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strength, may defy the world, the walls are of such thickness that no power on earth would be able, from the water, to penetrate them. It sits on an island, as does Fort Warren, and makes a fine show from the city. In fact, the whole bay is diversified with islands of singular beauty. By the way, Uncle Sam is very shabbily represented in this part of his dominions: the commandant of Fort Independence was not at his post, and his deputy, a Major something, (I never inquired his name,) gave me a most ungentlemanly reception, and, had it not been for the interference of a Dr. M. (the only gentleman on the place,) I believe in my heart, this man of war would have opened the battery upon me. He seemed to view my visit with evident signs of mistrust, and took me, no doubt, for a spy, although I had a letter stating my business. Seriously, the marines and the whole pack of them, (except the Dr.) were the most scurvy set I met with ir my travels. It is time those military despots, those young Cesars, were nipped in the bud. They are designed to protect, instead of insulting peaceable citizens. I find that the farther they are from the government the more assuming they become. The very females of the place, (they could not be ladies) stood in the doors and in the yard, gaping at me, as though I had been an Ourang-outang, without speaking a word, or shewing the least mark of civility. A great falling off, indeed, after having been honoured, in the most exemplary manner, by all the officers of the Naval and War Departments throughout the Union! Thus these upstarts bring disgrace upon the government. A gentleman will always treat every one civilly, at least, for his own sake.

But to return: Boston has improved rapidly since it became a city. The Mill-dam, mentioned with the bridges, is a stupendous structure of human industry and enterprise: it is built across the bay, nearly two miles in length, at an expense of $500,000! The object was to open an avenue, and create water power, to put in operation an extensive catablishment of tido-mills, and other waterworks: a great part of the design has been completed. The Exchange Coffee-house, a recent

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building, covers over an acre of ground; and we may reasonably suppose that the land recently recovered from the bay (at an expense incalculable) will soon be crowned with tasteful buildings. Its resources, both in capital and talents, in proportion to its population, are comparatively very great. In short, for refinement, taste, hospitality, and scenery, Boston is the garden spot of the Union.

It will be recollected, that Doctor Franklin was a native of Boston: almost the first object of my curiosity, after my arrival in the city, was to enquire for the spot where his parents resided; but to my great surprise, his family was scarcely recollected! After much enquiry and heart-rending researches, I discovered the place where the house once stood to be opposite the Old South church, in Milk street, though the place was occupied by another building.

The revenue of Boston port custom-house, will be found at the end of the book. It contains about 58,000 inhabitants.

Quincy. During my visit to Boston, I frequently rode out in the country, if country it may be called, which is covered with towns and villages. In one of these excursions, I paid my respects to the Ex-President Adams, * of Quincy. Quincy lies south of Boston about eight miles. Mr. A. does not live exactly in the town, but a little to the right, about two hundred ya 'ds from the road, on this side of Quincy. He lives on a farm which is kept in fine order, and fitted out with barns, stables, and carriage houses. My heart beat high as I knocked at his door, which was opened by a servant. I told her I wished to see Mr. Adams, if he was not too much indisposed, (having heard he had been unwell.) " Which Mr. Adams do you wish to see," she replied, "the Judge* or the President." "The President," I answer ed. She withdrew, and in a few minutes a most enchanting female entered the parlour. I handed her my address, and desired her to present it to the President.

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* The President's Son


She returned in a moment and asked me to walk up stairs. I followed her, and took the precedence in entoring the chamber of this venerable Patriarch. I found the dear old man sitting up, before the fire. He would have arose, but I flew forward to prevent hin. He pressed my hand with ardour and inquired after my health.

We conversed upon general subjects relating to Alabama, the state I was from, such as its trade, navigation, and productions of the soil, &c. In answer to several in. quiries relative to himself, he replied, " that he was then, (April, 1825,) eighty-nine years and six months old; a monstrous time," he added "for one human being to support." He could walk about the room, he said, and even down stairs, though he was at that time very feeble. His teeth were entirely gone, and his eye siglit very much impaired; he could just see the window, he said, and the weather vane that stood before it, but re. tained his hearing perfectly. His face did not bear the marks of age in proportion to his years; nor did he show the marks of decay in his appearance, with the exception of his teeth, and his legs, which were evident. ly much reduced. He had a slight obstruction in his breathing, from having recently taken cold, and his tongue seemed to perform its office with abridged vig. our. He coughed a little, but said he was free from pain. He was dressed in a green camblet morning gown, and his head uncovered, except his venerable locks, which were perfectly white. He appeared as he sat in his chair to be about the size of his son, the present president of the United States, and his features bore a striking resemblance to the portraits and busts 1 had often seen of him. The most child-like simplicity and goodness appeared in the sun-shine of his countenance, which, while speaking, or listening, became extremely animated: but when left to itself, subsided into an unclouded serenity. When I mentioned his son, (the president,) and Mrs. A. the tear glittered in his eye; he nttempted to reply, but was overcome with emotion. Finding the subject too tender, I changed it as quick as possible. Mr. Adams is represented to have been

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a patron of merit and genius, and amongst the most
charitable men of the age. His mansion is a large ven-
erable frame building, built as he told me about thirty-
six years ago. It is large for a country house, consist-
ing of three apartments, of equal size below stairs, with
a gallery leading to the staircase. One of these is a
common room, into which strangers are first introdu-
ced. In passing to the next room, you turn suddenly to
the right, and crossing the gallery enter a parlor, the fur-
niture of which resembled a female Quaker's dress, rich
but simple. The chairs were furnished with deep satin
cushions; elegant sofas and carpets completed the fur-
niture. From this in the same direction you enter the
third apartment, which contains the family portraits.
The portrait of Mr. Adams and his lady when they
were young, likewise his daughter and John Quincy.
The latter had very little resemblance to the original
at this day, but as much like George Washington, his
son, as if it had been taken for him. Besides Mrs.
Smith, the lady already mentioned, who is a niece of the
good ex-president, another niece lives with him; they
are both widows! It was truly interesting to see the
tender, affectionate attention these ladies paid to the
venerable old man; hi shappiness and comfort engrossed
all their care, whilst peace and resignation sat on his
brow. Like a calm evening sun, he is imperceptibly
gliding to lighten other worlds! His house faces Quin-
cy, looking to the south, and commands a full view of
that village. After partaking of a repast, without which
no one is permitted to depart from his house, I walked
over the village; it is the most delightful spot in Mas-
sachusetts. A bold transparent stream runs purling a-
long through the midst of it; it is likewise adorned with
lofty elms, grass plats and gardens of inexpressible

This part of Massachusetts, and the whole way that
leads to it from Boston, is one uniform representation of
matchless beauty; superb country seats, intermixed with
groves and gardens, relieved by luxuriant meadows, with
the same stream which waters Quincy, winding its way


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to the bay. These specimens of art are sometimes heightened by piles of the wildest rocks in nature.

On the road to Quincy, near Boston, stands Dorchester Heights, from which Gen. Washington forced the British to evacuate that city. The old breast-work, or fort, is still to be seen from the road, though partly overgrown with grass. This was the piece of generalsliip that so much astonished the British-it was erected in one night. Here it was that several thousand barrels of sand were ready to overwhelm the enemy, had they attempted to climb the hill. This must have been, what we, in the southern states, call a yankee trick. The British, however, disappointed their expectations, by evacuating the city, and General Washington, amidst the shouts of the men and the smiles of the ladies, entered Boston in triumph.

It appears that the ladies of these times were truer whigs than the men-they not only threw all the tea they had into the streets, but abjured the name of tea. Gen. Washington, or some of his officers, sending to one of them to borrow a tea-kettle, the lady replied, that "she had no tea-kettle, but she would lend him her coffee-kettle."

Returning from Quincy to Boston, I was agreeably surprised to find in the stage, the brother of Mr. Gales, of Washington city, whose resemblance to him led to the discovery. He was taking an excursion with his beautiful wife, whom he had just married in Greenwich, Mass. and was soon going to North-Carolina, where he resides. See what the fame of our yankee girls effects.

Cambridge. The site of Cambridge has already been mentioned; it is a perfect level, something lower than the site of Boston, from which it is only divided by Charles river and part of the bay. It is connected with that city by two bridges, and the causeway over the mill-dam, which last is 50 feet wide; its length has been noticed. One bridge is called west Boston bridge, and the other Craney's bridge; the first is 3483 feet long, supported by 180 piers; the other is nearly the same. Cambridge, though very extensive, is very thinly settled; a few houses here















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