AND is this — Yarrow? — This the stream Of which my fancy cherished, So faithfully, a waking dream ? An image that hath perished ! Oh, that some minstrel's harp were near, To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from, the air, That fills... The Pathfinder: Or, The Inland Sea - Strana 94autor/autoři: James Fenimore Cooper - 1871 - 471 str.Úplné zobrazení - Podrobnosti o knize
 | 1823 - 746 str.
...that's the way we live in Yarrow, — Match us in Cork or Kilkenny, if ye can. ODOHERTY, (solemnly.) " And is this Yarrow ? this the stream Of which my fancy cherished So beautiful a waking dream, A vision which liath perished." HOGG. What says the lad ?— ODOHERTY. Well,... | |
 | 1823 - 760 str.
...that's the way we live in Yarrow, — Match us in Cork or Kilkenny, if ye can. ODOHERTY, (solemnly.) " And is this Yarrow ? this the stream Of which my fancy cherished So beautiful a waking dream, A vision which hath perished." HOGG. What says the lad ? — ODOHERTY. Well,... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1827 - 482 str.
...Recoiled into the wilderness. IV. YARROW VISITED, SIPTKMBEH, 1814. AND is this — Yarrow? — TTiis the Stream Of which my fancy cherished, So faithfully, a waking dream ? An image that hath perished ! 0 that some Minstrel's harp were near, To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the... | |
 | 1829 - 348 str.
...unmatched amongst its fellows. It is too long for entire quotation, but a few verses we must copy : — And is this — Yarrow ? — This the stream Of which...faithfully a waking dream, An image that hath perished ? 0 ! that some minstrel's harp were near To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the... | |
 | James Fenimore Cooper - 1840 - 244 str.
...value your lives, think of reaching the garrison, and leave the Delaware in the hands of Providence. Ahs me! The 'deer that goes too often to the lick meets the hunter at last!" CHAPTER VII. " And is this—Yarrow ?—this the stream Of which my fancy cherished So faithfully a waking dream 1 An image... | |
 | James Fenimore Cooper - 1840 - 1028 str.
...your lives, think of reaching the garrison, and leave the Delaware in the hands of Providence. Ah's me ! the deer that goes too often to the lick meets the hunter at last!" CHAPTER VII. And is this—Yarrow ?—this the stream Of which my fancy cherish'd So faithfully a waking dream ? An image... | |
 | Chauncy Hare Townshend - 1840 - 430 str.
...Abbotsford, and I hardly know whether I do not regret that I have done so. " And is this Yarrow? Ms the stream " Of which my fancy cherished " So faithfully...a waking dream— " An image that hath, perished?" It is not the Abbotsford of my imagination, nor of the author's description. Where is the " romance... | |
 | William [poetical works Wordsworth (selections]) - 1843 - 278 str. in our sorrow, That earth has something yet to shew, — The bonny holms of Yarrow ! " 'Pfsttrb. AND is this Yarrow ? — this the stream Of which...faithfully a waking dream ? An image that hath perished ! 0 that some minstrel's harp were near, To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the... | |
 | 1892 - 846 str.
...of his cherished ideal. And what were his emotions? What did he say or sing, in " Yarrow Visited " ? And is this — Yarrow ? — This the stream Of which...faithfully, a waking dream, An image that hath perished I O that some minstrel's harp were near To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1845 - 688 str.
...Recoiled into the wilderness. IT. YARROW VISITED, 1814. (See page 225). AND is this — Yarrow ? — Tail the Stream Of which my fancy cherished, So faithfully, a waking dream ? An image that hath perished ! 0 that some Minstrel's harp were near, To utter notes of gladness, And chase this silence from the... | |
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