Actions, continued: for damages by drunkenness,. to enforce liens on vessels,. .... ... by and against moneyed companies, by shareholders in, . . preference of, Iv, 163, 542, 597, 600, Vol. Page. IV, 54 Administrator, Vol. Page. 92 IV, 54 ... IV, 60, 61 IV, 69, 453 Admission, in pleadings,.. V, 48 Adulteration, IV, 132, 142, 551 of milk, III, 415 .... IV, 143 IV, 155 V, 138 on bills and notes,.. Advertisement in state paper, III, 36, 58 IV, 453 to 457 for discovery of usury,. Affidavits, IV, 460 against heirs, IV, 500 to try validity of wills,. by imprisoned debtor,. IT, 543 IV, 503 by and against executors,. IV, 505 for debts of wife,.. IV, 514 by whom taken, IV, 448, 509, 543, 645 for causing death,. by and against married women,... IV, 516 IV, 526, 527 proceedings in,. by clerk of excise board,. IV, 637, v, 107 on attachment bonds,. by prison association,.. IV, 547 Agents, IV, 608 IV, 662 to enforce mechanics' liens,.. IV, 670, 673 111, 685 by clerk of state prison,.. transfer, for foreign corporations, m, 677 service of process on,. 647, 650 IV. 56 Y, 116 v, 191 T, 200 III, 685 407 v, 2, 21 [See Civil Actions.] limitation of,.. when they are commenced,. joinder of, in particular cases,. [See Partition.] v, 47, 139 Agents of Banks, v, 22 V, 27 [See Factors.] how to be appointed,. list to be published,. revocation of appointment,. where to be located, Agents for emigrants, abatement of,.. iv, 37, 621, 650, v, 32 their conduct regulated,.. Adams, town of.... v, Ap., 168 Agents for Insurance, Addison, town of, v, Ap. 188 to file statements,.. m, 204, 221, 223, 237 Adjustment of costs, V, 91 to pay tax,. in, 200, 223, 248 Administration of civil justice,.. IV, 529, v, 1 3 circuit courts,. supreme court and circuits, IV, 529, 538 6 costs,.. IV, circuit judges,. vice-chancellors,. IV, 537 535 536 IV, 537, 538, v, 4, 93 ...... IV, 541, v, Iv, 163, 542, 597 Administration of criminal justice,. 600, v, 138 to be held to bail,.. to publish place of business,.. his duties,.. ... ... to make annual reports,..... III, 239, 256 MII, 213 .... III, 251 III, 249 ... 40 III, 229 III, 214 III, 215 111, 206 v, 193 V, 193 v, 193 not to contract debt, v, 194, 196 neglect of duty, v, 196 contracts for labor,. V, 196 sale of lands of prisons,. V, 197 to deposit moneys,. estimates of expense,. Agreement with New Jersey, Agricultural, societies incorporated, m, 761, 765 how formed,. general powers, . officers,.. mn, 761, 765 I. 761, 763, 765, 767 in, 762, 765 III, 762, 766 111, 762, 766 v, 198 V. 199 V, 199 V, 205 |