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Pan-American Relations as Affected by the
War, 351.

PANKHURST, (Mrs.) Emmeline, "Small
but Great-Souled,' extract from King
Albert's Book, 45; "What Is Our Duty?
PARKER, (Sir) Gilbert, "The War to Date,
from a British Standpoint," 1031.
PEACE, N. Angell on council of concilia-

tion, 83; Russia,'s attitude discussed at
opening of Duma, 93; J. E. Barker on
effect on Poland, 123; Gustaf Sioesteen
on probable terms, 144; Asquith's views,
159; forecast of Allies' terms, 193; Ger-
man terms outlined by Haeckel, 194; Ger-
man terms indicated by Dr. Dernburg,
279; Allies' terms suggested by Sir Ed-
ward Grey, 282; A Bennett on, 538; pro-
test of German women against Women's
Peace Conference, 540; G. B. Shaw's
terms, 545; views of W. J. Bryan, 645;
W. H. Taft's views on League to Enforce
Peace, 667; resolutions of league to en-
force peace, 669; H. Muensterberg's views
on League of Peace, 671; Germanic terms
discussed by Count Andrassy, 973; Pope
Benedict's plea for, 1022; reported over-
tures of Germany to Russia, 1086; Count
Andrassy's views, 1120; "Economic

League of Victory and Peace," 1133.
Peace Rumors, 1138.

Peace of the World, 33.

PERRIS, G. H., "The Alpine Frontier,"


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Wharton, Edith, " 'Belgium", 192.
Whitney, Lavinia V., In the Name of
Peace", 666.

POGODIN, A., on Germanic influence in
Balkans, 977.




Raymond, "United
message read to Chamber of

Deputies, 1038.

POISONOUS Gases, see GAS Bombs.

POLAND, 123, 366.

Poland, 1683-1915, 1159.

Policy of Murder, 546.

sketch of, 1124.


statement, 1042:

Frederick, "The Modern

Plataea,' extract from King Albert's
Book, 709.

POLYZOIDES, A. Th., "Will the Attempt
Succeed? 1083.

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Pope Benedict's Anniversary Plea for Peace,

PORTER, Charlotte. poem, "The Belgian
War Mothers," 783.

PORTER, G. W., "American War Supplies,"


Portsmouth Bells, 757.
Power of the Purse, 954.

and War, 656.

PREPAREDNESS for war, see



President Wilson's Note, 447.
PRISONERS of War, 13.
PROHIBITION, Liquor problem in England.
298, 300; growth of prohibition in Russia,
345; problem in England, discussed by
Sir G. Parker, 1035.

Prospect of Russia's Second Year of War,

PRZEMYSL, 211, 683, 874.
Przemysl and Lemberg, 683.


Quiet Harbor, 1123.

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RED Cross Soc., gift by J. D. Rockefeller,

Redemption of Europe, 128.

Reindeer for Berlin, 1176.

RELIEF work, 385, 388.

RELIGION, German and English compared

by E. Phillpotts, 1168.

REMINGTON Arms Co. Strike, 952.
RENSBURG, Niklaas van, 284.
Results of Submarine Warfare, 837.

Resume of the Military Operations in Eu-
rope, 1078.

Retreat in the Rain, 779.
Reveille, 24.

"Revenge for Elisabeth!" 858.

REVENTLOW, (Count) von, discussion on
"Calais or Suez,' 992.

RHEIMS Cathedral, 987, 1007.

RIDDER, Herman, comment on U. S. note
to Germany on Lusitania, 430.

ROBECK, (Rear Admiral) John Michael de,

Roberts of Kandahar, 210.

ROBERTSON, Cecilia Reynolds, poem,
Mother's Song," 350.


Robin Williams, K. O. Y. L. I., 1136.
ROCKEFELLER, John D., 489.
ROOSEVELT, Theodore, statement on sink-
ing of Lusitania, 444; "League for Pre-
paredness," 679; "American Prepared-
ness, address at Panama-Pacific Expo-
sition, 840.


ROSNY, J. H., "England's Saving Quali-
ties,' 1193.

ROSTAND. Edmond, sonnet, "The Cathe-
dral," 1012.

RUMANIA, relations with Russia discussed
by Sazonoff, 95.

Rumania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, 925.
RUSSELL, Bertrand, on war and non-re-
sistance. 970.

RUSSIA, Duma, proceedings at opening, 93;
finance, 148; calendar reform, influence
of America on. 349; railroads, 1125.
"Russia on the Way to Revolution," 1127.
Russia's German Bureaucrats, 1177.
Russia's Supply of Warriors, 974.

extract from

RYLEY, Madeleine Lucette, poem, "To the
Victors Belong the Spoils!
King Albert's Book, 96.

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SERING, (Dr.) Max, Germany Fed," 1189.
Seven Days of War East and West, 479.
SHAW, G. B., on terms of peace, 545;
Am the Gravest Danger',
SHUMAN, Edwin L., "Stories of French
Courage," 388.

SICHEL, Walter, poems, "To King and
People," extract from King Albert's Book,
336; Hellas," 1085; "Much Distressed,"

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SUTRO, Alfred, "The Land of Maeterlinck,"
extract from King Albert's Book, 344.
SWEDEN, Russia's menace, 1125.
Sweden and the Lusitania, 980.

Sweden's Scandinavian Leadership, 160.
Swiss View of Germany, 337.

SWITZERLAND, Preservation of neutrality,
interview with Pres. Motta, 335.


TAFT, W. H., on sinking of Lusitania, 446;
comment on Pres. Wilson's note, 447: "A
World League to Enforce Peace," 667.
TAGORE, Rabindranath, India's Loyalty,"

Taking of Kovno, 1088.

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Talk with Belgium's Governor, 363.
Task of Italy, 923.

TATE, R. F., "The Wealth of William II.,"

TAYLOR, T. M., official statement concern-
ing attack on Orduna, $35.


THOMPSON, C. W., "Bryan, Idealist and
Average Man." 662.

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THOMSON, E. W., Canada and Britain's
War Union," 378.

Thor! 933.

Threatened Despotism of Spirit, 981.

Three Speeches by President Wilson, 438.
Three Weeks of the War in Champagne, 252.

Through the Mouths of Our Guns, 1198.
To a German Apologist, 329.

To Certain German Professors of Chemics,

To King and People, 336.

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Uncivilizable Nation, 777.
Union of Central Europe, 140.
United France, 1038.
UNITED States:-

Austria-Hungary, relations with, protest
on shipment of munitions, 828, 1064.
Commerce with Latin America as affected
by war, 351.

Defenses declared inadequate by National
Security League. 455; resolutions by
Navy League, 456; discussed by Roose-
velt at Panama-Pacific Exposition,
840; survey of military situation, 1073.
England, relations with, see NEUTRAL
Flags; NECHES: WAR Zone.
Germany, relations with, see LUSITANIA
case: WAR Zone.

Naval Advisory Board, 931.
Neutrality affected by sale of ammuni-
tion, opinion of Count Apponyi, 330;
principles set forth by Pres. Wilson,
438; shipment of arms charged by von
Bernstorff as non-neutral, 448; reply
by Pres. Wilson, 449; charges by Aus-
tria-Hungary, 828.

War industries, 961.
See also ANGELL, N.

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War to Date, from a British Standpoint,

War with Poisonous Gases, 458.
WAR Zone, Germany's decree; Amer. note
to Germany, 1; German reply, 4: Allies'
declaration of reprisals, 8; identic note
sent by U. S. to England and Germany
concerning neutral flags, war zone, and
foodstuffs, 10; replies, 11-15; U. S. notes
to England and France concerning re-
prisals, 15; replies, 16-18; text of British
Order in Council, 18; British losses sum-
marized, 20; statement of reprisal read
and commented on by Premier Asquith in
House of Commons, 157; summary of first
month of submarine war by Vice Admiral
Kirchoff, 251; Amer. reply to British
blockade order, 275; extracts from article
by Dr. Flamm on Submarine Warfare,
436; S. S. Philadelphia's passage through,
447; Losses in, 837; correspondence, Eng-
land and United States on detention of
Amer. ships, 1059.

See also LUSITANIA Case.
Warfare and British Labor, 290.
WARNEFORD, Reginald, poem on, $39.
War's Toll upon Famous Families, 1044.
WARSAW, 873, 885, 1086, 1096.

WASHBURN, Stanley, dispatch on surrender
of Przemysl, 215.

Watchers of the Troad, 139.
Wealth of William II., 1167.
WEIR, Josephine, 623.

WELLS, H. G., The Peace of the World."
33; Civilization at the Breaking Point,"

Western Front, 1103.

WETTER, Louise von, poem, "Harbored
Ships 1043.
WHARTON, Edith, poem, "Belgium," ex-
tract from King Albert's Book, 192.
What Is Our Duty? 533.

What the Germans Desire, 144.
"What the Germans Say About Their Own
Methods of Warfare," 259.

When King Peter Re-entered Belgrade. 179.
When Marthe Chenel Sang the "Marseil-
laise," 187.

When, Where, and by Whom Was the War
Decided Upon? 1051.

WHITE, Horace, on selling

Allies, 969.

WHITNEY, Lavinia V., poem,

of Peace," 666.

Who Died Content! 1003.

Why Italy Went to War, 743.

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arms to the

In the Name

WICKERSHAM, G. W., letter on protection
of neutral citizens, 455.

Will the Attempt Succeed? 1082.
Will to Power, 549.

WILLIAM II., Emperor of Germany, "God
Is with Us," 1021; interview by Dr. L.
Ganghofer, 1163; personal fortune, 1167.
WILLIAMS, Wythe, When Marthe Chenal
Sang the 'Marseillaise,' 187: "With
the Honors of War,'" 368; "The French
'Curtain of Iron,' 702.

WILSON, Huntington, "Pan-American Re-
lations as Affected by the War," 351.
WILSON, Woodrow," The Spirits of Man-
kind." address before Md. Methodist Con-
ference, 258; note to Germany on Lusi-
tania. 409; address "America First" at
Associated Press luncheon, 438: speech.
"Humanity First," to newly naturalized
citizens in Philadelphia, 441: address,
"America for Humanity, given at naval
review, 443: comment by W. H. Taft on
note to Germany, 447; acceptance of W.
J. Bryan's resignation; appointment of
R. Lansing, 618; reply to Berlin, 619;
press comment on note, 633.

"With the Honors of War," 368.
WOOLSEY. Theodore S., extract from "Case
for the Munitions Trade." $30.
World League to Enforce Peace, 667.
World Politics, 140.
WORLD State, "America and a New World
State," by N. Angell, 67: mentioned by
H. G. Wells, 772; discussed by B. Russell,

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ABRUZZI, Duke of, the, 236.

List of Portraits

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CONSTANTINE I., King of Greece, 284.

CREWE, Marquess of, 629.

CURZON, Earl, 629.

DELCASSE, Théophile, 1149.
DESCHANEL, Paul, 1053.
EDISON, Thomas A., 848.

ELIZABETH, Queen of the Belgians, 409.

EUGENE, (Archduke of Austria), 771.
FALKENHÀYN, (Gen.) Erich von, 897.
FERDINAND I., King of Rumania, 585.
FERDINAND I., Czar of Bulgars, 237.
FERDINAND, (Archduke), 440.
FOCH, (Gen.) Ferdinand, 569.

FRANCIS JOSEPH I., Emperor of Austria,

GEORGE V., King of England, 645.
GEORGE, Crown Prince of Greece, SSO.
GEORGE, (Right Hon.) David Lloyd, 221,

GERARD, James W., 81.

GOLTZ, (Field Marshall Baron) von der,


GOUNARIS, Demetrios, 977.
GOURAND, Gen., 677.

GREY, (Sir) Edward, 628.

GRIGOROVICH, (Vice Admiral), 1148.

GUSTAV V., King of Sweden, 32.

HAAKON VII., King of Norway, 33.
HAMILTON, (Gen. Sir) Ian, 472.

HARCOURT, Lewis, 629.

HARDEN, Maximilian, 17.

HARDINGE, Lord, 253.

HENDERSON, Arthur, 629.

HOETZENDORFF, (Gen.) Konrad von, 676.
HOLT, Frank, see MUENTER, Erich.
HUSSIEN, Kemal, Sultan of Egypt, 1.
JACKSON, (Admiral Sir) Henry B., 881.
JAGOW, (Herr) von, 16.

JONESCO, Take, 976.

JULIANA, Princess of Orange, 49.
KITCHENER, (Earl) H. H., 628.
KUSMANEK, (Gen.) von, 268.

LANSDOWNE, Marquess of, 628.
LANSING, (Hon.) Robert J., 613.
LAW, Andrew Bonar, 473, 628.

LEOPOLD, Prince of Bavaria, 1036.
LONG, Walter Hume. 628.
LOUDON, (Dr.) J., 1165.

LUXEMBURG, Grand Duchess of, 205.

MCKENNA, Reginald, 629.

MACKENSEN, (Field Marshal) von, 661.

MARGHERITA, Queen of Italy, 1069.

MARY, Queen of England, 220.
MAXIM, Hudson, 849.

MEYER-GERHARD. (Dr.) Anton, 994.

MILLERAND, Alexandre, 1100.

MOHAMMED V., Sultan of Turkey, 364.

MORGAN, J. P., 865.

MUENTER, Erich, 865.

NICHOLAIEVITCH, (Grand Duke) Alexis,
788, 1068.

NICHOLAS II., Czar of Russia, 788.

NICHOLAS I., King of Montenegro, 441.
OLGA, Grand Duchess, 1037.

PAGE, Walter H., 65.

PETER I., King of Serbia, 64.

POINCARE, Raymond, President of France,

PRESENT and Future Gueens of the Nether-
lands, 49.

RAJECZ, (Baron) Stephan Burian von, 584.
REDMOND, John, 285.

REVENTLOW, (Count) von, 177.

ROBECK, (Vice Admiral) John M. de, 488.
ROBERTSON, (Gen. Sir) William, 565.
RUNCIMAN, Walter, 629.
RUSSIAN Royal Family, 1.

SAID Halim, Prince, 693.
SALANDRA, Antonio, 80.
SARRAIL, (Gen.), 1052.
SCOTT, (Sir) Percy, 160.
SELBORNE, Earl of, 629.
SIMON, (Sir) John, 629.

SONNINO, (Baron) Sydney, 660.
SOPHIA, Queen of Greece, 817.

SPRING-RICE, (Sir) Cecil Arthur, 864.
TALAT BEY, 1101.

THIERICHENS, (Commander). 206.

TURNER, (Capt.) William T., 644.
VENIZELOS, Eleutherios K.. 252.

VICTOR EMMANUEL III., King of Italy, 367.
WEDDIGEN, (Capt.-Lieut.) Otto, 269.

WILHELM, Crown Prince and his family,

WILHELMINA, Queen of the Netherlands,


WOOD, Thomas McK.. 629.

WOYRSCH, (Gen.) von, 1021.

YUAN Shih-kai, President, 380,
ZEPPELIN, (Count) Ferdinand, 896.
ZUPELLI, (Gen.), 1084.


CARTOONS-101-122, 305-328, 517-532, 721-783, 935-943, 1201-1220.

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