Commentaries Upon International Law, Svazek 3

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T. & J. W. Johnson, 1857

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Strana 560 - Washington within six months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective Plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty and have hereunto affixed our seals. Done in duplicate at Paris, the tenth day of December, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight.
Strana 255 - But there is nothing in our laws, or in the law of nations, that forbids our citizens from sending armed vessels, as well as munitions of war, to foreign ports for sale. It is a commercial adventure which no nation is bound to prohibit, and which only exposes the persons engaged in it to the penalty of confiscation.
Strana 562 - The Commissioners so named shall meet in the city of Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia, at the earliest convenient period after they have been respectively named, and shall, before proceeding to any business, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide the matters referred to them to the best of their judgment, and according to justice and equity ; and such declaration shall be entered on the record of their proceedings.
Strana 588 - His Majesty the Emperor of the French, His Majesty the King of Prussia, His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias...
Strana 567 - Sa Majesté Impériale le Sultan, dans sa constante sollicitude pour le bien-être de ses sujets, ayant octroyé un Firman qui, en améliorant leur sort, sans distinction de religion ni de race, consacre ses généreuses intentions envers les populations chrétiennes de son Empire , et voulant donner un nouveau témoignage de ses sentiments à cet égard , a résolu de communiquer aux Puissances contractantes ledit Firman , spontanément émané de sa volonté souveraine.
Strana 562 - The High Contracting Parties hereby solemnly engage to consider the decision of the Commissioners conjointly, or of the Arbitrator or Umpire, as the case may be, as absolutely final and conclusive in each case decided upon by them or him, respectively.
Strana 574 - Juillet mil huit cent quarante et un , et Sa Majesté le roi de Sardaigne, voulant constater, en commun, leur détermination unanime de se conformer à l'ancienne règle de l'empire ottoman, d'après laquelle les détroits des Dardanelles et du Bosphore sont fermés aux bâtiments de guerre étrangers tant que la Porte se trouve en paix...
Strana 576 - La présente Convention , annexée au Traité général signé à Paris en ce jour, sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées dans l'espace de quatre semaines, ou plus tôt, si faire se peut. En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signée et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.
Strana 384 - The seat of judicial authority is, indeed, locally here, in the belligerent country, according to the known law and practice of nations ; but the law itself has no locality. It is the duty of the person who sits here to determine this question exactly as he would determine the same question if sitting at Stockholm...
Strana 567 - La mer Noire est neutralisée; ouverts à la marine marchande de toutes les nations, ses eaux et ses ports sont, formellement et à perpétuité, interdits au pavillon de guerre soit des puissances riveraines, soit de toute autre puissance, sauf les exceptions mentionnées aux articles 14 et 19 du présent traité.

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