, 1276a

Spring, Michaelmas, 527

Spring of day, 1210

Springs, fountains, 412

Square man (a gull), 862
Staff of reed, 775

Staff for a sceptre, 520
Stake stands long, 485
Stakes, play, 1183

Staleness in life, 1285
Stammerer understands, 117

Stars, under the sign of the, 1640
Stay a little, 105

Stay, if you, 277

Step-mothers, evil-eyed, 529

treacherous, 443

Sting, to fly, having fixed a, 854
Stinginess, 1602

Stirring times (removing), 1422

up an evil, 429

Stock, a, 1448

Stoics, 1320

Stone without a foil, 89

gathers no moss, 480, 1593
Stoned for good works, 17

Stopping two gaps with one bush,

Story told in heaven, 215
Strange, I find that, 302
Straw, in the, 1480

lay one here, 108
Streams fertilise afar, 507
navigable, 412

Strength useful, 1269

out leaping one's, 1128
valour, mingled, 29
Strike but hear, 1134

String cracks with straining, 612
Stroke, keeping, 7186

Stuff of honour, 391

the world made of, 459
Stumble at the threshold, 751
Stumbles, he who, walks firmly,


Stumbling with haste, 1487
Style, difficulties of, 1038

Subtile only until conceived, 1054
Success, 425. 1106

Suffer, whether it is better to, 1253
Sufferance, ease, 945
Suffering nobly, 380

pleasant by comparison, 454


Sufferings, our schoolmasters, 1455
Suffrages of many, 987
Summons to rise, 1197
Sun ripens, 512

shines early, 1544

all that walk under the, 1281
in winter, 930

rising before the, 1199

Sunday, clean clothes on, 1526
Sunset, red at, 171

Superscription, good, 918

Supper, pastime, 1606

Surety, a double, 793
Surfeit, 988

Surnames, titles, 1057

Suspicion, 76

of deeds, 617a

Swallow, summer, 110

Swallows under the roof, 110, 536

Sweet, sour, 571, 910

Sweet of the morning, 1219

Swift to hear, 259

Swimming, 473

without corks, 877

Swords, two, 128

wound with a leaden, 725

Symonides' song, 874
Syrens, 1138

AG for every hole, 1581


Take it how you will, 283
Taking away, 540

Tale known in heaven, 215
long one, 1006

make an end of the, 203
Tales, telling, 100, 673
Talk, arrogant, 1538

beguiling the way, 1015
inflated, 1063
Talking, doing, 969
listening, 1499

Tame lamb, 611
Task, noble, 1090
Teaching an enemy, 1068
Tears, cause of, 799
feigned, 1102, 1103
quickly dry, 533

Tediousness, 1177

Tempering like physic, 1239
Tenacious of good, 1360

Tent door, in the, 689

Terror greater than peril, 1113
Testament, 437

Thanks, 144

That again, 300

That is nothing, 324

That which is sought for, 1343

The rather, 1373

[blocks in formation]

in adversity, 1265, 1362
which can be dispensed with,

wished and feared, 1253
Thinking ill, 1466, 1508
This, or upon this, 767
Thistles, grapes, 1450
sowing, 1485
Thorns, 435

soft when young, 537
Thought free, 653
in dreams, 1389
subtle, 187

and words, 1183
Thoughts, second, 1553
Thread, 861, 1646

Three days, tired in, 1626
Thrice fair, &c., 197
Thrift, 675

Thrown from afar, 190
Thyme, 703
Thyself, know, 1397
Tick tack, 1186
Tide in affairs, 1456
Time flies, 422

for a, 1403
for this, 1383
his due, 341

I have known the, 1394
makes you dote, 1095
people as they are, 1481
to get and to lose, 179
trieth troth, 966

[ocr errors]


Time wasted, 1578
Time's flies, 690
Titles desired, 1057

To meet with that, 311
To the end, &c., 1379
Tombs not valued, 1076
To-day, to-morrow, 1624
To-morrow, 808

Tongue an edge tool, 1483
blisters on the, 1541
quavering, 126

slip of the, 542, 1571
trips on teeth, 543

Tongues, strife of, 222
Too late, 367

Too much of a thing, 487, 1279a

Top of injury, &c., 54

Traces of love, 1440

Tragedy and comedy, 516

Transitory things, 1252

Trap, 798

Travel in bed, 1191

Treacle, lozenge, 469
Treason, 156

Tree crooked, 500

felled, 522
removed, 809

shaken, 879

Triarii, 759

Tricks, 1391, 1505

Trifles, musing on, 1060
offending by, 395

quarrelling about, 394
wrangling about, 392

Tripping, 1579

Trojans, 776

Trouble without profit, 650

Troubles, how to avoid and endure,

[blocks in formation]


Tuning the mind, 355
Turn, a shrewd, 535

Turns of expression, 112, 120, 272,
325, 1370

Turn up, 1230
Twice turned, 469
Twilight, 1435

Two eyes, 946

sorrows of one, 967
of these four, 1393
joined to a third, 1270

Types, 1348

ULCER, 812

Ulysses, 841
sly, 463
Unbonneted, 1538
Under-world, 59

Understanding, 177, 238

as much as a sow, 1653

Unfit, fit, 157

Unfold, 1431

Ungodly men, 3, 130

Ungrateful to the past, 1289
Union is strength, 1256a
Unlike, not, 303
Unpayned, 1434
Unsuspicious, 1466
Unthriftiness, 1167
Untruth reported, 1401
Up from bed, 1212, 1227
Uprouse, 1215
Use, hidden, 169

in things evil, 168, 1452
maketh mastery, 958

Uses, many, 1320

Usefulness unknown, 1455

AIN display (ship in sail), 715

Value me, 1398

Vapour of words, vows, &c., 93, 899
Vaunting, make it true, 550

Veiling a fault, 23

Venial fault, 1277

Verse, 565

Vessel, fountain, 698

Via media,

Vice-light, twilight, 1420

Vicissitude, 992

Villany fond of short cuts, 531
Vinegar of sweet wine, 571, 910
Violence, 1100

Virtue a jewel, 63

and work make greatness,

induces a feeling of calm,


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