Building commision bond. and jail for the said county of Wyoming, and the necessary furniture and fixtures for the same, and for no other purpose, and shall be drawn from the treasury of said county by the commissioners to be appointed by the board of supervisors for superintending the building of said court-house, clerk's office and jail. $24. Such commissioners before entering upon the duties ers to give of their office, shall execute their joint or several bonds to the board of supervisors of said county, in such sum and with such sureties as shall be approved of by the treasurer of said county, for the faithful application of such money as shall come into their hands for the purpose aforesaid. Money to be raised by tax to pay interest. Principal how to be paid. Members of assembly and commissioners of loans. $ 25. The board of supervisors of said county shall annually cause to be levied and collected from the taxable inhabitants of the same, a sum sufficient to pay the annual interest of the said loan, which shall be paid into the hands of the county treasurer, who shall annually pay into the treasury of the state the said annual interest. $ 26. The said board of supervisors shall also, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-three, and in each of the nine successive years thereafter, levy and collect, in like manner, one thousand dollars each and every year, which shall be paid into the hands of the county treasurer, who shall, in like manner, pay the same annually into the treasury of the state to apply in payment or said bond. S27. Nothing contained in this act shall affect the members of assembly from the county of Genesee now elected, nor the rights, powers and duties of commissioners of loans of the said county. Territory annexed to Wyoming county. Town of erected. CHAP. 51. AN ACT to annex the towns of Eagle, Pike, and a part of Portage to the county of Wyoming. PASSED April 1, 1846. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: S 1. The towns of Eagle, Pike, and all that part of the town of Portage, in the county of Allegany, lying on the west side of the Genesee river, bounded as follows: On the east by the Genesee river; on the south by a line running due easterly from the south line of the town of Pike, until it intersects the Genesee river; and west and north by the original lines of said town, from and after the passage of this act, shall be and the same are hereby annexed to the county of Wyoming. $ 2. The territory hereby taken from the said town of Portage, and three-quarters of a mile of territory, being one tier of lots as surveyed by the Holland Land Company, from the east side of the said town of Pike, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be a separate town, by the name of the town of Genesee Falls; and the first town meeting therein shall be held at the house of Anson Tinkham, on the second Tuesday of April next, to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing all necessary town officers for said town of Genesee Falls. ing in $ 3. The said town of Portage shall hold a town meeting Town meeton the said second Tuesday of April next at the house of Portage. Philip Burroughs, in the said town, to commence at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing town officers to fill the offices made vacant in the said town, in consequence of the passage of this act. Portage $4. All the residue of the town of Portage lying west of Part of the Genesee river, shall, from and after the passage of this annexed to act, be annexed to the town of Hume in the county of Allegany. Home. cers in Pike. S 5. All the town officers of the towns of Eagle and Pike, Town offiin office when this act shall take effect, and the justices of Eagle and the peace residing within the territory hereby taken from the said town of Portage, and annexed to the said county of Wyoming, shall remain officers of their towns, with the same tenure and jurisdiction in and for the county of Wyoming which they had or possessed in and for the county of Allegany before the passage of this act. clerk of $6. The clerk of the county of Allegany shall, immediately Duty of the after the passage of this act, make and transmit to the clerk Allegany of the county of Wyoming, to be filed in his office, a certi- county. ficate of all the town officers of the towns of Pike and Eagle, and of the justices of the peace residing in the territory hereby taken from the said town of Portage, and annexed to the said county of Wyoming, whose names are filed or kept in his office; which certificate when so filed, or a copy thereof certified by the clerk of Wyoming county, shall be evidence in all cases with the like force and effect as his certificate would be if said officers had been elected or chosen in their respective towns in the county of Wyoming after the passage of this act. sioners of transcribe utes. $ 7. The commissioners of loans of Wyoming county shall Commishave access to the books and minutes of the loan commis- loans to sioners of Allegany county, and shall within three months mortgages after the passage of this act, transcribe and enter, or cause to admin be transcribed and entered, in a book or books, all mortgages and minutes contained in the first mentioned books, so far as the same shall relate to, and the lands mortgaged may be situated in, the territory hereby annexed to the county of Wyoming at the cost and expense of the said county of Wyoming, to be audited and paid by the board of supervisors of the said county of Wyoming; and said mortgages and minutes, when so transcribed, shall have all the force and validity as if originally entered in the book or books in which they Saving clause. Bradford and Orange altered. shall be transcribed as aforesaid; and the duties and authority of the commissioners of loans of Wyoming county over said mortgages, shall be the same in all respects as if said mortgage had been originally given in said county of Wyoming. S8. The passage of this act shall not be construed so as to interfere in any manner with any crime or misdemeanor committed before the passage of this act, in the territory hereby annexed to the county of Wyoming or in the prosecution thereof, or with any civil action or proceeding already commenced in any court of law or equity. CHAP. 386. AN ACT to erect a new county, from parts of the counties of Steuben, Chemung and Tompkins, by the name of Schuyler, and to alter the town lines of Bradford and Wayne, in the county of Steuben, to erect the town of Van Etten, and annex parts of the towns of Erin and Catharine to the town of Cayuta, in the county of Chemung. PASSED April 17, 1854, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. All that part of the town of Bradford, in the county town lines of Steuben, lying east of the section line, and being the west line of lots numbers thirty-one, thirty-five, forty, one, two, three and four, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be annexed to and form a part of the town of Orange. Wayne and Tyrone altered. S2. All that part of the town of Wayne, in the county of town lines Steuben, lying east of the section line, and being the east line of a tier of lots number one, respectively, and running across the town of Wayne, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be annexed to and form a part of the town of Tyrone. Van Etten erected from Erin and Cayuta. $3. All those parts of the towns of Erin and Cayuta, in the county of Chemung, embracing the following territory: Beginning at the northeast corner of the town of Cayuta, running thence west along the town line between the towns of Newfield and Cayuta to the west line of lot number fortythree; thence south along the west line of lots number thirty, twenty-five, twelve and seven, passing through another lot designated as number forty-three, and thence along the southeast line of lot number twenty-nine to the southeast corner thereof; thence southeasterly along the line of lots numbers twenty-eight, twenty-seven, twenty-six, twenty-five and twenty-four, to lot number sixteen; thence along the north line of lot number sixteen to the northeast corner thereof; thence south along the east line of lots number sixteen and seventeen, and a straight continuation of the same to the town line of Chemung; thence east along the town line between the towns of Erin and Chemung to the Cayuta creek, being the southeast corner of the town of Erin: thence north along the town line of Barton to the northwest corner of said town; thence east along the town line between the towns of Barton and Cayuta to the southeast corner of the town of Cayuta; thence north along the east line of the town of Cayuta to the place of beginning, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be erected into a new town to be known and distinguished as the town of Van Etten, and shall remain with and belong to the county of Chemung. Erin and Cayuta. S4. All those parts of the towns of Erin and Catharine, in Parts of the county of Chemung, embracing the following territory: Catharice Beginning in the centre of Cayuta creek, in the southeast annexed to line of lot number twenty-nine; thence along the south line of said lot number twenty-nine to the southeast corner thereof; thence along the northwest line of lots numbers twenty-nine, thirty and thirty-one, to the southeast corner of lot number one; thence west along the south line of lots numbers one, two and three, to the southwest corner of said lot number three; thence north along the west line of lot number three to the section line; thence west along the section line to the town of Veteran; thence north along the town line of Veteran and the west line of lots numbers eighty, eighty-six, eightyseven and eighty-eight, in Catharine, to the section line; thence east along the north line of lots numbers eighty-eight, one, fifty and fifty-one, to the town line of Newfield; thence south along the town line between Newfield and Catharine to the town line of Cayuta, which territory shall, from and after the passage of this act, be annexed to and form a part of the town of Cayuta. officers. ings. $ 5. The town officers, elected at the last annual town Town meetings in the towns of Bradford, Wayne, Erin and Cayuta, who shall at the time this act goes into effect reside within the territory which shall thereafter under the provisions of this act be embraced within the territory of their respective towns, shall be the town officers of their respective towns until their terms of office shall expire. There shall be a Town meetspecial town meeting held in each of the towns of Bradford, Wayne, Cayuta, Erin and the new town of Van Etten on the second Tuesday in May next; in Cayuta, at the house of Hiram White; in Van Etten, at the Van Ettenville Hotel; in Bradford, Wayne and Erin, at the usual places of holding town meetings in said towns, respectively, to fill all vacancies which may exist in the town offices of their respective towns; and such town meetings shall be held and conducted in the manner that town meetings are now required by law to be conducted and held, of which meeting the passage of this act shall be a sufficient notice. Schuyler. $6. All those parts of the counties of Steuben, Chemung County of and Tompkins which, after this act goes into effect, will be Elections till after next census. Statements of canvass. Books, records and papers to be transcribed. embraced within the towns of Orange, Tyrone, Reading, Catharine (including such part of Newfield as was provided to be attached to Catharine, by chapter three hundred and twenty-seven, Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three), Dix, Čayuta and Hector, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be for all purposes, except the election of members of the Legislature and justices of the supreme court, and for the holding and jurisdiction of supreme and circuit courts and courts of oyer and terminer, until after the next state census or enumeration, and thereafter for all purposes whatever, a separate and distinct county of the State of New-York, and shall be known or distinguished by the name of Schuyler, and the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said county of Schuyler, for all purposes (except as aforesaid), shall have and enjoy all and every the same rights, powers and privileges as the freeholders and inhabitants of any of the counties of this state are by law entitled to have and enjoy, and not subject to be assessed and taxed by any of the counties from which they are by this act taken. $ 7. The electors of the territory embraced within the said new county of Schuyler, until after the next state census or enumeration, shall continue to vote for members of the Legislature and justices of the supreme court as electors of the respective counties to which they have heretofore belonged, the same as if this act had not been passed; but for all other purposes they shall vote as electors of the new county of Schuyler, and they shall belong to and form a part of the twenty-seventh congressional district of this state. $8. A copy of the original statements of all or any elections in any of said towns for members of the Legislature and justices of the supreme court, duly certified pursuant to the provisions of the existing statutes respecting elections for other than militia and town officers, shall be made by the inspectors, and shall be delivered by them, or by one of them to be deputied for that purpose, to one of the assessors of such town within twenty-four hours after the same shall have been subscribed, and such copy of such original statement shall be delivered by such assessor to the board of canvassers of the county from which such town shall have been by this act taken, in order to enable such board of county canvassers of the said last mentioned county to canvass the same; which said statement shall be received by said board of canvassers, and have the same effect as the original statement would have had if delivered by the supervisor of said town, and if said town had not been thus set off to the said county of Schuyler, until the next state census or enumeration. $9. The books, records and papers belonging to the several clerks' and surrogates' offices of the said counties of Chemung, Steuben and Tompkins shall be and remain the property of the said several counties, but such papers thereof as concern said county of Schuyler and the real property therein shall |