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Art. 2. A Differtation on the Causes of the Difficulties which oc cur in learning the English Tongue. With a Scheme for publifhing an English Grammar and Dictionary, upon a Plan entirely new. Addreffed to a certain noble Lord. By Thomas Sheridan, A. M. 4to. Is. 6d. Dodley...

It is with pleasure we obferve, that the cultivation of our Language is now become an object of generál attention, and we think the public indebted to the ingenious Author of this Differtation for the fhare he has had in exciting this attention. He has ftudied the English Language, for many years, with great diligence; and there is, perhaps, no perfon better qualified for carrying into execution the truly useful defign in which he is engaged, and in the profecution of which, we moft fincerely with him all imaginable fuccefs. We are far from thinking, however, that the execution of his plan, even in its utmost extent, will be attended with all thofe advantages which he fo carefully enumerates; that it will, for inftance, banish the Giant Corruption, with his hundred hands, from this realm of freedom, or make profeffing Chriftians real ones. If Oratory is capable of producing fuch effects, it is capable of doing more than our Saviour and his Apostles were able to do, tho' endowed with the power of working miracles; nay more, we will venture to fay, than ONNIPOTENCE itself is capable of effecting, while men are continued in their prefent fituation and circumstances. The extravagant and enthufiaftic manner, indeed, in which Mr. Sheridan expreffes himself on this head, muft draw a fmile from every fenfible and unprejudiced Reader, who well knows, that the citadel of Corruption is not to be ftormed by the brutum fulmen of Eloquence, nor the conduct of the libertine or hypocrite to be reformed by the noblest strains of facred Oratory. Some indulgence, however, we acknowlege, ought to be fhewn to the fond expreffions of a parent, in regard to a favourite child.

Mr. Sheridan obferves, that when a foreigner arrives in London, and enquires for a mafter to teach him the language of the country, there is no fuch perfon to be found, nor any method open to him, by which he may be affifted, in attaining a juft manner of speaking English that the great difficulty of the English tongue lies in the pronunciation, an exactnefs in which, after all the pains they can take, is found to be unattainable, not only by foreigners, but by provincials.

The task in which he is employed, is to restore the first and nobleft part of grammar, (viz Orthoepy, or the juft manner of pronouncing) to its juft rank and power; and to reduce Orthography to its due ftate of fubordination; to make the fpoken language, as it ought to be, the archetype; of which, the written language fhould be confidered only as the type.

In order to this, he first traces the difficulties which lie in the way of fuch an undertaking, to their fource; and then, by fhewing how all obstacles may be removed, points out a way to the accomplish-ment of the defign. The fcheme he propofes, is to publish a dictionary, in which the true pronunciation of all the words in our

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tongue, shall be pointed out, by visible and accurate marks. To ef fect this, one column fhall exhibit the words in alphabetical order as they are written or fpelt; and in another column, oppofite to each word fhall be marked its juft pronunciation The principle upon which this is performed, we are told, is the fimpleft that can be conceived. Any one of moderate capacity, may, in an hour's time, make himself mafter of the marks, and then he can no more mistake the pronunciation, than they who are acquainted with the notes, can mistake in reading mufic, or with the points, in reading Hebrew. To this Dictionary fhall be prefixed, a rhetorical Grammar, for the plan of which we muft refer our Readers to the Differtation itself, which the Author concludes in the following manner.

Upon the whole, fays he, if fuch a Grammar and Dictionary were publifhed, they must foon be adopted into use by all schools profeffing to teach English. The confequence of teaching children by one method, and one uniform fyltem of rules, would be an uniformity of pronunciation in all fo inftructed. Thus might the rifing. generation, born and bred in different countries, and counties, no longer have a variety of dialects, but as fubjects of one king, like ions of one father, have one common tongue. All natives of thefe realms, would be reftored to their birthright in common language, which has been too long fenced in, and made the property of a few. And Foreigners would no longer be inhofpitably fhut out, from a communication with us in an article, fo effentially neceffary to the keeping up a focial intercourfe with us."

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Whether fuch an uniformity of pronunciation can poffibly be eftablished, we much queftion; be this however as it may, fuch a Grammar and Dictionary as Mr. Sheridan propofes to publish, will be attended with very conúderable public advantages.

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Art. 34 new chronological Abridgment of the History of France, containing the public Tranfactions of that Kingdom from Clovis to Louis XIV. their Wars, Battles, Sieges, &c. their Laws, "Manners, Customs, &c. Written in French_by M. Henault, Prefident of the Court of Inquefts and Requefts in the Parliament of Paris; and tranflated into English, with additional Notes, relative chiefly to the Hiftory of England, by Mr. Nugent. 2 Vol. 8vo. Nourfe.

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It is obferved, by a very celebrated writer, that the increafing multiplicity of facts, relative to the history of great kingdoms, will foon reduce us to the neceffity of reading only abstracts and dictionaries. Fortunate will it be, both for the history and the reader, if, in that cafe, the nice and difficult task of abridgment should fall into the hands of writers of equal abilities with thofe of the author of the work before us. This performance is, indeed, fo extremely well known, in the original, and has been fo well received by the literary world, that it would be fuperfluous to take any farther notice of its merits than just to give the English Reader an idea of its plan and execution.


The generality of chronological abridgments contain little more than the dates of births, marriages, battles, and deaths, as if intended only to exercise the memory of children. Our author engaged in a far more extenfive plan; his work being neither a complete hiftory, nor a mere chronological table of events, but a judicious mixture of both. So that, while it is calculated to gratify the curiofity of those who enquire for the dates, and fucceffion of facts, it points out, at the fame time, the foundation and progrefs of the French monarchy, the various revolutions in their form of government, the fundamental maxims of the itate, the fource of their public law, the origin of their customs, the rife and progrefs of the crown offices, the inftitution of the different courts of juftice, the fucceffion of the chief magiftrates, with the names of the miniiters, generals, and learned men, who flourished in that country.

Such is the prefident Henault's plan; in the execution of which, the attentive Reader will perceive that the inquiries of the hiftorian have been directed by the magiftrate and the ftatesman. He will alfo be agreeably inftructed and entertained, by the many ingenious remarks, curious ecclairciffements, and well-drawn characters, that are interspersed throughout this work. As to its form, and the Author's manner of writing, we have only to fay that they have both been generally admired, and have obtained the fanction of the best critics: The King of Pruffia, in particular, fpeaks highly of this work, in his Preface to the Memoirs of the Houfe of Brandenburg. "It may be confidered, fays he, as the fubftance of every thing remarkable and worthy of notice in the French history; fo that, whoever is once mafter of this performance, may be faid to be perfectly acquainted with the history of France." The fame royal critic takes notice alfo, of the judicious author's happy talent.at embellishing the dry ftudy of chronology; notwithstanding he is, to his great honour as a writer, univerfally allowed to convey as much intruction, in the fpace of a few lines, as others in extenfive differtations.

Art. 4. The Country-Seat; or Summer-Evening Entertainments.
Tranflated from the French. 2 Vols. 12mo.
5s. bound.

This publication confits of collection of amufing and romantic tales; to which is added, a fhort pièce, entitled The Employment of Souls after fepa ation from the Body, a Dream; by M. Rabener, of Drefden. The following paffages may ferve to fhew fomething of the humour of this little performance. The Author dreams he is dead, and that bis foul, looking on his body with as much indifference as a masquerade drefs, which it had jeft thrown afide, as bufy in contemplating, with a truly paternal fondnefs, the manufcripts, thofe offsprings of his genius, left behind him. This contemplation; fays he, was interrupted by the exultations of my impatient heirs; who threw themfelves as eagerly on my bed. as ravens on their prey. And is he really dead? cried they! Ay, God be praifed Here, you, Harry, run quickly to the undertaker, called out one of

my nieces, who made herself fure of inheriting from me, thofe graces and talents which nature had denied her, and of finding in my fortune, beauty, merit, and fuitors, This tender niece of mine dif folved in tears; and, with uplifted hands, cried, Ah! my poor, dear uncle! how kind! how affectionate was he to us all! Certainly he is gone to heaven, if ever man did.But it does not become us to enyy his happiness.This was the fignal for plundering: the first affault was made on my ftrong box; then violent hands were laid on my cloaths and furniture. With perfect indifference I beheld the clutter, till I faw my papers were going to be examined; which put me into a terrible confternation. Every little fcrap was carefully looked into; all thofe on which was written, I acknowledge' myfelf indebted to M. Rabener the fum of, &c. or Three months after date, I promife to pay to M. Rabener, the fum of, &c. all thefe, I fay, were laid bye with a reverential fedulity; but terrible long faces were made at fome memorandums of a contrary tenour. Next came forth my manufcripts, for the fate of which I was extremely anxious; but fortunately my nephew, though he had taken his degree of Maller of Arts, could make nothing of them; fo that they were thrown by, as no better than wafte paper." Our Author's dream has not, in this particular, turned out true; for poor Mr. Rabener's manufcripts are all gone before him. We gave fome account in our Review for May, of the untimely fate of thofe pieces, in an extract from one of his letters to M. Gellert.

Art. 5. Anti-Canidia: or, Superftition detected and expofed; in a Confutation of the vulgar Opinion of Witches, Spirits, Det mons, &c. &c. 8vo. Is. DodЛley.

We owe this ferious performance to the ridiculous story of the late Ghost in Cock-lane, The Author earnestly endeavours to explode the common notions of the reality of Spectres, and the power of Sorcery; and in order to this, he undertakes to fhew that the Scripture no where countenances fuch notions; notwithstanding the Mofaical profcription of the Black Art, the story of the Witch of Endor, &c. His obfervations are judicious, and might be ferviceable to the common people, were his treatife to fall in their way; which is not to be expected, for they feldom purchase twelvepenny pamphlets. He has aifo attacked the whole army of Magick, Divination, Omens, Prognoftics, Dreams, Charms, Aftrology, &c. &c. and put them entirely to the rout.

Art. 6. A Dige of the new Militia Law, which received the Royal Affent, Apr. 8, 1762. By Richard Burn, L. L. D. 12mo. IS. Millar.

It is fufficient to fay, that this ufeful Digeft is the work of the univerfally approved Author of the treatife entitled, The Justice of Feads and Parish Officer.


Art. 7. A Letter from an Author to a Member of Parliament, concerning literary Property. 8vo. 6d. Knapton.

This little treatife, which was printed in the Year 1747, is written in favour of the right of property in authors to their works; and is penned with fuch peculiar ftrength and fpirit as evidently difplays the hand of a master. We judged it proper to take notice of it at this time, not only on account of its real merit, but because the right here defended is under litigation in a court of law, and from thence has become the object of general attention among the lawyers and literati.

Art. 8. An Enquiry into the Nature and Origin of literary Preperty. 8vo. IS. Is. Flexney.

The intent of this ingenious and well-penned pamphlet is of a tendency quite oppofite from that of the letter mentioned in the laft article. This Writer endeavours to prove, that a literary copy is not fufceptible of property; that if it was, it is not capable of a perpetual exclufive poffeffion; and that fuch a right would be prejudicial to the advancement of letters, and of ill confequence to authors themfelves. In treating of thefe heads, he enters very deeply into matter of law, and discovers great acutenefs and controverfial skill throughout the whole of the argument As to the principles of law, we leave them to be controverted by the learned in the profeffion, but as far as reafon is concerned, we cannot help differing in opinion from the writer; and though we admire his very threwd and logical method of reasoning, yet we can by no means adopt his conclufions, which feem repugnant to natural reason and common juftice.

Art. 9. The Tablet, or Picture of real Life. Justly reprefenting, as in a Looking-glass, the Virtues and Vices, Fopperies and Fooleries, Masks and Mummeries of the Age. With the true Characters of the Wife and Good. In a felect Set of Effays, ferious and jotofe, upon the most interesting Subjects. Addreffed to thofe who dare to think for themselves, and attempt in earnest to improve Mankind. 8vo. 5s. Longman.

A new title to a work published in the year 1750, and recommended in the 2d vol. of our Review, p. 451. It was then entitled The Reflector, reprefenting human affairs as they are, and may be improved.

Art. 1o. Sophia. By Mrs. Charlotte Lennox. 12mo. 2 Vols, 6s. bound. Fletcher.

It is a common error, with fuch adventurers as meet with any degree of fuccefs, either in brandishing the goofe-quill or the truncheon, to push their good luck too far, and risk a reverfe of fortune by keeping the field too long. Next to the difficulty of making an honour


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