ny! But my misfortune did not end here. I entered the other part of the college, which was within a few steps, where the boys are taught, but found no person whatev er. I went through such of the apartments as were open, and found them not in that condition we would expect: neither of these buildings are any thing to boast of. Baffled in my endeavours, I made one more attempt; seeing a number of boys engaged at play near the college, I walked towards them, and enquired for their teacher: they pointed to a man who was walking towards us, in a shabby great coat. When he drew near I apprized him of my business, but what was my astonishment to find in him another foreigner! This last was an Irish. man, who spoke worse English if possible than the other, and the most uncouth being I ever saw. I turned from him in disgust; not however without condemning my countrymen, who could invest such men with the con trol of a matter of the first importance. I addressed sev. eral of the students (who were the youths just mentioned) with such questions as "what studies they pursued! how many classes? the number of professors?" but from them I received such replies as reflect little honor upon the institution. The Irishman, who was standing by, was brought to blush at their behaviour, shook his head at them, and seemed no little concerned at their rudeness. The medical college is also called a university.; it has six professors, and is said to be in a flourishing condi tion. Besides these three colleges, there are said to be many schools and academies. A great storm of wind and rain prevented my seeing the alms-house. e la na ar an tiv pl Bo ge CO go ΠΟ eas ed, ion lica of o in t and I the Col out The Wa Han said ry i hap: er S of t grat at th of F Markets. Nothing pleased me more than the markets -here I found ample scope for my curiosity; never had I before seen any thing to equal it, either for variety or abundance, and every thing much cheaper than I had expected-vegetables of all sorts, fruit, meat and fish, both fresh and salt-in short, every thing that was to be eaten. Here an old woman sitting with a table spread with nice bread and butter, veal cutlet, sausages and coffee; there another, with a table bending under the tim weight of candy, sweet cakes, oranges and apples; an other with choice vegetables; another with fowls, as fat (the stoo of G ered the I steps, whatev. re open, expect: f. Baf seeing ollege, 1 teacher: ds us, in pprized #ment to Fan Irish. e other, ed from ning my the con sed sev• mentionursued! but from or upon by, was head at udeness. ; it has condi. aid to be of wind markets ever had ariety or in I had and fish, I was to be e spread iges and Inder the les; anIs, as fat as corn could make them. These take their stations at each end of the market-houses, and form a perfect phalanx. The market houses are in the streets, long and narrow. Manners and Appearance.-The people of Baltimore are polite and affable in their manners, liberal, brave, and hospitable; they are active, enterprising, and attentive to business. The men, generally speaking, dress plain; but the ladies dress gay, and even fantastical. Both sexes walk as though they were walking for a wager; the streets are full from morning till night. The constant buz of the multitude, with that of carts, waggons and coaches, nearly distracted me. Both men and women, in stature, are much like those already described, cast of the mountains: the men are small, but well shaped, and both sexes are very sprightly. Their complexion is dark, with black eyes; their features are very delicate, but regular and handsome, with much expression of countenance. Baltimore is the third commercial city in the Union; it has several manufactories of glass, tin and leather, and contains 62,738 inhabitants. History.-Baltimore was located, in the year 1730, on the north side of Patapsco river, upon the land called Cole's harbour, or Todd's range: sixty acres were laid out into sixty lots, by an act of the legislature. Major Thomas Tolly, Wm. Hamilton, Wm. Buckney, Dr. Geo. Walker, Richard Ghrist, Dr. Geo. Buchanan, and Wm. Hammond, were appointed commissioners for carrying said act into execution. The history of Maryland is very imperfectly known; it was a mere accident that I happened to meet with the foregoing act, and a few other sketches of the history of Maryland. As we are fond of tracing things to their source, it may afford some gratification to add, with respect to Baltimore city, that at the time it was erected into a town, a man by the name of Fleming, (a tenant of Mr. Carrol,) resided in a house (the only one in the place) called the Quarter, which stood on the north bank of Usher's run, near the house of Gen. Striker, in Charles-street. All we know of Baltimore since, is, that it has advanced in wealth and com 17* merce, at a career unparalleled by any other city, until within a few years back. Maryland, it is well known, was settled by Lord Baltimore, who was a Roman Catholic in religion. The Catholics being oppressed by the British government, a number of gentlemen of rank and distinction, with Lord Baltimore at their head, set sail from Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, and arrived in the Chesapeake, at Old Point Comfort, in Virginia, in 1634. He sailed up the Potomac, thirteen leagues, and came to an Indian town, called Potomack, from whence this river took its name.— The Indians received Lord Baltimore with great hospitality, and after some conversation with them, he asked the chief, "If he was willing to let him and his companions stay in the country?" to which the chief replied, "I do not bid you go, nor bid you stay; use your own discretion." The governor (as Lord Baltimore was now called,) not willing to hazard a settlement amongst these Indians, sailed back again, and proceeded up a smaller stream, where he found other Indians, called Yoamancos. He landed here, and gave it the name of St. Mary's, after having purchased the land of the natives. The first thing he did after landing, was to build a guard-house and a store house. This place is still known in Mary. land by the name of St. Mary's. A singular anecdote is related of Lord Baltimore and these Indians. Shortly after the governor landed, a number of them came to visit him, and amongst others the king of Patuxent, who had formerly been a prisoner of the English in Virginia. To please these people, the governor made an entertainment on board the ship, then at anchor. The king of Patuxent was placed at table between the governor of Maryland and the governor of Virginia, (Sir John Harvey, then on a visit to Lord Baltimore,) in great state. All was mirth and glee, and mutual good humour over. spread every countenance. But an incident happened which had like to have destroyed the pleasure of the feast: A Patuxent Indian coming on board, while they were at dinner, and seeing his king thus seated, started *Bosman's History of Maryland. ba ki le an di hu in tiv ed or the the the but bro ing the dud sac in t like spe rob eerd ove tend wish ing thin une it w othe was worl that prod we p nor was t was a hospiasked mpanreplied, ur own as now st these smaller nancos. y's, afThe first J-house Marynecdote Shortly came to nt, who irginia. tertain king of ernor of hn Harat state. or over 3 ppened e of the ile they started back and refused to enter the cabin, supposing that his king was confined there as a captive, and would have leaped overboard, had not the king himself interposed, and satisfied him that he was in no danger. These Indians lived amicably with this colony: they went to hunt, every day, with the new comers, killing and fetching home deer and turkies. Meantime the colony cultivated the soil, planting corn on the land formerly cleared by the Indians, with such success that the next year, or the year following, they exported 10,000 bushels, and the utmost harmony for many years subsisted between them and the Indians. The first assembly met in 1638, the governor taking the chair as speaker of the house; but it was long before the king of England could be brought to sanction any of their laws. Having written some dramatic pieces while in Washington, I waited on Messrs. W. and W. proprietors of the theatre in this city, to whom I had a letter of introduction. The first of these (though I had claims of a sacred nature upon him, which it is needless to mention in this place,) received me with a snarling growl, not unlike that of a surly, ill-natured dog, when another of his species enters his tenement. Had I been a highway robber, monsieur could not have treated me with less ceremony; he brushed by me, as though he would have overset me, without uttering more than one short sentence, which as near as I could distinguish, was "that he wished to have no concern with me.' 1 am fond of seeing human nature in all its variety, and taking every thing into view, I must say, this was one new, as it was unexpected. I stood a few moments, thunderstruck as it were, and summoning my resolution I waited on the other W. He was as polite and affable, as the other was vulgar and abrupt. He received me with an air worthy of Chesterfield himself, but when he understood that the piece I wished him to patronize was my own production, "oh," said he, "that is out of the question, we play no American pieces at all, you must excuse me nor give yourself further trouble." This last, I found was the chief of the band, and if he objected the matter was at an end. Thus those foreigners, (for I am told ha st ha pa de the me bc kn mil from or: cri pur ed but the they are both Englishmen,) who are so generously patronized by us, and live on the fat of the land, refuse us Οι their patronage in turn. No wonder the English cry down American works when they find their account in it. And here I cannot help lamenting the taste of my own country, which leads it to prefer foreign works. As to the persons alluded to, they are too contemptible to be brought into question, although they have the impudence to laugh at the credulity of the generous sons of Columbia, who save them from starving. Yet it would be pleasing to us, could we awaken a spirit of encourage. ment in favour of our own literature. We are sorry to find the American character, so praise-worthy in other respects, should fall short in one by which it is ultimately to rise of fall. It may be said of nations as of indi viduals as that man must be blind indeed, who would sacrifice his personal interest to the aggrandizement of another, so that nation must be blind to its interest which enriches another by means that impoverish itself. I would by no means exclude foreign literature, but l condemn that rage for it, which hurries us beyond rea son, beyond interest, and beyond national pride. I have now a letter before me, from a noted bookseller in Phil adelphia, wherein he says "that American works do not pay the expense of publishing, owing to the rage of the American people for foreign productions." Another says, "such flimsy stuff is unworthy of support." We guil might as well say that because a mechanic spoils a piece gra of cloth, or a shoemaker should make a tfinisy pair of ap shoes, we will not encourage domestic manufactures, we will revoke the tariff, and let them shift for themselves, we will rather encourage the manufactures of others than our own. We aspire to great actions, we pride par ourselves upon being a great nation; will we then neg lect the growing genius of our country, is it alone unwor thy our regard? It is labour in vain to contend for schools and colleges, for expensive establishments to ed ucate our sons and daughters, when all the advantages derived from these would not keep them from the poor house! For if they were to write a book, they would find no purchaser, because the writer lived on this side ty, One tior mo mer to whi Con that live Next the ca Of w at a tal in happ Phar |