Obrázky stránek

quoted, 266; 270-78; delu-
sive semblance of self-reve-
lation in, 271ff.; "Dark
Lady" of, 272; sonneteer-
ing craze of the 1590's,
ibid.; the themes all stock
ones, and the manner de-
liberately imitative, 274ff.;
not arranged or published
by Shakespeare, 276f.
Southampton (Henry Wri-
othesly, Earl of), 3, 48,
273f.; Sonnet (cvii) to,

Spain and England, 11f.
Spanish Armada, 12, 14
Spedding, James, on Bacon's
ignorance of Shakespeare,
39-40 note

Spenser, 12, 25, 184, 274, 285
Stareleigh, Mr. Justice, 88,

Stephano, 114, 253, 267
Stratford Grammar School,
Street-urchin's point of view
to be considered in Shake-
spearean criticism, Intro.

Sublimity, definition of, 13;
manifestation of in Mar-
lowe, ibid.

Swift, 206

Swinburne, 206

Sylva Poetarum, 237

Tamburlaine the Great, Mar-
lowe's, 14ff.

246ff.; contrast with Mid-
summer Night's Dream,
249f.; sources, 251ff.;
Shakespeare's last play a
new type, 269
Tennyson, 250, 278
Theatrical conditions, discus-
sion of in Hamlet, 108-9
Thompson, Francis, 206
Thorpe, Thomas, 273, 277
Three Ladies of London, The,
by R. Wilson, 76
Thurio, 62


Timon of Athens, 180
Titus Andronicus, probably
non - Shakespearean,
possible Shakespearean
touches, 54; Ravenscroft
on, 55; J. M. Robertson's
book on, 56; its early popu-
larity, ibid.; 140, 182
Touchstone, 238
Trinculo, 267

Troilus and Cressida, 33, 180
Tubal, 84

Twelfth Night, 78

Two Gentlemen of Verona,
The, 33, 42, 62–3; date of,
62; 211

Two Noble Kinsmen, The,

Tybalt, 72

Upshot of Hamlet, The,
anonymous pamphlet, cited,
129, 144

[blocks in formation]

"W. H., Mr.," 273
Warwickshire dialect and
local allusions, 45f.
Webster, John, 25
Werder, Karl, on Hamlet,

White, R. G., on Hamlet,

IIIf., 116, 132; on Macbeth,
157; on Winter's Tale, 217
Willobie, his Avisa, 277f.
Winter's Tale, The, 5, 28, 33,
36, 42, 180, 206, chap. viii
(209-238); date of, 209;
Jonson's allusion to, 210;
characteristics of latest
period, 210ff.; kindred

source, ibid.; Shakespeare's
treatment of Pandosto,
215f.; R. G. White on, 217;
style of, ibid.; plot of, out-
lined, 218-22; anachro-
nisms in, 234, 236; the Pas-
toral scenes in, 235ff.; 246
note, 250f.

Witches in Macbeth, the, 151,

152, 159, 163f.; are they
subjective apparitions?
165f., 167

Women characters in Shake-
speare's plays, 20

theme with Cymbeline, 214; Zangwill, I., 94

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