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of state officers: Governor, lieutenant-governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor, attorney-general, superintendent of public instruction, commissioner of public lands, and state printer.

337. Election and Term of Office. All state officers are elected for a term of four years beginning on Wednesday after the second Monday in January next after their election, which is upon the same day as the election held for President of the United States, except that the term of office of the state printer begins on the first day of July next after his election.

338. Salaries of State Officers.

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339. The Governor. In addition to those prescribed in the constitution the following powers and duties of the governor may be mentioned:

(1) To supervise the conduct of all executive officers.

(2) To see that all offices are filled and the duties thereof performed.

(3) To make all appointments required by the constitution and the laws.

(4) To be the medium of communication between the government of the state and that of any other state or territory, or of the United States.

(5) To issue and transmit necessary proclamations. And many other powers and duties prescribed by the




340. The Lieutenant-Governor. governor is the presiding officer of the senate and acts as governor in the absence or disability of that officer.

341. The Secretary of State. The secretary of state is the custodian of:

(1) All acts and resolutions passed by the legisla


(2) The journals of the legislature.

(3) The seal of the state.

(4) All books and documents required to be deposited in his office by law.

(5) The enrolled copy of the state constitution. It is his duty:

(1) To keep a register of and attest the official acts of the governor.

(2) To affix the seal to all official documents issued by the governor.

(3) To record documents filed for that purpose in

his office.

(4) To receive and file official bonds of officers. (5) To file receipts for books sent from his office. (6) To certify to the governor and legislature the returns for the election of officers.

And many other important duties. He is the chief clerical officer of the state.

342. The Auditor. The auditor is the accountant of the state and the keeper of public documents. It is his duty to report to the legislature at the beginning of each biennial session a full account of the financial condition of the state. He audits and settles claims against the state, draws warrants upon the treasury, keeps a register of all warrants issued, examines and settles the accounts of persons indebted to the state, keeps an account between the state and the state treasurer, and many other duties too numerous to mention here. This is a very important office and requires a careful and responsible man to fill it well.

343. The Treasurer.

urer are:

The duties of the state treas

(1) To receive and safely keep the funds of the


(2) To pay out the state funds upon proper warrants issued by the state auditor.

(3) To keep a correct account of all moneys received and disbursed by him.

(4) To keep an accurate account of all appropriations made by law.

(5) To render his accounts to the state auditor. (6) To indorse each state warrant presented for payment and not paid for lack of funds.

(7) To report to the legislature the condition of the treasury.

The attorney-general

344. The Attorney-General. is the legal adviser of the state officers. He prepares contracts and other documents relating to subjects in which the state is interested. It is his duty to give a written opinion to the members of the legislature and the state officers, when so requested, upon constitutional and legal questions.

345. The Superintendent of Public Instruction. The duties of this officer have been given in the chapter on the school.

346. The Commissioner of Public Lands. The commissioner of public lands has general supervision and control of all the public lands of the state.

347. The State Printer. The state printer prints the laws, the journals of the legislature and all reports of state institutions and all the necessary blanks required by the state officers and state institutions, subject to the restrictions of the state printing board.

348. Appointed State Officers. There are many appointed state officers and state boards. The mining bureau consists of the governor, the lieutenant-governor and state treasurer. They appoint the state geologist. The governor appoints other officers and boards, such as notaries public, state board of education, regents of the university, regents of the agricultural college, trustees of the normal schools, trustees of the reform school, directors of the penitentiary, trustees of the insane asylums, the state librarian and many others.


349. The Courts.

The judicial functions of the state government consist of the supreme court, the superior courts of the counties, and the justices of the peace of precincts.

350. The Supreme Court. The supreme court consists of one chief justice and four associate judges elected for a term of six years. The supreme court is held in Olympia.

351. Clerk of Supreme Court and Reporter. The judges of the supreme court appoint a clerk and a reporter of the decisions of the court.

352. Superior Courts. The superior courts are the higher courts of the counties.

353. Judges of the Superior Courts. The superior judges are elected at general elections for a term of four years, beginning on the second Monday in January next following the election. Some counties have one superior judge, some have two or three, and some superior judges preside over the courts of two or more counties.

354. Jurisdiction. For the jurisdiction of the several courts see article IV of the state constitution in the supplement.


355. Method. The system known as the Australian method is used in the elections held in the state of Washington.

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