The Pathfinder: Or, The Inland SeaDent, 1876 - Počet stran: 460 |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 65
Strana 141
... , and of a pretty , winning face ; and by the end of the first two or three days , she had admirers even among the gentlemen . The quartermaster , in partic alar , a middle - aged soldier , who had THE PATHFINDER . 141 CHAPTER X. ...
... , and of a pretty , winning face ; and by the end of the first two or three days , she had admirers even among the gentlemen . The quartermaster , in partic alar , a middle - aged soldier , who had THE PATHFINDER . 141 CHAPTER X. ...
Strana 144
... the point at once , man , and bring up my reserve into the front of the battle . Here is Davy Muir , the quartermaster , is disposed to make your daughter his wife , and he has just got me to open the matter 144 THE PATHFINDER .
... the point at once , man , and bring up my reserve into the front of the battle . Here is Davy Muir , the quartermaster , is disposed to make your daughter his wife , and he has just got me to open the matter 144 THE PATHFINDER .
Strana 145
... quartermaster's department , I'm think- ing , sergeant , " returned Lundie , with a slight smile . " Well , then , may I tell the Cupid - stricken youth that the matter is as good as settled ? " " I thank your honor , but Mabel is ...
... quartermaster's department , I'm think- ing , sergeant , " returned Lundie , with a slight smile . " Well , then , may I tell the Cupid - stricken youth that the matter is as good as settled ? " " I thank your honor , but Mabel is ...
Strana 148
... quartermaster , I do not like to break up well- established arrangements . Are the men drafted ? ” " Everything is ready , your honor . The draft is made , and I understood that the canoe which got in last night , orought a message , to ...
... quartermaster , I do not like to break up well- established arrangements . Are the men drafted ? ” " Everything is ready , your honor . The draft is made , and I understood that the canoe which got in last night , orought a message , to ...
Strana 150
... quartermaster , in a strong Scotch accent , as soon as he had taken the seat which was proffered to him . " To say the truth to you , Major Duncan , this girl is making as much havoc in the garrison as the French did before Ty ; I never ...
... quartermaster , in a strong Scotch accent , as soon as he had taken the seat which was proffered to him . " To say the truth to you , Major Duncan , this girl is making as much havoc in the garrison as the French did before Ty ; I never ...
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answered Arrowhead batteaux believe better block-house boat brother Cap bushes calash canoe child Chingachgook command companion countenance cutter Delaware distrust doubt enemy eyes face fancy father fear feelings felt finder fire forest French frontier garrison geant gifts girl hand head heard heart heroine honor Indian Iroquois island Jasper Eau-douce Jasper Western June Killdeer knew lake Lake Ontario land laughing leave Lieutenant Muir look Lundie Mabel Dunham Major Duncan manner Master Cap Master Pathfinder means mind Mingo minutes Mohawk nature never night Ontario Oswego paddle party passed pretty quartermaster red-skin returned rifle river sail sailor Sarpent savages scalp Scud Sergeant Dunham sergeant's daughter shore smile soger soldier soon speak spot stream tell thing thought Thousand Islands tion trail trees true truth Tuscarora uncle venison vessel warrior wife wind wish woman woods words young