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as the foremost citizen of the United States of Mexico, will be greeted by the universal heart of the American Republic and be welcomed to its most sincere hospitality.

I beg to hand you the formal requests from the governor of Illinois, the governors of other States, the mayor of the city of Chicago, mayors of other cities, presidents of many universities and colleges, and other prominent men of the nation, and also resolutions of our city council and other municipal legislatures, urging you to favor Chicago with your presence and extend your journeying to other portions of our Republic.

[Inclosure 2.]

Reply of President Diaz.

GENTLEMEN: I feel grateful, nay proud. at receiving from the people of a city who are the model of energy and intelligence, an invitation so courteous, handed to me through so distinguished a channel.

The free and laborious citizens of Chicago are right in celebrating the anniversary of a lamentable catastrophe, inasmuch as it served by a species of vigorous reaction to display to the entire world the immense power of their energy, intellect, and other characteristic virtues.

It will be a pleasure and an honor to me to avail myself of the comme noration of the twenty-eighth anniversary of the event in question, to clasp the hand of the honorable President of the United States, of the authorities of that Republic, and of the distinguished soldiers who have carried its flag to so glorious a height.

But in order to leave the national territory I must obtain the permission of the Federal Congress, as is commanded by the fundamental law of the nation. As soon as Congress meets-that is to say, on the 16th of September next-I will ask for that permission, and the honorable delegation which has been pleased to invite me will be informed of the result of my petition through the Mexican ambassador at Washington, whom I will instruct to wait on you in Chicago. I will also communicate to the ambassador of the United States at this city the resolution of the Mexican Congress.

No. 213.]

Mr. Hay to Mr. Clayton.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, September 7, 1899.

SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 303, of August 25, 1899, concerning the presentation to President Diaz of the Chicago committee, in order that it might invite him to attend the ceremonies in Chicago in October next, during the laying of the corner stone of the United States Government building there.

I take this occasion to compliment you on the successful and graceful manner in which you have carried out the Department's instructions.

I am, etc.,


No. 335.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

Mexico, September 20, 1899.

SIR: I have the honor to inclose herewith a clipping1 from the Mexican Herald of to-day, reporting the proceedings of the two Houses of Congress yesterday, in joint session, granting the President a leave of absence of twenty days with permission to visit the United States to attend the Chicago festivities, also appropriating $100,000 for his expenses should he accept the invitation lately extended to him.

1 Not printed.

In this connection I have the honor to report that I called upon the President on the 18th instant, and during the course of the interview I alluded to the question of his accepting the invitation. He remarked that he was yet in doubt as to his action; that the Presidential, gubernatorial, and judicial elections were approaching, and that he had upon his hands an uprising of the Yaqui tribe of Indians, and was about to inaugurate a military movement for the subjection of the Mayo Indians in Yucatan, who were defying the national authority; that his going would depend upon the condition of affairs existing at the time of his decision. I asked him, in case it should turn out that he could not go, which I hoped would not be the case, whether one or more members of his cabinet would go. He answered in the affirmative.

In an interview with Mr. Mariscal yesterday I incidentally brought up the same question. He alluded to the fact that Mrs. Diaz is confined to her bed with sickness, and that the doctors thought she would be so indisposed for two or three weeks, and that he thought the question of the President's acceptance would depend upon the condition of her health at the time of his decision.

I am still of the opinion that the President's acceptance is very problematical. However, in the event he should decide to go, and in view of the fact that a formal invitation was extended to me by the Chicago committee to attend, I should like to know the views of the Department as to what will be expected of me in such an emergency. I have been informed by one of my diplomatic colleagues that it is customary in Europe where one sovereign visits another for the diplomatic representative at the capital of the visiting sovereign to accompany him. While I have no wishes to express, I have deemed it proper to bring the matter to your attention.

I have, etc.,

No. 356.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.


Mexico, September 27, 1899.

SIR: Having been informed by Mr. Mariscal, last Monday, that the President had decided that day not to visit Chicago, but to send him (Mr. Mariscal) as his personal representative, I immediately telegraphed the Department, in cipher, as follows:

The President will not visit Chicago. Minister for foreign affairs goes instead. I sent this dispatch in cipher because I had reason to believe that the information thus conveyed was in advance of the information sent by the Mexican Government to Mr. Charles U. Gordon, chairman of the invitation committee at Chicago, and to the Mexican ambassador at Washington.

Upon receipt of Mr. Hill's message of yesterday, reading:

Is Señor Mariscal personal representative of President? Where does he cross the frontier?

I obtained the requisite information, and answered as follows:
Mariscal goes as personal representative of President, via Eagle Pass.

I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of a note from Mr. Mariscal, under date of yesterday, received to-day, transmitting to me a copy of a communication addressed by President Diaz to Mr. Charles U. Gordon, of Chicago, copy and translation inclosed, in which communication the President states the reasons

that caused him to abandon his visit to Chicago, and informs Mr. Gordon that he has designated Mr. Ignacio Mariscal, secretary for foreign affairs, to represent him there.

I have just received Mr. Hill's telegraphic instruction of to-day, reading as follows:

The President charges you to appropriately express his sincere regrets that President Diaz is prevented from carrying out his intention to visit Chicago on the occasion of the corner-stone celebration, and to assure President Diaz of his sympathy for Señora Diaz's illness and his hope for a speedy recovery. You will add that Señor Mariscal, as the personal representative of President Diaz, will receive every consideration due to his distinguished office and representative character.

I have arranged for an interview with the President at the National Palace at 5 o'clock this afternoon, at which time I will comply with said instruction. POWELL CLAYTON.

I have, etc.,


Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Clayton.

Mexico, September 26, 1899.

MR. AMBASSADOR: I have the honor to send to your excellency a copy of the letter which, under date of yesterday, the President of the Republic addressed to Mr. Charles U. Gordon, stating the reasons why he excuses himself from assisting at the festivities which will take place in Chicago, and designating me to represent him.

I avail myself, etc.,


[Subinclosure.--Translation.] President Diaz to Mr. Gordon.

MEXICO, September 25, 1899.

MY DEAR SIR: In accordance with my promise to you and your honorable associates of the committee, made at the time when an invitation to attend the coming festivities in Chicago was so courteously presented to me, shortly after the opening of the regular session of Congress I applied for the necessary leave to go outside of the national territory. It was granted immediately, undoubtedly with the object of taking advantage of the occasion to increase and strengthen the friendly relations of the two countries. Nothing seemed to interfere with the realization of my wishes, which had already been expressed, to respond, by my immediate acceptance, to the kind terms in which the invitation was couched, Now, however, they are unfortunately opposed by the consideration, among others, that during my absence motives of delicacy on the part of my substitute and of all the members of the cabinet would prevent their dispatching several important matters now pending and in which delay could not fail to be prejudicial.

And besides, my wife's health has been recently affected, and although serious consequences are not apprehended, it is the opinion of the physicians that her illness may be prolonged, all of which causes me to fear that some unexpected attack might occur.

These reasons compel me, much to my regret, not to take advantage of the leave granted by Congress, and to beg that you will make my excuses to the governor of Illinois and the mayor of Chicago, and to each and every one of the persons who so kindly invited me and to whom I am profoundly grateful for their courtesy and attention. I will never forget the honor they have personally done me, nor the distinction accorded to Mexico by inviting me, as they have done on this occasion, in terms exceptionally complimentary and expressive.

And as it is not possible for me to be present in person, I have designated Mr. Ignacio Mariscal, the secretary of foreign affairs, recently appointed by Congress to substitute me during my prolonged absence, to represent me at Chicago's great festival on the 9th proximo.

I have the pleasure to remain, your friend and servant,


No. 357.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

Mexico, September 28, 1899.

SIR: Referring to my dispatch No. 356, of yesterday, concerning the instruction contained in Mr. Hill's telegraphic message of the same day directing me to express the regret of the President of the United States that circumstances had arisen causing President Diaz to abandon his visit to Chicago, etc., I have the honor to report that I called upon the President at the National Palace at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and in the execution of the aforesaid instruction I addressed the President as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: I am charged by the President of the United States to express to you his sincere regret that circumstances have arisen which prevent your excellency from carrying out your intention to visit Chicago on the occasion of the laying of the corner stone of the United States building in that city, and to assure your excellency of his sympathy on account of the illness of Señora Diaz, and his hope for her speedy recovery. The President also directed me to say that Mr. Mariscal, as the personal representative of Your Excellency, will receive every consideration due to his high office and his distinguished representative character.

The President replied that he thanked the President of the United States for his kind expressions conveyed through me, and requested me to say that he regretted very much that existing circumstances prevented his accepting the invitation of the Chicago committee, because he felt confident of the fact that had he been able to go it would have been conducive to furthering relations between the United States and Mexico.

I have, etc.,

No. 363.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.


Mexico, October 3, 1899.

SIR: Referring to my dispatches Nos. 356 and 357, of the 27th and 28th ultimo, concerning Mr. Mariscal's visit to Chicago as the representative of President Diaz, I have the honor to report that about noon on the 29th ultimo I received a telegraphic dispatch from Gen. Chambers McKibben, dated San Antonio, Tex., reading as follows: Have been delegated by President to meet Señor Mariscal, minister of foreign affairs of Mexico, at United States boundary, Eagle Pass. Request information when train is expected to arrive at Eagle Pass.

MCKIBBEN, Commanding Department of Texas.

Whereupon I immediately asked of the foreign office the information required, and having been informed that Mr. Mariscal would leave on the night of the 30th ultimo and arrive at Eagle Pass on morning of October 4, I wired General McKibben the same day, as follows:

Mariscal will arrive Eagle Pass morning of October 4.

Mr. Mariscal, being a sufferer from insomnia, previously informed me of his intention to have his train lay over at nights between Mexico and the border, which accounts for his long itinerary in Mexico.

I have, etc.,




Mr. Hay to Hon. Andrew D. White, Hon. Seth Low, Hon. Stanford Newel, Capt. Alfred T. Mahan, U. S. N., Capt. William Crozier, U. S. A., delegates on the part of the President of the United States.


Washington, April 18, 1899.

GENTLEMEN: You have been appointed by the President to constitute a commission to represent him at an international conference called by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia to meet at The Hague, at a time to be indicated by the Government of the Netherlands, for the purpose of discussing the most efficacious means of assuring to all peoples the "benefits of a real and durable peace."

Upon your arrival at The Hague you will effect an organization of your commission, whose records will be kept by your secretary, Hon. Frederick W. Holls. All reports and communications will be made through this Department, according to its customary forms, for preservation in the archives.

The programme of topics suggested by the Russian minister of foreign affairs for discussion at the conference in his circular of December 30, 1898, is as follows:

1. An understanding stipulating the nonaugmentation, for a term to be agreed upon, of the present effective armed land and sea forces, as well as the war budgets pertaining to them; preliminary study of the ways in which even a reduction of the aforesaid effectives and budgets could be realized in the future.

2. Interdiction of the employment in armies and fleets of new firearms of every description and of new explosives, as well as powder more powerful than the kinds used at present, both for guns and cannons.

3. Limitation of the use in field fighting of explosives of a formidable power, such as now in use, and prohibition of the discharge of any kind of projectiles or explosives from balloons or by similar means.

4. Prohibition of the use in naval battles of submarine or diving torpedo boats, or of other engines of destruction of the same nature; agreement not to construct in the future warships armed with rams.

5. Adaptation to naval war of the stipulation of the Geneva convention of 1864, on the base of the additional articles of 1868.

6. Neutralization, for the same reason, of boats or launches employed in the rescue of the shipwrecked during or after naval battles.

7. Revision of the declaration concerning the laws and customs of war elaborated in 1874 by the conference of Brussels, and not yet ratified.

8. Acceptance, in principle, of the use of good offices, mediation, and voluntary arbitration, in cases where they are available, with the purpose of preventing armed conflicts between nations; understanding in relation to their mode of application and establishment of a uniform practice in employing them.

It is understood that all questions concerning the political relations of States and the order of things established by treaties, as in general all the questions which shall not be included directly in the programme adopted by the cabinets, should be absolutely excluded from the deliberations of the conference.

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