The Spectator, Svazek 1Dent, 1957 |
Vyhledávání v knize
Výsledky 1-3 z 86
Strana 154
... Author : If the Audience would but consider the Difficulty of keeping up a sprightly Dialogue for five Acts together they would allow a Writer , when he wants Wit , and can't please any otherwise , to help it out with a little ...
... Author : If the Audience would but consider the Difficulty of keeping up a sprightly Dialogue for five Acts together they would allow a Writer , when he wants Wit , and can't please any otherwise , to help it out with a little ...
Strana 177
... Authors to whom they are generally ascribed ; at least I will never be perswaded , that so fine a Writer as Theocritus could have been the Author of any such simple Works . It was impossible for a Man to succeed in these Performances ...
... Authors to whom they are generally ascribed ; at least I will never be perswaded , that so fine a Writer as Theocritus could have been the Author of any such simple Works . It was impossible for a Man to succeed in these Performances ...
Strana 426
... Author of the following Letter , it seems , has been of the Audience at one of these Entertain- ments , and has accordingly complained to me upon it ; but I think he has been to the utmost degree Severe against what is exceptionable in ...
... Author of the following Letter , it seems , has been of the Audience at one of these Entertain- ments , and has accordingly complained to me upon it ; but I think he has been to the utmost degree Severe against what is exceptionable in ...
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