Myths about SuicideHarvard University Press, 2010 - Počet stran: 288 We need to get it in our heads that suicide is not easy, painless, cowardly, selfish, vengeful, selfmasterful, or rash; that it is not caused by breast augmentation, medicines, "slow" methods like smoking or anorexia, or, as some psychoanalysts thought, things like masturbation; that it is partly genetic and influenced by mental disorders, themselves often agonizing; and that it is preventable and treatable. |
Our Most Basic Terror | 1 |
Suicidal Behavior | 111 |
Causes Consequences and Subpopulations | 203 |
Partial Illusion | 269 |
285 | |
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alcohol anger anorexia antidepressants aphids association attempted suicide barrier breast augmentation cause of death Christine Chubbuck cidal cide Cleckley clinical Cobain copycatting course death by suicide death scenes die by suicide died by suicide drugs effects emotional evidence example fact fear fearlessness fearsome feel genes genetic girl Golden Gate Bridge hanging hospital human idea impulsive incident individuals instance involved issue Judas Priest jump kill kind least lethal lives loved major depressive disorder Mark David Chapman Menninger mental disorders mood motive myth occur one's pain patients pea aphids perceived burdensomeness percent person plans problems psychiatric relatively reported researchers risk factor self-inflicted gunshot wound self-injury self-mastery self-sacrifice selfish sleep someone spring peak suicidal behavior suicidal ideation suicidal mind suicide attempts suicide decedents suicide is painless suicide note suicide terrorists survived talk things tion treatment women wrote young