Obrázky stránek

Tuition free.

shall be forever free to pupils from this State ov teen years of age and who have been resident State six months previous to their admission. cants for admission must be of good moral ch. Qualification for able to read and write the English language wi and correctness, and also to pass a satisfactory nation in the fundamental rules of arithmetic.


Hours of labor.


SEC. 18. The trustees upon consultation w professors and teachers shall, from time to time lish rules regulating the number of hours, to be than two in winter and three in summer, which: devoted to manual labor and the compensation th and no student shall be exempt from such labor in case of sickness or other infirmity.

SEC. 19. The Loard shall elect annually fr Book keep'r elec- teachers or more advanced pupils, a competer keeper, who shall keep an accurate account of ceipts and disbursements of said college and far all sources; he shall also keep a minute and a account with each field and of each crop, whic embrace the time and manner of cultivation, the a of seed and the product, condition of the field planting and sowing, and after harvesting, and ki amount of fertilizers used; also, a list of anima the value thereof, kept on the farm and the tre of the same; also, a daily register of the weath all of which he shall make an annual statement nopsis of the same, to the Secretary of the board c tees.

Record of crops, &c..

Account with farm.;

Spc. 20. Said college and farm shall be cl with the amount of crops, the proceeds of sales, at increase of animals raised on the farm.

SEC. 21. The trustees shall elect at their first al meeting in January, 1859, and every two years Secretary chosen after, a Secretary from their own number, who hold his office two years, and until his successor is ed and qualified. He shall reside at the Capital State and have an office in the legislative buildin, shall be his duty to keep a record of the transactio the board of trustees and college and farm, which

He keeps miLutes.

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gers, documents and other property was leade stel in his office, in lu-ling spots of tangu? U and animal kingdom of the State or costly; am pand file all reports which may be maleontheby brevinty and State agricultural anortura sides, and all correspondence of the officer on other pers and societies appertaining to the general test De of husbandry; address circulars to societies at. 1 tur pas un best practical farmers in the State and elsewhere, with de view of eliciting information upon the newest and

ir meeting Treas'r chosen. eys arising cher source, rustees may His duties.

›n the war

Secretary. January, to be required moneys re

First Board of

ine county, Trustees.
Wright, of

best mode of culture of those products, vegetab me,

ury county, ard Gaines,

ine county,

t Coffin, of

ton county,

tros, etc., adapted to the soil and climate of this State; Snail subjects connected with field culture, inj dek raising, and the dairy. Ind geleration of agricultural societies toughen the Sta, and purchas, receive and distribute en traře and table seeds, plants, shrubbery and trees, as AV her Espower to procure from the general govern, ng alber sarees, as may be adapted to our et al

. He shall also encourage the importation of 'mpel breeds of horses, asses, cattle, sheep, hogs andek. heck, the invention and improvementlar sa

plements of husbandry and diffuse inform vi on to the same; and the manufacture of Woost otten yarns and cloths, and domestic industry in Taking, spinning, knitting, sewing, and such other


sehold arts as are calculated to promote the general rift, wealth and resources of the State. He shall make port in writing to the Geeral Assembly at every ssion thereof, and to the Governor in each year when the Legislature is not in session, on the first day of Fels mary, of all the transactions of his office of a pable charster, including a full statement of the receipts and expitares of the college and farm and his oan office, ant at such other times as the Govern e or Legislature Jay require. He shall give a isond in the sna of thirty fonsand dollars, with good security, fort. The fal dis hare of the duties of his office,


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Seeds &c., distributed.

SEC. 22. The seeds, plants, trees and shrubbery received by the Secretary, shall be, as far as possible, distributed equally throughout the State, and placed only in the hands of those farmers and others who will cultivate them properly and return to the Secretary's office, a reasonable proportion of the products thereof with a full statement of the mode of cultivation and such other information as may be necessary to ascertain their value Information pub for general cultivation in the State. All information in regard to agriculture, obtained by the Secretary, of an important character, may be published by him from time to time in the newspapers of the State, provided it does not involve any expense to the State.


Agricultural sta


Gov. appoints

His salary.

Contingent fund.

SEC. 23. The Secretary shall collect and file in his office the agricultural statistics of each organized county in the State.

SEC. 24. That the farming interest of the State may derive immediate benefit from the duties imposed upon the Secretary, the Governor is hereby authorized and empowered to appoint a Secretary on the passage of this act, from among the board of trustees named in this act, who shall hold his office for one year, and until his successor is elected and qualified, as provided in section twenty-one of this act.

SEC. 25. The Secretary shall receive as a compen sation for his services, a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly from the State treasury in the same manner as is provided by law for the payment of the salaries of other State officers, and the sum of one thousand dollars is hereby annually appropriated for that purpose; and the additional sum of one thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be esteemed necessary by the Governor, is also hereby annually appropriated to meet the expenses which may be incurred in the purchase and transportation of seeds, postage, stationery, and the other contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary, to be paid out of the State Treasury on the requisition of the Governor through the Auditor of State.

SEC. 26. The board of trustees shall elect a Treas

First Board of

arer from their own number annually, at their meeting Treas'r chosen. in Jan., who shall receive and keep all moneys arising from the sale of the products of the farm or other source, and give bonds in such sum as the board of trustees may His duties. require. He shall pay over all moneys upon the warrant of the President, countersigned by the Secretary. He shall render annually in the month of January, to the board of trustees, and as often as may be required by said board, a full and true account of all moneys received and disbursed by him. SEC. 27. That M. W. Robinson, of Desmoine county, Trustees. Timothy Day, of Van Buren county, John D. Wright, of Union county, G. W. F. Sherwin, of Woodbury county, Wm. Duane Wilson, of Polk county, Richard Gaines, of Jefferson county, Suel Foster, of Muscatine county, J. W. Henderson, of Linn county, Clerment Coffin, of Delaware county, E. H. Williams, of Clayton county, and E. G. Day, of Story county, are hereby appointed and constituted the first board of trustees of the agricultural college and farm, who shall hold their office as may be determined under the provisions of the third section of this act.

SEC. 28. This act shall be in force from and after its publication in the Iowa Farmer, Tri-Weekly Iowa State Journal and Tri-Weekly Citizen.

Approved March 22, 1858.

I hereby certify that the foregoing Act was published in the Towa Farmer on the h day of March, 1858, in the Iowa Weekly Citizen on the 31st of March, 1858, and the Iowa State Journal on the 27th of March, 1858.

Take effect.

Secretary of State.



AN ACT to regulate the sale of unclaimed goods, in the possession of Forwarding and
Commission Merchants, Express Companies, and other common carriers.

SHOTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

Goods subject to lion

Goods on hands

be sold.

the State of Iowa, That all goods, wares, merchandise Hon for charges, or other property which has been transported by, or stored with any Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Express Companies, and other common carriers, shall be subject to a lien for the just and lawful charges for the transportation, advancing and storage of the same. SEC. 2. That if any goods, wares, merchandise, or other property, shall remain for six months in the posmonths may session, uncalled for or unclaimed, of any Forwarding or Commission Merchant, Express Company, or other common carrier, with the just and legal charges unpaid thereon, the person or persons having the same in charge or possession shall give notice to the Marshal of the city if there be a Marshal, in which said person may reside, having such goods in store, charge or possession, and if there be no Marshal, then such notice must be given to the Sheriff of the proper county, which notice must be in writing, and must state when such goods, wares, or merchandise were received, the marks or brands by which such goods are designated if any, and if not de. signated by marks or brands, then by such other deGoods described. Scription or designation as may best answer the purpose of indicating what the goods are, and to whom consigned, also the charges paid upon such goods, accompanied by the original receipt for such charges, and by the bill of lading, also the other charges, if any, due and unpaid, which notice must be verified by oath or affirmation.

Notice given.

Officer examines goods.

Invoices made.

SEC. 3. The Marshal or Sheriff, as the case may be, on receiving such notice, shall proceed to the place in which the goods, wares or merchandise contemplated in this Act, shall be stored or held in possession, and shall in the presence of the person in whose store or possession such goods, wares or merchandise may be, examine such goods, wares or merchandise, examining minutely the contents of any close package, which may be neces sary to be opened to ascertain the nature of its contents. and such Marshal or Sheriff shall then and there take and make an inventory or invoice of such goods, or sepa. rate invoices or inventories where such goods, wares or merchandise may appear to belong, or to be consigned to

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