K. Lew. Warwick, this is fome Poft to us, or thee. Poft. My Lord Ambassador, These Letters are for you; Sent from your Brother, Marquels Montague. And Madam, these for you, From whom I know not. [To Warwick. {To K. Lew. [To the Queen. [They all read their Letters. Oxf. I like it well, that our fair Queen and Mistress Smiles at her News, while Warwick frowns at his. Prince. Nay, mark how Lewis ftamps as he were nettled. I hope all's for the best. K. Lew. Warwick, what are thy News? And yours, fair Queen? Queen. Mine fuch as fills my Heart with unhop'd Joys. War. Mise full of Sorrow, and Heart's Difcontent. K. Lew. What! has your King Married the Lady Gray ? And now, to footh your Forgery and his, Sends me a Paper to perfwade me Patience? E Queen Queen. Warwick, Thefe Words have turn'd my Hate to Love, For matching more for wanton Luft than Honour, Queen. Renowned Prince, how fhall poor Henry live, Bona. My quarrel, and this English Queen's are one. War. And mine, fair Lady Bona, joins with yours. L. Lew. And mine, with hers, and thine, and Margaret's. Therefore at laft, I firmly am refolv'd You fhall have Aid. Queen. Let me give humble thanks for all at once. K. Lew. Then England's Meffenger, return in Poft, And tell falfe Edward, thy fuppofed King, That Lewis of France, is fending over Maskers To revel it with him, and his new Bride. Thou feeft what's paft, go fear thy King withal. Bona. Tell him, in hopes he'll prove a Widower fhortly, I wear the Willow Garland for his fake. Queen. Tell him, my mourning weeds are laid afide, And I am ready to put Armor on. War. Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong, And therefore I'll Uncrown him e'er't be long. There's thy Reward, be gone. K. Lew. But Warwick, [Exit Poft. Thou and Oxford, with five thousand Men Shall cross the Seas, and bid falfe Edward Battel: And Prince fhall follow with a fresh Supply, Yet Yet e'er thou go, but anfwer me one doubt: Queen. Yes, I agree, and thank you for your Motion. Therefore delay not, give thy Hand to Warwick, [He gives his Hand to Warwick. [Exeunt. Manet Warwick. War. I came from Edward as Ambaffador, But feek Revenge on Edward's Mockery. [Exit. A CT IV. SCENE I. Glo. Enter Gloucefter, Clarence, Somerfet and Montague. NOW WOW tell me, Brother Clarence, what think you Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray? Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice? Clar. Alas, you know, 'tis far from hence to France, How could he ftay 'till Warwick made return? E 2 Som Som. My Lords, forbear this talk: Here comes the King. Flourish. Enter King Edward, Lady Gray as Queen, Pembrook, Stafford, and Haftings: Four ft and on one fide, and four on the other. Glo. And his well-chofen Bride. Clar. I mind to tell him plainly what I think. That you ftand penfive as half Malecontent? Or the Earl of Warwick, Which are fo weak of Courage, and in Judgment, K. Edw. Suppofe they take offence without a cause: Glo. And you fhall have your will, because our King? Yet hafty Marriage feldom proveth well. K. Edw. Yes, Brother Richard, are you offended too? Glo. Not I; no: God forbid that I fhould wish them fever'd Whom God hath join'd together. Ay, and 'twere pity to funder them. That yoak fo well together. K. Edw. Setting your Scorns, and your Tell me fome Realon, why the Lady Gray miflike afide, Should not become my Wife, and England's Queen? Speak freely what you think. Clar. Then this is my Opinion; That King Lewis becomes your Enemy, Of the Lady Bona. Glo. And Warwick, doing what you gave in charge, Is now dishonoured by this new Marriage. K. Edw. What, if both Lewis and Warwick be appeas'd, By fuch invention as I can devise ? Mont. Yet to have join'd with France in fuch Alliance, Would more have ftrength'.ed this our Commonwealth, Gainft foreign Storms, than any home-bred Marriage. Haft. Haft. Why, knows not Montague that of it felf England is fafe, if true within it self? Mont. Yes, but the fafer, when 'tis back'd with France. Haft. 'Tis better ufing France, than trufting France. Let us be back'd with God, and with the Seas, Which he hath given for fence impregnable, And with their Helps only defend our felves: In them, and in our felves, our fafety lyes. Clar. For this one Speech, Lord Haftings well deferves To have the Heir of the Lord Hungerford. K. Edw. Ay, what of that? it was my will and grant, And for this once my Will fhall ftand for Law. Gle. And yet methinks your Grace hath not done well, Clar. Or elfe you would not have beftow'd the Heir Which being fhallow, you fhall give me leave And to that end, I fhort'y mind to leave you. K. Edw. Leave me, or tarry, Edward will be King; And not be ty'd unto his Brother's will. La. Gray. My Lords, before it pleas'd his Majesty To raise my State to Title of a Queen, Do me but right, and you must all confefs, That I was not ignoble of Defcent, And meaner than my felf have had like fortune. So your dislikes, to whom I would be pleafing, Do cloud my Joys with Danger, and with Sorrow. K. Edw. My Love, forbear to fawn upon their Frowns; What Danger, or what Sorrow can befall thee, So long as Edward is thy conftant Friend, Nav. |