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This Day is published, with the present Number of LA BELLE ASSEMBLEE, No. XLVII. being the regular SUPPLEMENTAL Number, which concludes the Sixth Volume of this Work, with the termination of the half year.


The Supplement contains the HEADS of those POETS whose Works have ap peared in the prior Numbers of the Magazine, and likewise of such poets whose Works appear in the Supplement and following Number.

These Portraits are Five in number, viz. very fine Portraits, from original Pictures of acknowledged fidelity, of

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The Literary Part of the SUPPLEMENT contains
With INDEX and TITLE-PAGE as usual.

The SUPPLEMENT is charged Half-a-crown; and Subscribers are requested to give immediate orders for it to their several Booksellers, that they may procure fine impressions and complete their Volume.-A richer Number than the Supplement, and at the same price, will never issue from the periodical press.




For JUNE, 1809. ́




The Forty-sixth Number.


LADY CHARLOTTE CAMPBELL is unnecessary to inform those female readers the youngest daughter of John Duke of who are possessed of experience in the Argyll, by Elizabeth, Duchess of Hamil-science of costume, and can count the ton and Brandon, and of Argyll. Her revolutions of fashions with accuracy and Ladyship was married to John Campbell, precision, that Lady Charlotte Campbell Esq. eldest son of Walter Campbell, Esq. was the first inventor of what is technically of Shawfield, Lanerkshire. called short waists.

This Gentleman is since dead.

It is scarcely fifteen years since Lady Charlotte Campbell was the most distinguished ornament of the fashionable circle. To a great share of beauty she united the most brilliant accomplishments, and a taste in dress which excited the admiration and envy of the female world. Her Ladyship will always maintain a conspicuous place in the records of fashion: the time in which she flourished will, if we mistake not, be celebrated as a kind of ERA in the decoration of the female world. It is perhaps

This peculiar attraction of the sex will long be remembered by those who have so often shuddered at that martyrdom which beauty has sustained from whalebone and tight lacing.

After her marriage, Lady Charlotte Campbell made a very hasty retreat from the gay world, to cultivate the domestic duties in a more tranquil and secluded life. Her Ladyship has chiefly remained in this retirement; and, a short time since, had the misfortune to lose her husband.

[Continued from page 136.]


A multitude of facts might be adduced to prove, that nature, as we have just observed, still possesses the same resources as ever; all that is required of us is not to paralyse her means, and this our manner of living has most unfortunately but too often a tendency to do. "The age of the world," says Dr. Huseland," has hitherto had no perceptible influence on the age man. It is possible to live, in our days, to as great an age as mankind did at the time of Abraham, and even at a more remote period. There have undoubtedly been times, at which men, in the same country, have attained to a greater or less age. But that nation, which should return through a revolution to a less civilized state, and approach nearer to that of nature, would be most likely to arrive, like the people of the early ages, at the real term of life."

It would be very easy to demonstrate, by examples, that man at the present day attains to a very advanced age. These examples we began to collect, but they are so numerous, that the limits of this chapter forbid their introduction. Many of them will be found in the work of Sir John Sinclair, and other writers on the subject of longevity, and the means of prolonging life, to which we shall take the liberty of referring the inquisitive reader.

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Hippocrates advised the use of the bath, daily frictions, and exercise. He lived to the age of one hundred and four years.

Galen, who died at the age of one hundred and forty years, and never had any illness, owed this protracted life to the practice of the advice which he gives in his treatise on the way of preserving health.

Asclepiades, a physician, affirmed that by art it was possible to prolong life and health, and that he would consent to pass for an ignorant quack, if he' was ever attacked with the slightest indisposition. He made good his assertion, for he died of a fall, at the age of one hundred and fifty years.

Democritus was one hundred and four years old when he died. Being once asked how he had attained such an advanced age without sickness, he replied, that it was by eating honey, and rubbing his body with oil.

The possibility of attaining to an extreme old age, is so clearly demonstrated, that we have no occasion to say any thing more on the subject. We shall therefore confine ourselves, in this place, to the proof of our assertion, that cosmetics, bathing, in a word, the pains bestowed on the skin are one of the principal of the means that promote length of life, and are sometimes capable of producing the astonishing phe-advice on this subject. nomenon of a complete restoration of youth-a phenomenon of which many authentic examples are on record.

Heradicus, by means of repeated frictions, prolonged the lives of a great number of persons enfeebled by age.

That this renovation is possible, and that it is owing, in part, to the good state of the skin, is neither a paradox nor a new opinion peculiar to ourselves. I shall take occasion to mention the names of some

Plutarch was likewise of opinion that there are means by which human life may be protracted, and he gives some excellent

Deodatus, a physician, wrote upon the means of prolonging life beyond one hun dred and twenty years.

Robertus Vallensis, Arnaud de Ville. neuve, Raimond Lulle, asserted the possi bility of attaining a very advanced age, and even of regaining the vigour of youth. [To be continued.]




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THE general conversation of the fa- | shionable world is wholly occupied upon the melancholy business which has lately been agitated in the Courts respecting the separation of Lord - and his amiable wife; a separation which, throughout the whole affair, is accompanied with such singular and unhappy circumstances as render it more like a romance than any thing which has recently occurred, or which could be supposed to have occurred in real life. In the variety of human misery, however, it would seem that fortune sometimes orrows the powers of fiction, and thereby produces real scenes and actual occurrences, which, in the dark ebony of their ground, resemble the images of fiction. Something of this kind has happened in the unhappy affair to which we allude: some of the transactions are so melancholy, and at the same time so little known, that it may not be uninteresting to

retrace them.

knowledged him as his star and model. In every action he had distinguished himself as the bravest of the brave; every battle had been to him but a new occasion for the display of those qualities which are deemed characteristic of Englishmen. Lord-therefore was never mentioned in any company but that at the same time his name was accompanied with eulogies of his bravery. With such a reputation, so well merited, and so universally acknowledged, it is no reasonable subject of surprise that Lord was considered as the British Alcibiades. As elegant in his manners as in his person, he seemed to unite every thing with which the fancy of the novelist usually decks his hero of seduction. Unfortunately, too, Lord seems to have employed all his naturai gifts to the same perverse purpose.

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Lord paid his first addresses to the daughter of the Earl of --, and as the match was every way suitable, the young Lord -- is a nobleman possessed of the lady being of equal rank with himself, most eminent personal attractions; he is these addresses met the approbation of possessed, moreover, of those qualities both families, and after the usual period which still farther heighten the effect of of courtship the parties were united. those attractions. Amongst those illus- Every one anticipated for the illustrious trious few whose single deeds uphold the young couple all that happiness which reputation of the country, Lord -'s usually follows a union of sentiment; and the Poet of the MORNING POST, the tender and elegant HAFIZ, wrote an epithalamium on the occasion, in which, with his usual felicity, he predicted that their love should only end with their life. Unfortunately, however, the words of the poet have not been verified; their life continues but their love has been interrupted.

name stands foremost. Some of the most brilliant of our late victories have been imputed to him, and certainly if not altogether acquired by his individual prowess, his active valour has at least contributed more than an equal share. It is a very old remark, that no quality is so attractive to the ladies as valour, and therefore that nothing more effectually recommends a man to their favour than having a reputation for courage; Lord possessed this reputation in a most eminent degree. Every soldier could relate the acts of his unexampled courage; every soldier acNo. XLVI-Vol. VI.

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honour, of the most laudable morality, but had a gravity which but ill accords with the fashionable levity of the day. Unhappily, for his repose, Mr. -- had been induced by his family connections to select as his wife one of those fashionable ladies who suffer their tastes and their morals to be formed from the trash of a circulating library, who learn the predestination of love from Werter, and the omnipotence of it from Anthony and Cleopatra. To avoid the confusion of names we shall call this lady by the name of Calista, and hereafter Lord by that of Lothario.

The consequence of this unhappy acquaintance was, that Lotharie and Calista too soon forgot their respective honour: they saw and loved-they loved, and forgot every thing. To make short of this melancholy tale, the seductions of Lothario prévailed upon Calista to leave the house of her husband; in one unfortunate moment, friends, family, every thing was forgotten.

This elopement was no sooner known, than the following letters passed between some of the parties concerned :--

The first was from the brother of the unfortunate lady, whom from delicacy we shall call Horatio.

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(which, with her feeling of mind, is, under the circumstances, impossible), but to endeavour, by every means in my power, to alleviate her suffering. I feel, therefore, that my life is hers, not my own. It dis tresses me beyond all description to refuse you that satisfaction which I am most ready to admit you have a right to demand; but, upon the most mature reflection, I have determined upon the propriety of this line of conduct.

"My cause is bad indeed; but my mo tive for acting thus is good; nor was ! without hopes that you would have made allowances for this my very particular situation, and thereby have largely added to the extreme kindness you have already shewn to your sister upon this afflicting occasion.

"I have the honour to be, Sir,
"Your obedient servant,

P. S. On referring to the date of your letter, it becomes necessary to assure you that I have only this moment received it.



MY DEAR SIR, April 2, 1809. "I have availed myself of the very first moment in my power to relieve you from the anxiety you have for some days past been feeling on my account, by assuring you that all communication between Le thario and myself has ceased.

"And in order that what has passed may not be misrepresented, I herewith inclose copies of the only letters that have been exchanged, and I have to request that you will shew them, together with this letter, to any of my friends, or of your own acquaintance, that might wish to read them.

"When my sister, after a separation of a very few days, returned to Lothario, and when I was convinced, by a variety of cir cumstances, that the fear of my resentment

"I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 28th inst. I have no-had no farther effect in deterring her from thing to say in justification of my conduct that connection, I could no longer restrain towards your sister, but that it has been the impulse of my feelings, and immedi produced by an attachment perfectly un-ately demanded that satisfaction from Loconquerable.

thario, which the laws of my country do "She has lost the world upon my ac- not afford, but which I had a right to ask, count, and the only atonement I can make and he was equally bound to give me, for is to devote myself, not to her happiness || the injury he had done myself and my

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