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Page 289, note 1. Hroswitha found the plot of her drama "Phaphnutius and Thais" in an older legend, possibly dating back to the fifth century. See the Bollandists' Acta Sanctorum for Oct. 8, iv, 223 ff. But the parallels between Erasmus's Colloquy and Hroswitha seem to show that he borrowed from her.

Page 433. Karl Pearson's opinion of Erasmus and the Reformation seems to be partly dependent on that of Wieland, as reported in the Diary of Henry Crabb Robinson, ed. Sadler, 3 vols. 1869, i, 109.

Appendix III. In the Catalogue of Lucubrations (Allen, i, p. 3) Erasmus says that he had written every sort of poem, and had left some unpublished. Among his poems he mentions as a very early one the sapphic to Michael the Archangel, which he wrote at the request of an official in a church dedicated to Michael-the legend of Raphael as "set over all the diseases and wounds of the children of men," goes back to the Book of Enoch, xl, 9.

[blocks in formation]


predicts Reformation, 212.

and Charles V, 229, 231.

attacks heretics, 231f., 349.
and Luther, 245f., 340.

denounces Erasmus, 250ff., 313f.,

and Carpi, 399.
Alfeld, A., 181.
Alkmaar, 156.
Allen, P. S., ii, 438f.
Alvarez, J., 226.

Amerbach, B., 140, 153f., 192, 218,
249, 260f., 265, 281f., 332, 383,
385, 391.

Amiel, H., 323, 435-
Ammonius, A., 67f., 76f., 204.
Amsdorf, N. von, 365f.

Anabaptists, 281, 301, 324, 383, 430.
Andrelinus, F., 28f., 52, 60, 73, 453f.
Anghierra, P. M. d', 203.

Anne Boleyn, Queen of England,
284, 416, 419.

Antwerp, 148, 246, 248.

Aquinas, T., 21, 96, 192, 197, 226,

253, 277, 321, 337f.

Aretino, P., 118.

Aristotle, 197, 247, 305.

d'Armagnac, G., 411ff., 447ff.

Arminius, J., 432.
Arnold, R., 61.

Art, 34.

Ascham, R., 188, 316.
Augsburg, 217, 224.
Diet of, 360ff.

Augustine, 19, 163, 170, 173, 181,
183, 189, 190, 275, 337, 339, 352.
Augustinian Canons, 14, 25, 106.

Bacon, F., 46.
Bade, J., 119, 258.
Baden, 381.

Barbier, P., 249, 330.
Parclay, A., 119.

Basle, 129, 152ff., 163, 205, 379, 384.

joins Swiss Confederacy, 138.
home of Erasmus, 138ff., 257-285,

392, 419f.

center of humanism, 138ff.

University of, 138.

Council of, 163.

Reformation, 376, 386, 388f.

Batt, J., 451.

Bayle, P., 436.

Beard, C., 432.

Beatus Rhenanus, 137f., 146, 204,
218f., 223, 261, 263, 287, 339,
384f., 422.

Becket, Church of St. Thomas, 7off.,

Beda, N., 25f., 180, 271f., 274f., 312,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Boece, H., 24.

Boerio, J., 102.

sons of, 102.

Bohemian Brethren, 242.
Böhmer, H., 426.

Boleyn, T., Viscount Rochford, 284f.
Bologna, 105ff.

University of, 105.

Bombasius, P., 106, 116, 165, 174,
250, 412f., 415, 447ff.

Borgia, Lucretia, 114.
Botzheim, J., 263f.
Bramante, 112f.

Brandenburg, Albert of, 130.

Brant, S., Ship of Fools, 119, 136f.
Brassicanus, J. A., 234.

Brethren of the Common Life, 9,
12f., 24f., 53, 75-

Brewer, J. S., 429.
Bricot, T., 21.
Brie, G. de, 93.

Brocario, W. de, 162.

Brown, Sir T., 119.

Browning, R., 316.
Bruno, G., 438.
Brunsfels, O., 335.
Brussels, 148.

Bucer, M., 212, 339, 362, 366, 394.
Buda, M., 379.

Budé, Wm., 115, 179, 199, 204, 270,

273, 311.
Bugenhagen, J., 353.

Burke, E., 92, 313.

Burton, R., 41.

Busch, H., 332f.

Busleiden, J., 155, 303.

Cæsarius, 134.

Cajetan, T. de Vio, Cardinal, 217,

226, 384.

Calcagnini, C., 110f., 350.

Calvin, J., 54, 211, 372, 425, 431.
Calvinism, 372.

Cambridge, 65f., 73.

Camerarius, J., 344, 354, 428.
Caminade, A. V., 286f., 451f.
Campeggio, L., 222, 239, 267, 328,
361f., 368.
Campester, L., 299.
Cantiuncula, C., 271.
Capito, W. F.

and New Testament, 181.
and Reformation, 216ff., 223, 233,


for mediation, 238f., 252, 254ff.,

and Erasmus, 331, 353, 362.
and Free Will, 340, 350.
Caraffa, J. P., see Paul IV.
Caraffa, O., Cardinal, 118.
Carlstadt, A., Bodenstein of, 181,
331, 340, 347, 350, 379.
Carpi, Albert Pio, Prince of, 398.
Cassander, G., 432.
Castellio, S., 428.

Catharine of Aragon, Queen of Eng-
land, 279ff.

Catharine Parr, Queen of England,
187, 276.

Catharine de' Medici, Queen of
France, 201.
Catharinus, A., 399.
Catholic Church

Index, 166, 422.

and Erasmus, 240, 322, 334, 387,
402, 421f.

and Luther, 240, 322.
excommunication, 293.

Renaissance and Reformation, 321.
and free will, 337.

and Reformation, 390.
Cellini, B., 322.

Chaloner, Sir T.,


Charles V, Emperor, 393.

and Erasmus, 147, 156, 231, 325,
356, 405.

and More, 151.
dedication to, 186, 196.
and Aleander, 229.
and Henry VIII, 230.
and Diet of Worms, 245.
and Edict of Worms, 248.
foreign wars of, 270.
and Reformation, 364.
and Colloquies, 400.
Charnock, R., 63, 94.
Choler, J., 275.

Christianity, If., 15, 17, 88f., 97, 123,

Christian II, King of Denmark

Sweden and Norway, 248, 270.
Chrysostom, St. J., 189.

Classics, 14, 30, 36ff., 46ff., 189,

192ff., 195, 203, 305f., 308ff.
Clement VII, Pope, 106, 114, 262,
342f., 349, 396, 399.

Cleves, John, Duke of, 258, 395.
Cochlæus, J., 283, 349.
Colet, J., 50, 54, 67, 101.
at Canterbury, 7off.

and Erasmus, 78, 93, 96f., 99,
161f., 173, 186, 204f., 216, 247.
biography by Erasmus, 94ff.,

and Luther, 100.
and Reuchlin, 133.

lectures on St. Paul, 160.

on New Testament, 175.

and Wyclif, 211.

and Theses, 215f.

and Latin, 317.

Cologne, 234, 239.

University of, 224, 227, 232, 331.

Columbus, F., 35, 156.

Constance, 263ff.

Copernicus, N., 101,


Council of, 224.

Coornheert, D., 432.

Cop, W., 36f.

Corvinus, A., 365.

Cousin, G., 406, 417.

Cranach, L., 151.

Cranmer, T., 259.

Crafft, A., 157.
Croke, R., 123.

Cromwell, T., 259.
Curtius, P., 402.
Cyprian, St., 190.

[blocks in formation]

110, 320,

Dominicans, 131f., 178, 180, 223,

228, 267, 326, 331, 384, 390.

Dorp, M., 126, 180.

Dublin, Trinity College, 166.
Dubois, P., 198.

Duns Scotus, 152f., 192, 277, 321.
Scotists, 21ff.

Dürer, A., 18.

Knight, Death and the Devil, 58.
arch of triumph, 89.
and Italy, 101.

at Basle, 138.
and Pirckheimer, 146.

drawings of Erasmus, 150f.

and Reformation, 246.
praises Luther, 247.
leaves Netherlands, 248.

Eck, J., 173, 181, 217, 224, 229, 327,
340, 361f., 384.

Eckstein, U., 374-

Edmund, Prince, 61.

Egmond, N., 228, 288, 297, 396.
Eisenach, 247.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, 187.
Elyot, T., 201.

Emser, J., 58, 356f.

England, 36, 59ff., 63, 70, 74, 78, 116,
130, 175, 177.

Enzinas, F. de, 186.

Eoban Hess, 157, 206, 217, 223, 377,
394, 407.
Epimenides, 22.

Eppendorf, H. von, 263, 383ff.
Erasmus, D.

[blocks in formation]

secretary to Henry of Bergen,

enters University of Paris, 20.
lectures, 24.

anecdote, 26f.

and Anne of Veere, 31.

travels, 31, 35f., 48f., 59, 73,
102ff., 107ff., 115, 136ff.,
141ff., 239, 263ff., 405.
lectures at Cambridge, 65f., 73.
income, 30, 64, 67, 69f., 73f.,
257ff., 342, 401f.

at Louvain, 50f., 148, 176, 219,
239, 246, 252.

in Venice, 107ff., 313.
in Germany, 136f.

in England, 36, 59-100, 116, 130.
at Basle, 138ff., 257-285.
in Netherlands, 130, 141, 148.
degrees and honors, 103, 146f.
portraits, 148ff.

as editor and critic, 189ff., 195.
and Peasant's War, 201, 269f.
and Reformation, 209-256, 320-
371, 378, 439.

and Swiss Reformation, 372-403.
will, 261ff.

attacked by both parties, 398.
attacked in Spain, 400.
at Freiburg, 404-419.

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