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ing habits were such that the company could not with safety employ him. He said, "The temptation is now entirely removed; the cars remain at Rutland over night, and there I can not get a drop of liquor; I can and I will be sober if you give me one more trial." He was taken on, and has kept his word; for the last six months I do not think he has tasted intoxicating liquor.

February 28, 1855.*

Chapter Six.

We are asked if we will destroy property. If those who ask that question would but go to Greenwood, there they can learn of property destroyed. One immortal intellect is worth more than all this aggregate of poison which the Maine Law shall extinguish. Property! Come and see that father whose heart is wrung for a son almost destroyed by the poison, and then never again use the argument of property destruction against the Maine Law. Property has a right to protection only so far as it is harmless in its effects upon the people; but just the moment it is destructive to our best interests, then should its protection cease.-BEV. THEODORE L. CUYLER, of New York City.


Reclamations from intemperance account for the force of public opinion in favor of the Maine Liquor Law-Population.

LUDLOW.-Population-From Rev. H. H. BAKER:-Period of enforcement-Reclaimed from intemperance-Trade-The Sabbath-Public opinion-Hypocrisy an advantage to the public-Opposition from the clergy.

Counties not reported.

i. THE reclamations from intemperance in the County of

Windsor are so numerous that there is no wouder that all the intelligent people there are in favor of the law. We have received no returns from Vermont which have not been as satisfactory as the following, and to add more would be but a repetition of similar statements.

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From Rev. H. H. BAKER, Universalist.

4. PERIOD OF ENFORCEMENT.-Since March, 1852.

5. RECLAIMED FROM INTEMPERANCE. The most reckless of the people have been restored, and many accustomed to drunkenness have been prevented from such indulgences.

*From The Maine Law Illustrated.

6. TRADE-There has doubtless been an increase in legitimate home trade.

7. THE SABBATH.-The observance of the Sabbath has decidedly increased.

8. PUBLIC OPINION.-The general feeling of respectable citizens is decidedly favorable to the Maine Liquor Law.

9. HYPOCRISY AN ADVANTAGE TO THE PUBLIC.-The Maine Liquor Law has cleared our bar-rooms of the tempting beverage, and made our innkeepers cautious in relation to brawls and disturbances about their premises; and although many are actuated by fear, and not by principle, and hence are deceptive, yet their hypocrisy is an advantage to the public.


10. OPPOSITION FROM THE CLERGY.-Some two or three clergymen opposed the Maine Liquor Law upon the ground, as they affirmed, of its unconstitutionality; but the fact was, the law was opposed to the appetites of their parishioners, and if they had advocated the law it would have been against their own material interests; hence they preached a few “ temperance lectures," as they entitled them, taking the words of PAUL to TIMOTHY as their text: " Take a little wine for thy stomach's sake." One of these clergymen is gone into another State and into a strong temperance locality, and is now an advocate for the law. It is an old saying, "Like priest like people;" but it can be said in reference to some, Like people like priest."

December 30, 1854.

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11. We leave the other counties, Bennington, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange, Orleans, and Washington to be judged of by the specimens here given. The limits of the work would not allow of devoting a chapter to each county of this State.


Part Fourth.


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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. MANUFACTURE AND SALE.-No person shall manufacture or sell by himself, his servant or agent, directly or indirectly, any spirituous or intoxicating liquor, or any mixed liquor of which a part is spirituous or intoxicating, except as is hereinafter provided. And Ale, Porter, Lager Beer, Cider, and all wines, are included among intoxicating liquors within the meaning of this Act.

SEC. 2. CIDER AND WINE.-Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to forbid the making of cider from apples, or wine from grapes, currants, or other fruit grown or gathered by the manufacturer, or the selling of such cider and wine (if made in this State) by the maker thereof, provided only that the quantity sold at any one time be not less than five gallons, and be sold to be and be all taken away at one time. But any other sale of such cider or wine shall be deemed an unlawful sale within the meaning of this Act.

SEC. 3. IMPORTED LIQUORS.-Nothing in this Act shall be construed to forbid the sale by the importer thereof, of foreign spirituous or intoxicating liquor imported under the authority of the laws of the United States regarding the importation of such liquor, and in accordance with said laws, provided that the said liquor, at the time of said sale by said importer, remains in the original casks or packages in which it was by him imported, and in quantities not less than the quantities in which the laws of the United States require such liquor to be imported, and is sold by him in said casks or packages and in said quantities only.

SEC. 4. MANUFACTURERS BY AUTHORITY.-The County Commissioners of any County may, by certificates signed by all said Commissioners, give all persons who shall in writing apply to them therefor, authority to manufacture, at such places only, within said County, as said Commissioners shall in said certificate designate, spirituous or intoxicating liquors, and to sell the same in those places only, in any quantity, to duly authorized Agents of the several Towns in this State; but such authority shall not continue in any case longer than one year from the date of the certificate in that case given, and may be at any time revoked by said Commissioners: and no person shall receive such a certificate or exercise such authority until he shall

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