The Pathfinder: Or, The Inland SeaDent, 1876 - Počet stran: 460 |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 73
Strana v
... forest career as a warrior ; having , for several years , been a hunter so celebrated , as already to have gained the honorable appellation he then bore . In " The Last of the Mohicans " he appears as Hawkeye , and is present at the ...
... forest career as a warrior ; having , for several years , been a hunter so celebrated , as already to have gained the honorable appellation he then bore . In " The Last of the Mohicans " he appears as Hawkeye , and is present at the ...
Strana ix
... forests stretching before them , forests made up of oak , ash , chestnut , pine , and maple , of the most noble growth . More than two centuries passed away after the discovery of the St. Law- rence , and still that region preserved the ...
... forests stretching before them , forests made up of oak , ash , chestnut , pine , and maple , of the most noble growth . More than two centuries passed away after the discovery of the St. Law- rence , and still that region preserved the ...
Strana x
... forest- trails . In shrewd foresight the statesmen of France far surpassed those of Holland and England . Far - seeing , far- reaching , were the plans skillfully woven in the gilded cabi- nets of Versailles or St. Germain , for the ...
... forest- trails . In shrewd foresight the statesmen of France far surpassed those of Holland and England . Far - seeing , far- reaching , were the plans skillfully woven in the gilded cabi- nets of Versailles or St. Germain , for the ...
Strana xiv
... forest on snow - shoes , suddenly appeared before Fort Bull with a summons to surrender . They were an- swered by a ... forests along the river . In May , M. de Villiers , a Canadian officer with some thousand men , landed at ...
... forest on snow - shoes , suddenly appeared before Fort Bull with a summons to surrender . They were an- swered by a ... forests along the river . In May , M. de Villiers , a Canadian officer with some thousand men , landed at ...
Strana xxi
... forest . A few extracts from Mrs. Grant's volume may amuse the reader , as they will lead him over the same track passed by Mabel and her sailor uncle . " The first day we came to Schenectady , a little town situated in a rich and ...
... forest . A few extracts from Mrs. Grant's volume may amuse the reader , as they will lead him over the same track passed by Mabel and her sailor uncle . " The first day we came to Schenectady , a little town situated in a rich and ...
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answered Arrowhead batteaux believe better block-house boat brother Cap bushes calash canoe child Chingachgook command companion countenance cutter Delaware distrust doubt enemy eyes face fancy father fear feelings felt finder fire forest French frontier garrison geant gifts girl hand head heard heart heroine honor Indian Iroquois island Jasper Eau-douce Jasper Western June Killdeer knew lake Lake Ontario land laughing leave Lieutenant Muir look Lundie Mabel Dunham Major Duncan manner Master Cap Master Pathfinder means mind Mingo minutes Mohawk nature never night Ontario Oswego paddle party passed pretty quartermaster red-skin returned rifle river sail sailor Sarpent savages scalp Scud Sergeant Dunham sergeant's daughter shore smile soger soldier soon speak spot stream tell thing thought Thousand Islands tion trail trees true truth Tuscarora uncle venison vessel warrior wife wind wish woman woods words young