The Pathfinder: Or, The Inland SeaDent, 1876 - Počet stran: 460 |
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Výsledky 1-5 z 39
Strana xxii
... smile of royalty , produce more ardent admiration and pro- found gratitude . I went out of the royal presence over- awed and delighted , and am not sure but I have liked kings all my life the better for this happy specimen to whom I was ...
... smile of royalty , produce more ardent admiration and pro- found gratitude . I went out of the royal presence over- awed and delighted , and am not sure but I have liked kings all my life the better for this happy specimen to whom I was ...
Strana 12
... smiling , while her color heightened under her feelings . " Among Christian men , a woman's best guard is her claim to their protection . I know nothing of arms , and wish to live in ignorance of them . ” The uncle desisted ; and ...
... smiling , while her color heightened under her feelings . " Among Christian men , a woman's best guard is her claim to their protection . I know nothing of arms , and wish to live in ignorance of them . ” The uncle desisted ; and ...
Strana 15
... smile bestowed on Mabel , are the friends your worthy father has sent to meet you . This is a great Delaware ; and one that has had honors as well as troubles in his day . He has an Injin name fit for a chief , but as the language is ...
... smile bestowed on Mabel , are the friends your worthy father has sent to meet you . This is a great Delaware ; and one that has had honors as well as troubles in his day . He has an Injin name fit for a chief , but as the language is ...
Strana 24
... smile which lighted a face that had been burnt by exposure to a bright red , " though I mistrust that some may think it narrow ; and narrow it is , if you wish it to keep off the foe . Ontario has two ends , and the enemy that is afraid ...
... smile which lighted a face that had been burnt by exposure to a bright red , " though I mistrust that some may think it narrow ; and narrow it is , if you wish it to keep off the foe . Ontario has two ends , and the enemy that is afraid ...
Strana 29
... smiles , stood like a shield between her uncle and the intended experi- ment . " Perhaps the sergeant's daughter will be frightened , " he said " Not she , if she has any of the sergeant's spirit in her . She doesn't look like a skeary ...
... smiles , stood like a shield between her uncle and the intended experi- ment . " Perhaps the sergeant's daughter will be frightened , " he said " Not she , if she has any of the sergeant's spirit in her . She doesn't look like a skeary ...
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answered Arrowhead batteaux believe better block-house boat brother Cap bushes calash canoe child Chingachgook command companion countenance cutter Delaware distrust doubt enemy eyes face fancy father fear feelings felt finder fire forest French frontier garrison geant gifts girl hand head heard heart heroine honor Indian Iroquois island Jasper Eau-douce Jasper Western June Killdeer knew lake Lake Ontario land laughing leave Lieutenant Muir look Lundie Mabel Dunham Major Duncan manner Master Cap Master Pathfinder means mind Mingo minutes Mohawk nature never night Ontario Oswego paddle party passed pretty quartermaster red-skin returned rifle river sail sailor Sarpent savages scalp Scud Sergeant Dunham sergeant's daughter shore smile soger soldier soon speak spot stream tell thing thought Thousand Islands tion trail trees true truth Tuscarora uncle venison vessel warrior wife wind wish woman woods words young