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old poets have ascribed to the oak grove at Dodona the power of speech. The temple was destroyed by the Etolians under Dorimachus, 219 B. Č., but it was afterward rebuilt, and is mentioned by Pausanias as standing in the 2d century of our era. According to the account given by Lucretius, the fountain in the neighborhood of the temple at Dodona was inflammable.

DODSLEY, ROBERT, an English publisher and miscellaneous author, born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, in 1703, died in Durham, Sept. 25, 1764. He was originally a servant, but having produced in 1732 a volume of poetical pieces, under the title of the "Muse in Livery," and subsequently a dramatic piece called the "Toy Shop," which met with the approbation of Pope, and was acted with great success at Covent Garden theatre in 1735, he was soon in a position to abandon his humble vocation and embark in business as a bookseller. Patronized by Pope, his shop became in time one of the leading establishments in the British metropolis. In 1737 he brought out a farce styled "The King and the Miller of Mansfield," which was received with applause at Drury Lane; and a few years subsequently a ballad farce entitled the "Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green." In 1746 he projected "The Museum, or the Literary and Historical Register," which numbered among its contributors some of the most eminent literati of the day. In 1748 he started another periodical called the "Preceptor," the preface of which was written by Dr. Johnson, and in 1749 he paid the latter 15 guineas for his "Vanity of Human Wishes." In 1750 he published a work styled the "Economy of Human Life," which, though ascribed by some to Lord Chesterfield, was from the first generally supposed, and is now universally admitted, to have been his own production. In 1758 his tragedy of "Cleone " was represented at Covent Garden theatre, on which occasion Dr. Johnson declared that "if Otway had written it, none of his other pieces would have been remembered." In the same year, in connection with Edmund Burke, he projected and started the "Annual Register," which is still published. He was the first to collect and republish the "Old English Plays," by his selection of which (1st ed. edited by T. Coxeter, 1744; 2d ed. by Isaac Reed, 12 vols. 8vo., 1780) his name is now most frequently recalled. He retired from business in 1763 with a handsome fortune. A collected edition of Dodsley's dramas, in one volume, appeared in 1748, and a 2d volume, entitled "Miscellanies,” in 1772.

DODWELL, EDWARD, an English author, born in the latter part of the 18th century, died in Rome, May 14, 1832. In 1819 he published in 2 quarto volumes "A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806." Dodwell made numerous drawings of ruins and scenery in Greece and Italy, and after his death a collection of some of them was published, entitled "Views and Descriptions of Cyclopean or Pelasgic Remains in Greece and Italy; with Constructions of a

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later Period, from Drawings by the late Edward Dodwell, Esq., F.S.A., &c., intended as a Supplement to his Classical and Topographical Tour in Greece," &c.

DODWELL, HENRY, an Irish writer, born in Dublin about 1642, died in Shottesbrook, Berkshire, June 7, 1711. He was graduated at Trinity college, Dublin, and settled in London in 1674. He was for about 3 years Camden professor of history at Oxford, but lost this office on account of his refusal to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary. He is known especially as a writer on classical and religious subjects. Among his works may be mentioned Annales Thucydidei et Xenophontei; Annales Velleiani, Quintiliani, Statiani; De Veteribus Græcorum, Romanorumque Cyclis, obiterque de Cyclo Judæorum ac Etate Christi, Dissertationes; and "An Epistolary Discourse, proving from the Scriptures and the first Fathers, that the Soul is a principle naturally mortal, but immortalized actually by the pleasure of God, to punishment or to reward, by its union with the divine baptismal Spirit; wherein it is proved that none have the power of giving this divine immortalizing Spirit since the Apostles, but only the Bishops." This work, as might be supposed, raised a great outcry against the author, who would thus exclude the larger part of mankind from any future existence. See "Life of Dr. Henry Dodwell," by Francis Brokesby (London, 1715).

DOG, a digitigrade carnivorous mammal, belonging to the genus canis, and to the family canida, which also include the wolf, fox, and jackal. The species of this family are so nearly alike in structure that the genera canis, lupus, vulpes, &c., have been established on characters considered of inferior importance in other families; even the intellectual and instinctive faculties have been employed by F. Cuvier and others in distinguishing the species, the domestic dogs being regarded as derived from several distinct though nearly allied wild canines. Except in the size of the bones, there is nothing in the osteology of this family which can be made characteristic of the wild species or of the domestic races when compared with each other, though as a family group they are collectively quite distinct from other digitigrades. In the skulls, the different species of wolf differ more from each other than do many domestic dogs from the wolves; as a general rule, the cranial cavity bears a greater proportion to the face as the intelligence of the animal is more marked. The teeth of dogs, which are largest in the wild species, consist, in the upper jaw, of 6 incisors in the intermaxillary bones; 2 canines, strong, curved, and separated by an interval from the incisors; and 6 molars on each side, the first 3, in interrupted series, being small, but with cutting edges, and called also false molars; the 4th or carnivorous tooth is bicuspid, with a small tubercle anteriorly on the inner side; the 5th is less cutting, bicuspid, with a large internal tubercle; the 6th and last is small and tubercular. In the lower jaw there are 6 incisors; 2 canines, con

tinuous in the series, and 7 molars on each side, of which 4 are false, the 4th being bicuspid; the 5th or carnivorous tooth has its tubercular 3d lobe entirely posterior; behind this are 2 tubercular teeth, the last being very small and frequently absent in the adult animal. The incisors are regular, the outer being the largest, and nearly perpendicular in the upper jaw; the lower canines shut in front of the upper; the tubercular character of the other teeth indicates a less carnivorons propensity than in the cat family, and that their natural diet is not exclusively animal, being better suited for carrion and broken bones than for the flesh of a living prey. In some species, as the buansu and the dhole, the 2d tubercular tooth is constantly wanting, according to Hamilton Smith. The brain cavity is comparatively small; the crests of the skull and the large temporal fosse indicate powerful muscles of mastication; the eyes are directed forward; the nostrils are largely opened in a movable glandular muzzle; the tongue is soft, thin at the edges, and capable of considerable extension beyond the teeth, as is seen during rapid breathing in warm weather; the pupil is round, as in other diurnal canida. The fore feet have 5 toes, the hind feet 4 or 5; the 2 middle toes are the longest and equal; the 5th toe, when present, does not reach the ground; the claws are blunt, strong, not retractile, and formed for digging; the soles are furnished with tubercles, and in some arctic dogs with hair to protect them from cold. The hair is of 2 kinds, soft and woolly near the skin, longer and coarser externally; some of the dogs of India have the skin entirely naked, this condition originating probably from some mangy disease. The tail is generally long, and is curled upward; the number of mammæ varies from 6 to 10; the size, form, and color are different according to the variety. The young are born with the eyes closed, and open them on the 10th or 12th day; the 1st teeth begin to be shed at the 4th month, and the growth ceases at about 2 years of age; gestation is about 9 weeks, and the duration of life is about 10 years, though sometimes prolonged to 20. Though strong, they are not courageous in proportion to their strength; hearing is acute, and the senses of smell and vision are proverbially delicate, the former in the bloodhound, the latter in the greyhound; taste is so dull or perverted that even luxuriously fed pets will not disdain a meal of decaying flesh. Dogs are not so cleanly in their habits as cats; they drink by lapping, require water often, and turn round frequently before lying down; their habits of defecation and micturition are characteristic and well known; their bark is very different from the howl of wild canines, and expresses by its intonation fear, sorrow, anger, joy, and other feelings. Dogs, like all canines, seem to have a natural antipathy to the cat family. All canines, both wild and domesticated, and the nearly allied hyæna, are subject to the terrible disease, hydrophobia. They are spread over all parts of the earth, and all, even

the wildest, are capable of some degree of domestication; as the companions of man, dogs are found under all circumstances of human existence. It would be useless here to introduce anecdotes proving the sagacity, faithfulness, affection, gratitude, courage, velocity, and other useful qualities of the dog; these have been known from remote antiquity, and are recognized in the earliest systems of pagan theology and astronomy. From books, inscriptions, and monuments, we know that in the remotest historic period the domestic dogs were not unlike the present races; and anterior to written history there must have been a long period during which the wild originals were educated to be useful companions. What these wild originals were it is impossible to settle definitely. Some naturalists would make the wolf, others the fox, the stock from which our dogs have come; these opinions can now hardly be seriously entertained; the most that can be asserted with confidence is that no one animal can claim the exclusive paternity of these useful races. We know that there are several species of wild dogs in different parts of the earth, all of which may have been pressed into the service of man; the crossings of these with each other, with the wolf in the north, the jackal in the east, the aguara canines in the south, the fennec in Africa, and the fox everywhere, with the care of man to develop special breeds according to his wants, are sufficient, though they cannot be followed in their details, to account for all and more than the varieties of our domestic dogs. When restored to the wild state, they approximate more or less closely to their original type, whether it be wolf, fox, jackal, or other wild canine. Dogs differ in stature, in the shape of their ears and tails, and in the number of their caudal vertebræ; some have an additional claw on the hind foot, or an extra false molar tooth on one side; the hair differs in color, texture, and length; and all these differences may re main as permanent varieties, like some human races, as long as the circumstances which gave rise to them continue essentially the same. We shall see that there are several undoubted species of wild dogs, to say nothing of wolves, foxes, and jackals, and the capacity for variation within definite limits is certainly great in all domestic animals; and it may be true that, if we begin to make species, we shall not know exactly when to stop; still, the necessary complication of these only shows how vague is the meaning of the word species, and how difficult it is to draw the line between species and varieties, especially when the former are very nearly allied. If the wild original be a wolf, who will indicate what species of wolf is the true and only one? and so of the other assumed types. There is no other instance in the whole range of mammals where man has been able to develop and combine such different and opposite faculties and forms as are seen in domestic dogs, unless the typical species were in possession of the rudiments; neither food, nor

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der than the buansu, higher on the legs, with a sharper muzzle, long close-haired tail, and large dark ears; the color is a light bay. The dhole of Ceylon (C. Ceylonicus, Shaw) is an allied, if not the same species. The pariah cur dogs of India are not merely degraded mongrels, but are the offspring of an indigenous wild species living in the jungles and in the lower Himalaya range; this resembles the jackal more than the

climate, nor human contrivances, could so widen or truncate the muzzle, elevate the frontal bones, diminish the delicacy of smell, and elongate the limbs, unless different types had furnished the properties which man has modified to suit his purposes. In the absence of positive proof, we have every reason to doubt that our domestic dogs can be referred to any single wild original; it is much more reasonable to admit several aboriginal species, with the faculty of intermix-wolf, but is more bulky in body and lower on ing, including, beside wild dogs (like the buansu, dingo, &c.), the wolf, jackal, and fox, as parents of our dogs; that a dhole or a thous may have been the father of the greyhound races; that a lost or undiscovered species, allied to canis tricolor or hyana venatica, may have been the source of the short-muzzled, strong-jawed mastiffs. Hamilton Smith classes the dogs according to their apparent affinities with wild canines in corresponding latitudes; the arctic dogs with wolves; the dogs of the south with the jackal in the old world, and with the aguara canines in South America. The Indian dogs may be traced to the prairie wolf and the Mexican coyotl, and in Asia to the jungle koola. Whatever may have been their originals, it is altogether probable that the primitive dogs, like the other domestic animals, were very different from any of the present races, and perhaps from any now existing canines.-The first genus of wild dogs is lyciscus (Smith), embracing the prairie wolf and coyotl of North America, and the koola of India; the head is broad, the muzzle pointed, ears erect, fur short, tail bushy; stature about 26 inches; the disposition is more peaceable than that of the wolf; "the voice barking; they are gregarious and live in burrows. It is probable that the aboriginal Indian dog is derived from the first two; the color is ashy gray, with some white on the tail and breast; and, when hunting in packs, these animals are hardly to be distinguished from domestic dogs. They are named L. latrans, L. cagottis, and L. tigris. The red wild dogs, forming the genus chryseus (Smith), are found in the warmer parts of Asia, Africa, and the Australian islands; the muzzle is less pointed than in lyciscus, and the tail less bushy; they are shy and fierce, seldom burrow, hunt in troops, and bark, and are about 24 inches high; they want the 2d tubercular tooth in the lower jaw, and are said to have the soles of the feet hairy; they destroy many of the young of the larger cats; they differ from wolves and jackals in their habits and instincts, and approximate the domestic dog in the small size of the anal glands. The presence of one of these species in Europe probably gave rise by their nightly hunting to the German legend of the wild hunter and his demon hounds. The buansu of Nepaul (C. primavus, Hodg.) is of a deep rust color above and yellowish below; it is intermediate in size between a wolf and jackal, hunting by day or night by the scent chiefly, in small troops; there are several varieties in the wooded mountains of British India. The dhole of India (C. scylax, Smith) is more slenVOL. VI.-35

the legs; the voice is yelping and howling. Other red wild dogs are found in Sumatra and Java. The New Holland dingo (C. Australasia of authors) is a wild dog which has been partially domesticated by the natives, and is no doubt an indigenous inhabitant, not introduced by man; in its native wilds it howls in a melancholy manner, and it is more than a match for a domestic dog of the same size; it hunts in small packs, sometimes in pairs, and is very active and fierce. It stands about 2 feet high; the color above is fulvous, spotted with white, paler on the sides and throat, and whitish below; it carries the tail horizontally, and runs with the head high and the ears turned forward. The genus thous, of which the typical species is the wild dog of Egypt (C. anthus, F. Cuv.), resembles the wolf on a small scale, being not more than 18 inches high, of a light structure, with rather short tail, close, ochry fur, barred or pencilled with black and white; the species do not burrow, and are not gregarious, seldom howl, and have no offensive smell; they all have the tip of the tail black, and prefer rocky, sandy districts, where there are bushes and water. Hamilton Smith is of the opinion that the greyhound of the desert was originally derived from one of the species of this section. It is found from Egypt and Arabia to the cape of Good Hope. South America, when first discovered by the Spaniards, had its indigenous canines, all with a tendency to elliptical pupils, though less so than in true foxes; among these are the aguara dogs, genus dusicyon (Smith). These are between the wolf and fox in form, with bulky body and short legs; they burrow and are more social and gentle than the aguara wolf (C. jubatus, Desm.). This group seems to represent the thous of the old world, though the forehead is more rounded, and the tail consists of an imperfect brush; the prevailing color is fulvons brown, often with a hoary tinge; the face looks like that of the fox; they are not very shy, and are capable of being domesticated; they are great thieves, with a propensity to conceal objects of no use as food; beside the usual articles of diet, they will eat fish, crabs, reptiles, insects, small birds, and even mollusks and berries; they are generally silent animals, and hunt by day or by moonlight; they are good swimmers. There are several species described, ranging from Surinam to the Falkland islands; the domesticated specimens differ but little from the wild originals, except in the tail being less bushy; the average height is from 14 to 16 inches; there are 5 toes to each foot,

and the gape of the mouth is large and wolflike; they hunt pacas, agoutis, and wild gallinaceous birds. All these wild dogs cross with the domesticated ones of the country, forming the most complicated intermixtures.-Before proceeding to the proper domesticated dogs, it will be well to notice certain varieties which have relapsed into a wild state, and, subsisting for several generations by their own resources, have resumed most if not all of the original characteristics of that state. In Asia Minor there is a race of these feral dogs (as Hamilton Smith calls them), of nearly the size of the local wolf, and resembling the shepherd's dog except that they have a more bushy tail, sharper nose, and the fur rufous gray, and that they hunt in packs in open day. A smaller breed is found in Russia. In St. Domingo there is a large feral dog of the race of hounds formerly used by the Spaniards in their western conquests; this dog is of large size, about 28 inches high, with a head like a terrier, and the general color pale bluish ash; its scent is very fine, and it follows its prey with great speed, attacking it with ferocity when overtaken; flocks sometimes suffer from its depredations; it is believed that it was introduced into Spain from the north, such is its resemblance to the Danish dog. In the pampas of South America are troops of feral dogs, a mixture of all the breeds of the country; their ears are erect as in true wild canines; they are bold and cunning, destroying many of the young of the wild herds of cattle and horses; when redomesticated, they are remarkable for their courage, sagacity, and acute sense of smell. -Of the true domesticated races, the arctic dogs of both hemispheres are of large size, wolfish aspect, with pointed nose, erect ears, and long hair of mixed black and white colors; they are fierce in their dispositions, bold, and strong; they swim excellently, burrow in the snow, and will drag the native sledges for hours at a time several miles an hour. The recent arctic voyages in search of Sir John Franklin have made the reader familiar with the habits and valuable properties of the Esquimaux dogs, and even their appearance is well known from specimens brought home by the returned explorers. This species (canis borealis, Desm.) is probably the same as the Siberian dog. The Hare Indian dog (C. lagopus, Rich.), according to Sir John Richardson, is peculiar to the region of the Mackenzie river and Great Bear lake; it is intermediate in size between the wolf and fox, has erect ears, bushy tail, and a general gray color, with white and black markings; the hair is long, and at its base, as in all arctic dogs, is a thick wool; it is about 14 inches high, and is used for hunting and not for draught; it is playful and affectionate, though not very docile. These arctic canines, if not pure wild species, are probably the result of a mixture of the wolf and the lyciscan dogs before described. In the territory of the Hudson's bay company, in Canada, and in the Lake Superior mineral district, there is a mongrel race of dogs which take

the place of horses during the winter season, travelling over the snow, attached to the dog train, transporting provisions, merchandise, and even the mails; they are hardy, easily managed, strong, bearing abuse, scanty food, and fatigue without murmur; they are invaluable to the hunter, Indian, half-breed, and traveller in these snow-clad regions; no particular breed is sought for, the only qualities valued being strength and endurance. The Newfoundland dog (C. Terra Nova, Smith) seems to be indigenous to America; it is longer than the Esquimaux dog, less compact, with a wider muzzle, drooping ears, and with long hair disposed to curl; it is a handsome and powerful dog, very intelligent and trusty, and of a kind disposition; the pure breed is almost semi-palmated, making them the best water dogs; crossed with the hound, they attain an enormous size; the general color is black, with some fulvous about the eyes, nose, throat, and joints, and white about the feet and end of the tail. Anecdotes of the sagacity of this well-known breed are innumerable. The Nootka dog (C. laniger, Smith) is noted for its thick and matted fur, which the natives mix with wool and make into garments; the describer of this species thinks that it indicates that the Esquimaux and Newfoundland races were derived from Asiatic originals, perhaps from the dog of Siberia. At the head of the list of the domestic canines of temperate Europe stands the shepherd's dog (C. domesticus, Linn.), still with the wolf-like stature, head, and hair; its appearance is rather unpromising; its shaggy hair is generally varied black and gray, the ears are short and erect, and the tail is bushy and curved; having been trained from time immemorial to the care of flocks, its peculiar faculties seem to be instinctive, and its sagacity, fidelity, and courage are not excelled by any species of dog; the height is not quite 2 feet, but the form is muscular. This breed is confined to temperate and southern Europe. The true shepherd's dog attends the flocks, keeps them together, and protects them from violence. A variety called the drover's dog, somewhat larger and more rugged, is of great assistance in driving sheep and cattle to market. The great wolf-dog (C. Pomeranus? Linn.) has all the sagacity of the shepherd's dog, with a strength which enables him to resist successfully the attack of a wolf; it is of large size, whitish clouded with brown, with pointed nose, erect ears, and long silky hair; it is most common in southern Europe. The Alpine or dog of St. Bernard is universally known for his services in discovering and assisting snow-bewildered travellers in the higher Alps; the old race resembled the Newfoundland dog, but the present dogs are short-haired, with very broad feet, and generally of a fawn color; their bark is uncommonly loud and deep. They are trained to carry food, wine, and warm coverings, attached to their bodies and necks; they depart in the morning, after violent snow storms, in search of buried travellers, and are followed by


the monks. Many lives have been saved through their instrumentality; but at the present time, when the roads are better and more easily followed, and the inhabitants in the upper valleys more numerous, their services are less frequently called for. In the subdivision of the watch dogs of F. Cuvier are found some of the largest canines, and especially the fierce races mentioned by ancient authors; they have short hair and a wide muzzle, but in their skulls they resemble the wolf; the typical color is rufous, which is more or less mixed with black and white; occupying the northern temperate zone, they are probably descended from the lyciscan dogs, mixed toward the south with the mastiff race. They are less docile and sagacious than the former groups, but more watchful and noisy, and with considerable courage, and are therefore generally kept by the humbler classes to protect their farms; from this cause they are greatly crossed, and are doubtless the progenitors of the mongrel races of western Europe; from their moderate powers of smelling they are of little use in hunting. The Suliote dog (C Suillus, Gmel.), sometimes called boar hound in Germany, is one of the largest and fiercest breeds; it has been known to be nearly 4 feet high at the shoulder. Resembling this is the Danish dog (C. glaucus, Smith.), but smoother, with shorter ears, and of a slaty blue color. The matin dog (C. laniarius, Linn.) has the head elongated and the forehead flat, the ears pendulous at the tips, the hair rugged, of a yellowish fawn color with blackish rays; the height is about 2 feet; being bold, strong, and active, it is valuable for a house and sheep dog. The Poe dog (C. Pacificus, Smith) seems to be indigenous to the South sea islands, and once was very abundant in the Sandwich group; the muzzle is pointed, the ears erect, the back long, the limbs crooked, and the hair smooth and tan-colored; its food is vegetable, with a little fish, and it is much esteemed by the natives as an article of diet; the aboriginal race is now lost, from mixture with the imported dogs of Europe. The dogs of Patagonia are as large as fox hounds, and wolf-like in appearance; those of Terra del Fuego are smaller, resembling a cross between the fox, shepherd's dog, and terrier; their dogs are of great value to the natives of these regions. In France and several other countries, especially Holland, dogs are frequently employed as draught animals, and in Kamtchatka and Greenland, almost exclusively for the same purpose.-From the above remarks it must be evident that the dogs are the most complete and useful conquest ever made by man; all their faculties have been rendered subservient to him, for his pleasure and profit, for his safety against his own kind and other animals. Cuvier has asserted that the dog was perhaps necessary for the establishment of human society; though this may not be apparent in the most highly civilized communities, a moment's reflection will convince us that barbarous nations owe


much of their elevation above the brute to the possession of the dog. That man has been able to make such extensive use of this animal must depend on innate qualities in the races, as, for instance, keenness of scent and the desire to chase, in the hound; the impulse to seek objects, in the spaniel and pointer; the tendency to watch and guard, in the shepherd's dog and mastiff. The activity of their brain is shown by their proneness to dream, during which state they go through all the mental exercises they would use when awake. It is said that the ancients were fond of the flesh of dogs; it is well known that the Polynesians, Chinese, and American Indians consider it a great delicacy; when fed principally on vegetable food, it is palatable and nutritious, as many a traveller in the Rocky mountains and in the northwest territories has had occasion to experience.-The monuments of Egypt show that dogs, like men, were as distinct in their races thousands of years ago as at the present day; and it becomes interesting to inquire if there are fossil dogs. Fossil canines have certainly been found, but these have without examination been referred as a matter of course to wolves, foxes, and jackals, and not to dogs; these are chiefly met with in the pliocene caves, in the drift, and in the alluvium. It has been already mentioned that it is very difficult to distinguish the different species of canide by their skeletons, except by the size of the bones. The teeth of the domestic dog have the last tubercular tooth wider than that of the wolf, and the teeth of many of the cave dogs differ from those of the domestic races only in being larger. Dr. Lund discovered fossil dogs larger than any now living in the caves of Brazil, associated with an extinct monkey; a similar association has been found in a stratum of marl, under compact limestone, in the Pyrénées. Dr. Schmerling has described several fossils of the true dog, evidently belonging to 2 distinct varieties, differing in size from those of the wolf and fox found in the same locality. Cuvier says of the bones of a fossil canis from the cave of Gaylenreuth, that they resemble those of the dog more than the wolf, yet he does not positively declare them to belong to the former. Marcel de Serres has described 2 species of dogs found in a marine tertiary limestone, one resembling the pointer, the other much smaller. The frontal elevation in the skull of the dog is greater than that of the wolf, and the skull of a small canine with this character strongly marked, from a bone cave in England, was pronounced by Mr. Clift that of a small bull-dog or a large pug. Distinct traces of at least 4 types of dogs have been found in a fossil state, the Canary dog, the pointer, the hound, and the bull-dog, with a smaller one classed by Schmerling with the turnspit; and as many of these are known to be hybrids, the list must probably be further enlarged. The certain antiquity of these bones, whether they have been referred to the proper race of dogs or not, is sufficient to destroy the claims of the wolf, or

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