Obrázky stránek

If we would have a mean expanfion for any particular range, as between 12° and 92°, which is the most likely to comprehend all the geodætical obfervations, we need only take the difference of the bulks 26'038 and 222.000=195'968, and divide this by the interval of temperature 80°, and we obtain 2'4496, or 2'45 for the mean expanfion for 1°. It would perhaps be better to adapt the table to a mass of 1000 parts of air of the ftandard temperature 32°; for in its prefent form, it thews the expanfibility of air originally of the temperature c. This will be done with fufficient accuracy, by faying (for 212°) 1071*7182 1484,210=1000: 13849, and fo of the rest. Thus we thall construct the following table of the expanfion of 10,000 parts of air.

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This will give for the mean expantion of 1000 parts of air between 12° and 92=229. Although it cannot happen, that in meaturing the differences of elevation near the earth's furface, we fhall have occafion to employ air greatly exceeding the common denfity, we may infert the experiments made by Gen. Roy on fuch airs. They are expreffed in the following table; where column first contains the denfities measured by the inches of mer. cury that they will fupport when of the temperature 33°; column fecond is the expansion of 1000 parts of fuch air, by being heated from o to 212; and column third is the mean expanfion for


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From this extenfive and judicious range o very experiments, it is evident, that the expanfibilit of air by heat, is greatest when the air is about it ordinary density, and that in small denfities it i greatly diminished. It appears alfo, that the la of compreffion is altered; for in this specimen o the rare air, half of the whole expansion happen about the temperature 99o, but in air of ordinar density at 105°. The experiments of AMONTONS related in the Mem. of the Acad. at Paris 1702 &c. are confiftent with these more perfpicuou experiments of Gen. Roy.

After this account of the expanfion of air, w fee that the height through which we muft rife to produce a given fall of the mercury in the baro meter, or the thickness of the ftratum of air equi ponderant with a tenth of an inch of mercury muft increase with the expanfion of air, and that ifbe the expanfion of one degree, we must



multipy the excefs of the temperature of the air above 32° by 000229, and multiply the product by 87, to obtain the thickness of the ftratum where the barometer stands at 30 inches: or whatever be the elevation indicated by the difference of the barometrical heights, upon the fuppofition that the air is of the temperature 32°, we muft multiply this by o'00229 for every degree that the air is warmer or colder than 32. The produc must be added to the elevation in the firft cafe, and fubtracted in the latter.


Sir GEORGE SHUCKBURGH deduces o'c014 from his experiments, as the mean expansion of air in the ordinary cafes and this is probably nearer the truth; because Gen. Roy's experiments were made on air which was freer from damp than the ordinary air in the fields; and a very minute quantity of damp increafes its expanabili ty by heat in a prodigious degree. The great difficulty is how to apply this correction; or ra ther, how to determine the temperature of the air in thofe extenfive and deep ftrata in which the ele vations are measured. It feldom or never hap pens, that the ftratum is of the fame temperature throughout.

throughout. It is commonly much colder aloft; ita allo of different conftitutions. Below it is warm, loaded with vapour, and very expanfible; above it is cold, much drier, and less expanfible, both by its drynels and its rarity. The currents of wind are often difpofed in ftrata, which long retain their places; and as they come from diffet regions, are of different temperatures and Eferent conftitutions. We cannot therefore determine the expansion of the whole ftratum with precifion, and must be contented with an approximation. The belt approximation that we can make, is, by fuppofing the whole ftratum of a mean temperature between thofe of its upper and lower extremity, and employing the expantion corresponding to that mean temperature. This, however, is founded on a gratuitous fuppofition, that the whole intermediate ftratum expands alike, and that the expanfion is equable in the different intermediate temperatures; but neither of thefe are warranted by experiment. Rare air-expands lefs than what is denfer; and therefore the general expansion of the whole ftratum renders its density more uniform. Dr Horfley has pointed out fome curious confequences of this in Phil. Tran Vol. LXIV. There is a particular elevation, at which the general expanfion, inftead of dainihing the denfity of the air, increases it by the fuperior expanfion of what is below; and we know that the expanfion is not equable in the intermediate temperatures: but we cannot find out I. Subtract the logarithm of the barometrical a which will give us a more accurate correc-height at the upper ftation from the logarithm of in, than by taking the expanfion for the mean temperature.

this ftate it may contain a confiderable portion of other metals, particularly of filver, bifmuth, and tin, which will diminish its specific gravity. It has been obtained by revivification from cinnabar of the specific gravity 14'229, and it is thought very fine if 1365. Sir George Shuckburgh found the quickfilver which agreed precifely with the atmospherical obfervations on which the rules are founded, to have the specific gravity 1361. It is feldom obtained so heavy. It is evident that these variations will change the whole refults; and that it is abfolutely neceffary, to obtain precision, that we know the density of the mercury employed The fubtangent of the atmospherical logarithmic, or the height of the homogeneous atmosphere, will increase in the fame proportion with the density of the mercury; and the elevation correfponding to one tenth of an inch of barometric height will change in the fame proportion. We must be contented with the remaining imperfections. For any purpose that can be answered by fuch measure. ments of great heights, the method is fufficiently exact; but it is quite inadequate to the purpofe of taking accurate levels, for directing the conftruction of canals, aqueducts, and other works of this kind, where extreme precifion is abfolutely neceffary.

When this is done, we have carried the method of meaturing heights by the barometer as far as it' cago; and this fource of remaining error makes ineedlefs to attend to fome other very minute equations which theory points out. Such is the Ciminution of the weight of the mercury by the change of distance from the centre of the earth. This accompanies the diminution of the weight of the air, but neither fo as to compenfate it, nor to go along with it pari paffu. After all, there are cafes where there is a regular deviation from those rules, of which we cannot give any very fatisfactory account. Thus, in the province of Quito in Peru, which is at a great elevation above the furface of the ocean, the heights obtained by t-fe rules fall confiderably fhort of the real heights; and at Spitfbergen they confiderably ex ced them. It appears that the air in the circumpolar regions, is denier than the air of the temperate climates when of the fame heat, and under the fame preffure; and the contrary feems to be the cake with the air in the torrid zone. It would seem that the specific gravity of air to mercury is at Spitbergen about one to 1c224, and in Peru about 1 to 13100. This difference is with great probability afcribed to the greater drynefs of the

Circumpolar air.

We shall only add a few EASY RULES for the practice of this mode of measurement.


that at the lower, and count the index and four firft decimal figures of the remainder as fathoms, the reit as a decimal fraction. Call this the eleva tion.

II. Note the different temperatures of the mercury at the two ftations, and the mean temperature. Multiply the logarithmic expansion corres ponding to this mean temperature (in Table B.) by the difference of the two temperatures, and fubtract the product from the elevation if the barometer has been coldeft at the upper station, otherwife add it. Call the difference or the fum the approximated clevation.

III. Note the difference of the temperatures of the air at the two ftations by a detached thermometer, and alfo the mean temperature and its difference from 32°. Multiply this difference by the expantion of air for the mean temperature, and multiply the approximate elevation by this product, according as the air is above or below 32. The product is the correct elevation in fathoms and decimals.

EXAMPLE. Suppofe that the mercury in the barometer at the lower ftation, was at 294 inches, that its temperature was 50°, and the temperature of the air was 45; and let the height of the mercury at the upper ftation be 25°19 inches, its tem perature 46, and the temperature of the air 39.

Thus we have

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This fource of error will always remain; and it al Hts. Temp. is combined with another, which fhould be attended to by all who practife this method of meafuring heights, namely, a difference in the fpecific gravity of the quick-filver. It is thought fufficiently pure for a barometer when it is cleared of all calcinable matter, fo as not to fully the tube. In

I. Log. of 29'4
Log. of 25*19

Elevation in fathoms

B 2

671,191 II. Expanf

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Remark 1. If o'oooror be fuppofed the mean expanion of mercury for 1°, as Sir George Shuckburgh determines it, the reduction of the baro. metric heights will be bad fufficiently exact, by multiplying the obferved heights of the mercury by the difference of its temperatures from 32, and cutting off four more decimal places; thus 29'4 X 18 gives for the reduced height 29'347, and 10000 25 19 X 14


gives 25*155, and the difference

of their logarithms gives 66'94 fathoms for the approximated elevation, which differs from the one given above by no more than 15 inches.

Remark 2. If o'0024 be taken for the expanfion of air for one degree, the correction for this expanfion will be had by multiplying the approxiinated elevation by 12, and this product by the sum of the differences of the temperatures from 32 counting that difference as negative when the temperature is below 32, and cutting off four places; thus 669,196 × 12 +13 +07X 16.061, which added to 669,196 gives 685,257, differing from the former only 9 inches. From the fame premifes we may derive a rule, which is abundantly exact for all geodetical pur pofes, and which requires no tables of any kind, and is eafily remembered.




. The height through which we must rife in

order to produce any fall of the mercury in the barometer, is inverfely proportional to the dentity of the air, that is, to the height of the mercury in the barometer.

2. When the barometer ftands at 30 inches, and the air and quickfilver are of the temperature 32, we muft rife through 87 feet, in order to produce a depreffion of one 10th of an inch.

3. But if the air be of a different temperature, this 87 feet must be increased or diminished by o'21 of a foot for every degree of difference of the temperature from 32°.

4. Every degree of difference of the temperatures of the mercury at the two stations, makes a change of 2833 feet, or 2 feet 10 inches in the elevation.

Hence the following rule.

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Corr. for temp. of mercury,4 X 2°03 1132

Corrected elevation in feet

Ditto in fathoms

4111'92 685°32

Differing from the former only 15 inches.

'This rule may be expreffed by the following fimple and eafy remembered formula, where a is the difference between 32° and the mean temperature of the air, d is the difference of barometric heights in tenths of an inch, m is the mean barometric height, the difference between the mercuria! temperatures, and E is the correct elevation. 30(87021a)d_ +5X2.83.


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We conclude this part of our fubject with an account of the height of the moft remarkable MOUNTAINS, &c. on the earth, above the surface of the ocean, in feet.

Mount Puy de Dome in France, the firft
mountain measured by the barometer
Mount B'anc
Monte Rofa

Aiguille d'Argenture
Monaftery of St Bernard
Mount Cenis








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Pic de los Reyes)

Fic du Medi

Pic d'Ofano

[ocr errors]

Lake of Genera

Mount Etna

Must Veluvius


Mount Hecia in Iceland

Ben Lawers



Ben Lomond

Table Hill, Cape of Good Hope
Gondar city in Abyffinia

7620 to the common barometer for measurement of 9300 heights, on account of their bulk and cumber11700 fomenefs: nay, they are inferior for all philofo8544 phical purpofes in point of accuracy. Their scale 1232 must be determined in all its parts by the com10954 mon barometer; and therefore notwithstanding 3938 their great range, they are susceptible of no great4887 er accuracy, than that with which the scale of a 3555 common barometer can be observed and measu3723 red. This is evident from confidering how the 3858 points of their scale must be afcertained. The 3472 moft accurate method for graduating such a ba3461 rometer would be to make a mixture of vitriolic 3180 acid and water, which should have one 10th of 2342 the density of mercury. Then, let a long tube 3454 ftand verticle in this fluid, and connect its upper 8440 end with the open end of the barometer by a pipe 8082 which has a branch to which we can apply the 14026 mouth. Then if we fuck through this pipe, the 19595 fluid will rife both in the barometer and in the 19391 other tube; and 10 inches rife in this tube will 19290 correfpond to one inch defcent in the common 15670 barometer. In this manner may every point of 9977 the scale be adjusted in due proportion to the 306 reft. But it ftill remains to determine what partiThis laft is fo fingular, that it is neceffary to cular point of the scale correfponds to fome degive the authority on which this determination is termined inch of the common barometer. This founded. It is deduced from nine years obferva- can only be done by an actual comparison; and ties with the barometer at Aftracan by Mr Lecre, this being done, the whole becomes equally accompared with a feries of obfervations made with curate, Except therefore for the mere purpose the fame barometer at St Petersburgh. of chamber amusement, in which cafe the barometer laft described has a decided preference, the common barometer is to be preferred; and our attention fhould be entirely directed to its improvement and portability.

Source of the Nile

Fit of Teneriffe




City of Quito

Cafpian Sea below the ocean

This ufe of the barometer has rendered it a very tering intrument to the philofopher and to the traveller; and many attempts have been made of late to improve it, and render it more portable. The improvements have either been directed to the enlargement of its range, or to the more acCrate measurement of its prefent fcale. Of the firft kind are Hooke's wheel barometer, the diaDal barometer, and the horizontal barometer. See BAROMETER, $ 4,6; alfo § 10, 20; for two very ingenious contrivances of Mr Rownings, which are not portable. Of all the barometers with an enlarged fcale the beft is that invented by Dr Hooxe in 1668, and defcribed in the Phil. Tran N° 185. The invention was alfo claimed Huygens and De la Hire; but Hooke's was Fblihed long before.

It confifts of a compound tube ABCDEFG (fig. 51. Pl. 281.) of which the parts AB and DE are equally wide, and EFG as much narrower as we would amplify the fcale. The parts AB and EG falfo be as perfectly cylindrical as poffible. The part HBCDI is filled with mercury, having a vacuum above in AB. IF is filled with a light fid, and FG with another light fluid which will not mix with that in IF. The ciftern G is of the fame diameter as AB. The range of the feparating furface at F is as much greater than that of the furface I, as the area of 1 is greater than that of F. And this ratio is in our choice. This barometer is fre from all the bad qualities of thofe formerly defcnbed, being moft delicately moveable; and is by far the fitteft for a chamber, or amufement, by obfervations on the changes of the atmospheric preffure. The flighteft breeze caufes it to rife and fall, and it is continually in motion.

Bat this, and all other barometers are inferior

For this purpofe it fhould be furnished with two microscopes or magnifying glaffes, one ftationed at the beginning of the fcale; which should either be moveable, fo that it may always be brought to the furface of the mercury in the ciftern, or the ciftern fhould be fo contrived that its furface may always be brought to the beginning of the fcale. The glafs will enable us to fee the coincidence with accuracy. The other microfcope must be moveable, fo as to be fet oppofite to the furface of the mercury in the tube; and the fcale fhould be furnished with a vernier which divides an inch into 1000 parts, and be made of materials of which we know the expansion with great precifion.

For an account of many ingenious contrivances to make the inftrument accurate, portable, and commodious, confult Magellan, Differ. de diverses Inftr. de Phys; Phil. Tranf. Ixvii. ixviii.; Journ. de Phys. xix. 108. 346. xvi. 392. xviii. 391. xxi. 436. xxii. 390.; Sulzer, Act Helvet. iii. 259.; De Luc, Recherches fur les Modifications de l'Atmosphere, i. 401. ii. 459, 490. De Luc's feems the most fimple and perfect of them all. Cardinal de Luynes (Mem. Par. 1768); Prin. De Luc, Recherches, § 63.; Van Swinden's Pofitiones Phyfica; Com. Acad. Petrop. i.; Com. Acad. Petrop. Nov. 100. viii.


THUS We have given an elementary account of the diftinguishing properties of air as a heavy and compreffible fluid, and of the general phenomena which are immediate confequences of these pro


perties; in a fet of propofitions analagous to those which form the doctrines of HYDROSTATICS. We fhall now confider it as moveable and inert. The phenomena confequent on these properties are exhibited in the velocities which air acquires by preffure, in the refiftance which bodies meet with totheir motion thro' the air, and in the impreffion which air in motion gives to bodies exposed to its action. We fhall firft confider the motions of which air is fufceptible when the equilibrium of preffure (whether arifing from its weight or its elafticity) is removed; and next, we shall confider its action on folid bodies expofed to its current, and the refiftance which it makes to their motion through it. In this confideration we shall adapt our invef-1332 feet per fecond. This therefore is the tigation to the circumftances in which compref- velocity with which common air will rush into a fible fluids are moft commonly found. We fhall void; and this may be taken as a standard numconfider air therefore as it is commonly found in ber in pneumatics, as 16 and 32 are ftandard numacceffible fituations, as acted on by equal and pa- bers in the general science of mechanics, expreffing rallel gravity; and we fhall confider it in the fame the action of gravity at the furface of the earth. order in which water is treated in a system of

AIR is about 840 times lighter than water, and the preffure of the atmosphere, fupports water at the height of 33 feet nearly. The height therefore of a homogeneous atmosphere is nearly 33 X 840, or 27720 feet. As for the velocity acquired by any fall, a heavy body by falling one foot acquires the velocity of 8 feet per fecond; and the velocities acquired by falling thro' different heights are as the fquare roots of the heights. Therefore, to find the velocity correfponding to any height, expreffed in feet per fecond, multiply the fquare root of the height by 8. We have therefore in the prefent inftance V=8√2 27220, 8X166,493


In that science the leading problem is to determine with what velocity the water will move through a given orifice when impelled by fome known preffure; and it has been found, that the beft form in which this moft difficult and intricate propofition can be put, is to determine the velocity of water flowing through this orifice when impelled by its weight alone. Having determined this, we can reduce to this cafe every queftion which can be propofed; for, in place of the preffure of any piston or other mover, we can always fubftitute a perpendicular column of water or air, whose weight shall be equal to the given prefiure. The first problem, therefore, is to determine with what velocity air will rush into a void when im pelled by its weight alone. This is evidently analogous to the hydraulic problem of water flowing

out of a velfel.

And here we must refer our readers to the folutions which have been given of that problem,

under HYDROSTATICS, Part I. and the demonflration that it flows with the velocity which a heavy body would acquire by failing from a height equal to the depth of the hole under the furface of the water in the veffel. In whatever way we attempt to demonstrate that propofition, every step, nay, to the air, or to any fluid whatever. Or, if our every word, of the demonstration applies equally logy of the cafes, we only defire them to recollect an undoubted maxim in regard to motion, that when the moving force and the matter to be moved vary in the fame proportion, the velocity will be the fame. If therefore there be fimilar veffels of air, water, oil, or any other fluid, all of the height of a homogeneous atmosphere, they will all run through equal and fimilar holes with the fame velocity; for in whatever proportion the quantity of matter moving thro' the hole be varied by a variation of denfity, the preffure which forces it out, by acting in circumstances perfectly fimilar, varies in the fame proportion by the fame variation of denfity. We must therefore affume it as the leading propofition, that air rushes from the atmosphere into a void with the velocity which a heavy body would acquire by falling from the top of a homogeneous atmosphere.

readers fhould wish to fee the connection or ana

Greater precifion is not neceffary in this matter. The height of a homogeneous atmosphere is a variable thing, depending on the temperature of the air. If this feems any objection against the ufe of the number 1332, we may retain 8/H in place of it, where H expreffes the height of a homogeneous atmosphere of the given temperature. A variation of the barometer makes no change in the velocity, nor in the height of the homogeneous atmosphere, because it is accompanied by a proportional variation in the density of the air. When it is increased one 10th, for inftance, the denfity force and the matter to be moved are changed in is also increased one roth; and thus the expelling the fame proportion, and the velocity remains the fame. We do not here confider the velocity which the air acquires after its iffuing into the void by its continual expanfion. This may be ascertained by the 39th prop. of Newton's Principia, i. Nay, which appears very paradoxical, if a cylinder of be compreffed by a pifton loaded with a weight, air, communicating in this manner with a void, which preffes it down as the air flows out, and efflux with ftill be the fame, however great the prefthus keeps it of the fame density, the velocity of fure may be: for the first and immediate effect of the load on the pifton is to reduce the air in the cylinder to fuch a denfity that its elafticity fhall of the air will be increased in the fame proportion exactly balance the load; and because the elafticity of air is proportional to its denfity, the denfity with the load, that is, with the expelling power; for we are neglecting at prefent the weight of the fible effect. Therefore, fince the matter to be included air as too inconfiderable to have any fenmoved is increafed in the fame proportion with the preffure, the velocity will be the fame as before.

It is equally eafy to determine the velocity with which the air of the atmosphere will rush into a pace containing rarer air. Whatever may be the denfity of this air, its elafticity, which follows the proportion of its denfity, will balance a proporit is the exccfs of this laft only which is the motional part of the preffure of the atmosphere; and ving force. The matter to be moved is the fame as before. Let D be the natural density of the air, into which it is fuppofed to run, and let P be the and the density of the air contained in the vessel


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