Laws of 1858. Chap. 369. Onondaga Indians,. 1860. Chap. 491. Tonawanda Indians,. 1846. Chap. 274. Abolishing Distress for Rent,...................... IV, 432 IV, 433 CHAP. II. Descent, .... IV, 433 Laws of 1855. Chap. 547. Illegitimates may inherit,. . . IV, 433 CHAP. III. Proof and Recording of Deeds, &c.,. IV, 434 Laws of 1829. Chap. 222. Proof before Mayors,.. IV, 434 1831. Chap. 287. Powers of Attorney in Justices' Courts, IV, 434 1833. Chap. 279. Filing Chattel Mortgages,... IV, 435 1849. Chap. 69. Registering Chattel Mortgages,............... IV, 441 Vol. Page. Laws of 1850. Chap. 270. Commissioners in other States,............ IV, 441 1851. Chap. 277. Amending Act of 1846,.. IV, 444 1858. Chap. 259. Proof by Non-residents,... IV, 444 1858. Chap. 308. Proof in Great Britain and France,.... IV, 445 CHAP. V. Debtor and Creditor,. Laws of 1830. Chap. 238. Exemption from Imprisonment,. 1831. Chap. 300. To abolish Imprisonment,.. 1834. Chap. 245. The same,. 1837. Chap. 418. Amending Act of 1831,... IV, 458 .... IV, 458 IV, 459 IV, 459 IV, 461 IV, 461 IV, 461 ..... Laws of 1850. Chap. 210. Trustees and Assignees, 1858. Chap. 314. Impeaching Assignments, 1860. Chap. 348. Voluntary Assignments,.. .... CHAP. VI. Wills and Administration of Estate, IV, 486 Chap. 177. Provision for New Counties,. 2. Administration of Estates,.. .... IV, 502 IV, 503 IV, 503 IV, 504 IV, 504 1829. Chap. 148. Public Administrator, .... IV, 504 1835. Chap. 264. Executors' Sales of Real Estate,.... IV, 505 Laws of 1835. Chap. 275. Powers of Attorney by Wives,... IV, 510 1850. Chap. 566. Wages to Minors,... .... 1848. Chap. 200. Separate Property, 2. Parent and Child,.. 3. Master and Servant,... 1834. Chap. 88. Homine Replegiando,. Chap. 375. Kidnapping Free Citizens,...... IV, 513 IV, 513 IV, 514 IV, 514. IV, 515 IV, 515 IV, 517 IV, 517 IV, 517 IV, 518 IV, 518 IV, 518 IV, 522 CHAP. IX. Unclaimed Freight and Baggage, Laws of 1837. Chap. 300. Unclaimed Baggage, 1855. Chap. 523. Unclaimed Freight,.. Vol. Page. IV, 523 IV, 523 IV, 525 CHAP. X. Damages for Causing Death,. .... IV, 526 Laws of 1847. Chap. 450. Compensation for Homicide,. IV, 526 Laws of 1832. Chap. 128. Supreme and Circuit Courts,. IV, 529 1848. Chap. 185. Cases before late Circuit Judges,...... IV, 536 1849. Chap. 30. Transfer of Powers of Vice-Chancellors, IV, 537 Laws of 1841. Chap. 321. Suits on Attachment Bonds,. 1845. Chap. 242. Transfer of Transcripts,.. Chap. 276. Issuing Executions, 1857. Chap. 512. Renewing Executions,. CHAP. III. General Provisions as to Courts, Laws of 1836. Chap. 499. References, 1838. Chap. 129. Security of Records,.. 1839. Chap. 303. Judges having Partners, Vol. Page. IV, 547 IV, 547 IV, 548 IV, 548 IV, 548 1857. Chap. 567. Clerks may not act as Attorneys,...... IV, 600 CHAP. IV. (Relates to Statute of Limitations and is in- |