Volpone, Or the FoxManchester University Press, 1999 - Počet stran: 358 This is the most thoroughly investigated edition of Volpone to date, based on a wider collation of the 1607 quarto and 1616 folio versions than was previously possible. It calls into question several accepted textual conclusions. The introduction sets Volpone in the context of Jonson’s career at the time of writing and introduces new material on its relation to the Reynard beast epic and the commedia dell’ arte. Ambiguities in the play are discussed with reference to two Renaissance perversions of the myth of the Golden Age. Particular attention is paid to the rhythmic effects of the play in performance, especially interweavings of the main plot and subplot. Fresh suggestions are made about the play’s opening and its controversial conclusion in the light of experiments that have been made in performance since Volpone ’s stage revival in 1921. The modernized text is accompanied by full commentary, notes and illustrations. The appendices include a discussion by John Cutts of the original music, passages translated from the original sources and analogues, and a full record of the play’s modern stage history, its many adaptations, and its transformations into opera, musical comedy, film and television. |
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Strana 13
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Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
Strana 14
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Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
Strana 21
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Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
Strana 22
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Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
Strana 33
Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
Omlouváme se, ale obsah této stránky je nepřístupný..
25 | 51 |
Modern productions and adaptations | 321 |
339 | |
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actor Aethalides Androgyno Appendix Arlecchino audience Avocatore beast Ben Jonson bestiary Bonario Brockbank called CASTRONE Celia comedy comic commandatore commedia dell'arte conj Cook copy Corbaccio Correct Corvino Coryat court Creaser dead devil disguise doth ears English Enter Epistle Eumolpus Euphorbus Exeunt Exit fathers Florio Folio Folly fool Fynes Moryson Gifford gold Golden Age hath hear heir honour Horace ironic Italian Italic in Q Jonson Juvenal Kernan Lady Pol Lady Politic Latin Loeb London Lucian's means Merchant Mosca mountebank Nano Notario parasite Partridge Peregrine play play's poet Pol's praise Praise of Folly pray Pythagoras reference Reynard Satires scene Scoto Signor Sir Pol Sir Politic song stage suggests Theatre thee thou trans trick Uncorrected unto V.xii Venetian Venice verses Vocht Volp Volpone Volpone's Voltore Voltore's wife woman Would-be ΙΟ