The History of Sandford and Merton 3 Vols. 45. 10dh, The new Primer or first Book for Children, printed on much better paper than any fuch book hither to, and well bound Price 4d. or 2s. 6d. pr. dozen The Pensylvania spelling book, by Anthony Benezet. IS. Id. JOHN GOUGH is careful to keep a various afsorte ment of the most useful books for Children, as also those on moral and religious subjects. He is likewise supplied with Account Books of most defcriptions. For the use of CHARITY SCHOOLS. JOHN GOUGH Having a few of Cocker's Arithmetick remaining which used formerly be fold at rod. intends dispofing of them bound at 6dh. cach, 5s. per dozen or* 11. 14s. Idh. per hundred. N. B. This Book was much approved by the late famous Dr. Johnson, & the yet more famed Dr. Franklin. SELECT POEM S. ! H TRUE FREEDOM. BY COWPER. E is the freeman whom the truth makes free, That hellith foes confed'rate for his harm Of Nature, and though poor, perhaps, compar'd But who, with filial confidence inspir'd, And by an emphasis of int'rest his, Whose eye they fill with tears of holy joy, Whose heart with praise, and whose exalted mind B |