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in medical journals, have led to important discoveries, particularly with reference to post mortem calorification, which his experiments have shown will, after death from fever, cholera, or sun-stroke, &c., rise in some cases much higher than its antecedent maximum during the progress of the disease. From these experimental researches, as well as from a rational interpretation of the respiratory action of the lungs, either in their natural, diseased, obstructed, or disorganized conditions, Dr. Dowler has been led to reject the long received theory which ascribes animal heat to the lungs, as the sole heating apparatus of the animal economy. He maintains that the chemical history of respiration may be interpreted either as a refrigeratory or heat equalizing process, and that while the absorption of oxygen during respiration may generate heat, on the other hand the parting of carbonic acid gas and aqueous vaporization from the lungs, together with the incessant respiration of the air, almost always much cooler than the body, must refrigerate the animal economy; that for all that has been proved to the contrary, oxidation and deoxidation, repair and waste, composition and decomposition, inhalation and exhalation, are mutually compensating or equiponderant in the regulation of animal heat; and that, while it may be plausibly assumed that nearly the whole series of organs and organic functions, especially those of nutrition, contribute directly or indirectly to the origin and distribution of animal heat during life, post mortem calorification might to some extent be accounted for by assuming that respiration is not a heating, but a refrigeratory process, which, ceasing with apparent death, ceases to liberate the free caloric of the economy; whence the calorifacient function, not being in many instances extinguished with the respiration, persists, and for a long time accumulates faster than it can be radiated into the surrounding media. He has not, however, been able to trace a necessary connection, antecedence, or parallelism between post mortem calorification and muscular contractility, the development, degree, and duration of which may or may not coincide. In March, 1845, Dr. Dowler commenced a series of experiments in comparative physiology on the great saurian or alligator of Louisiana, which he regarded as much better for the purpose than any of the cold-blooded animals usually selected for vivisection. From these experiments, which embrace a period of 10 years, he has ascertained that after decapitation the head, and more especially the trunk, afford unequivocal evidences of possessing the faculties of sensation and volition for hours after a complete division of the animal. The headless trunk, deprived of all the senses but that of touch, perceived, felt, willed, and acted with unerring intelligence in removing or avoiding an irritant, such as an ignited match or bit of paper; when even a simple touch or a positive irritant was applied laterally, the body curved or receded in a contrary direcVOL. VI.-38

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tion, while the most convenient limb was also directed to the exact place where the foreign body impinged, in order to remove it, if possible. After as well as before decapitation, after complete evisceration, and after the subdivision of the spine and its cord in 2 or 3 places, each section mutually and simultaneously perceived or felt in common the presence or contact of a pain-producing agent. In some instances Dr. Dowler observed that the separated head could see a body, like the finger, purposely directed close to the eye, as was shown by the violent opening of the mouth, as if to bite, and by the head jumping several feet from the operating table to the floor. The vivisection of the spinal cord satisfied him also that neither root of the spinal marrow is the exclusive seat of sensation or of motion, and that motion as well as sensory phenomena may be excited by irritation of either root; a result directly opposed to the celebrated theory of Sir Charles Bell on the functions of these roots. The vivisection of the inferior animals (hitherto the basis of experimental physiology), as well as the pathological, anatomical, and experimental phenomena observed in man, has therefore led Dr.* Dowler to the following conclusions: that the functions and structures of the nervous system constitute a unity altogether inconsistent with the anatomical assumption of 4 distinct and separate sets of nerves, and a corresponding fourfold set of functions; that there is no anatomical or other proof that one set of nerves transmits impressions to, and a separate set from, a sensorial spot somewhere in the brain, nor that the nerves themselves are simple conductors and wholly insensible; that the 2 separate sets of nerves usually assigned to what is called the excito-motory action of the spinal cord are wholly hypothetical; that instead of 4 travelling impressions there is but one, the primary or sensiferous impression, which is simultaneously cognized upon the periphery as well as in the centre, and not solely by an unknown spot in the brain through the intermedium of a secondarily transmitted impression, being intuitively felt where it really is; and that sensuous cognition or sensation is immediate, intuitive, and not representative, nor the result of transmitted secondary impressions, but a directly felt relation, ab initio, between an object and a sentient subject, and not one between a mere secondary representation, idea, or transmitted impression of an object.-The assiduous devotion of Dr. Dowler to researches connected with medical and physiological science has won for him a wide reputation as an experimenter, an anatomist, and a pathologist.

DOWLETABAD, DOWLATABAD, DOWLUTABAD, DOULETABAD, or DEOGHIR (the fortunate city), a town and fortress of Hyderabad, in the Nizam's territory, Hindostan, about. 10 m. N. W. from Aurungabad. The fortress is situ ated on a hill about 500 feet in height, about 150 feet of which rises nearly perpendicularly, like a wall. The entrance is by a passage cut

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through the rock. Notwithstanding its natural strength, the fortress has been several times taken, and has fallen under the dominion of various masters. Near the town are the remarkable cave temples of Ellora.


DOWN, a maritime co. in the N. E. part of Ireland, province of Ulster; greatest length, N. E. to S. W., 51 m.; greatest breadth, 38 m.; area, 956 sq. m.; pop. in 1851, 328,883. Near the middle of the county is a group of hills, and in its S. W. part are the Mourne mountains, some of whose summits are among the highest peaks in Ireland; but with these exceptions the surface of the county is for the most part tolerably There are several rivers and numerous lakes, both abounding in fish, but insignificant in size. Lough Strangford in the E. part of the county, though almost surrounded by land, is yet only a large inlet of the sea, with which it communicates by a channel navigable for large vessels. The county contains many mineral springs, and is one of the best cultivated of all the counties of Ireland, producing large crops of grain, peas, beans, potatoes, turnips, &c. The total extent of land under crops in 1855 was The raising of cattle is carried *310,424 acres. on mostly for. dairy purposes, large quantities of butter being annually made and exported; and hogs are reared in great numbers. There are extensive quarries of limestone, sandstone, and slate; and granite, coal, and chalk also occur. The most important manufacture is that of linen, though there are also cotton and woollen mills. The climate is healthy and somewhat cold, and the people generally are in a better condition than those of most Irish counties. The fishery occupies many of the inhabitants, though not to an extent commensurate with the facilities for it. Some interesting remains of antiquity are found, and there are also ruins of abbeys and castles of the middle ages. Four members are returned to the house of commons, two for the county, and one each for the towns of Downpatrick and Newry.

DOWNES, JOHN, a commodore in the U. S. navy, born in Canton, Norfolk co., Mass., in 1786, died in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 11, 1855. He entered the navy as a midshipman in June, 1802, and his first service was in the frigate New York during the war with Tripoli. In May, 1803, he distinguished himself in a boat attack upon some Tripolitan feluccas, which had been chased into the port of Old Tripoli. In March, 1807, Downes was promoted to a lieutenancy, and during the war of 1812 served as executive officer of the frigate Essex, Capt. Porter, during her celebrated cruise in the Pacific ocean. Among the numerous prizes of the Essex was the whale ship Georgiana, which Capt. Porter fitted as a cruiser, with 16 guns, named the Essex Junior, and placed under the command of Lieut. Downes with a crew of 41 men. Finally, after the capture of the Essex at Valparaiso by the British frigate Phoebe and sloop Cherub, the Essex Junior was converted into a cartel for the purpose of carrying Capt. Porter and his surviving

officers and men to the United States. In June,
1813, Lieut. Downes was promoted to the rank
of master commandant, and in March, 1815, he
commanded the brig Epervier of 18 guns in the
squadron employed against Algiers in that year,
under Commodore Stephen Decatur. On June
17, 1815, the Epervier assisted in the capture of
the Algerine frigate Mashouda off Cape de Gatt.
Two days afterward the Epervier and 3 of the
smaller vessels of the squadron captured the
Algerine brig of war Estido, 22 guns and 180
men, which had been chased into shoal water
off Cape Palos. After the conclusion of the
treaty of peace with Algiers, Commodore De-
catur transferred Downes to his own ship, the
Guerriere, while the Epervier, which was sent
to the United States with the treaty, was never
afterward heard from; it was supposed that she
foundered in a heavy gale near the Western
islands. In March, 1817, he was promoted to a
captaincy, and from 1819 to 1821 commanded
the Macedonian frigate of 50 guns in the Pacific.
In 1828-'9 he commanded the frigate Java in
On his way to
the Mediterranean, and from 1832 to 1834 the
squadron in the Pacific ocean.
his station he anchored, Feb. 5, 1832, off Quallah
Batoo, on the coast of Sumatra, where an outrage
had been committed on an American vessel.
His ship, the Potomac of 50 guns, was disguised
as a merchantman. The town was supposed to
contain not less than 500 fighting men, and was
defended by 5 forts, owned and commanded by
different rajahs or chiefs. The commodors had
obtained tolerably correct information of their
positions, as well as of the general topography
of the place, but nevertheless deemed it advisa-
ble to make an actual reconnoissance if possible.
An attempt was made to land a party of officers
for this purpose, in citizens' dress, but as the
boat (rowed by officers disguised as seamen) ap-
proached the landing, such hostile demonstra-
tions were made by the natives that she was
recalled. Preparations for an attack were now
made, and about 2 o'clock in the morning of
Feb. 6, about 150 officers, seamen, and marines
were landed under the command of Lieut. Irvine
Shubrick, the 1st lieutenant of the ship. This
force was organized in divisions, the marines
under Lieuts. Edson and Terrett, the seamen in
4 divisions commanded by Lieuts. Pinkham,
Hoff, Ingersoll, and Sailing-master Totten. To
each division a particular duty was assigned,
and although the surprise was not quite per-
fect, the result was entirely successful. Af-
ter 24 hours of severe fighting, the town was
nearly reduced to ashes, many of the natives
were killed, and 4 of the forts were captured
and blown up. This being accomplished, the
expedition reembarked in perfect order, and
returned to the ship with a loss of 13 killed and
wounded. A flag of truce was immediately sent
off from the town, and peace sued for, which
was granted. Several of the rajahs from the
towns in the vicinity sent deputations, declaring
their friendly disposition to the Americans, to
which the commander gave corresponding as


surances, and soon after sailed for the Pacific. Our commerce at Quallah Batoo has never since been molested. The sea service of Com. Downes terminated with this cruise. From 1837 to 1842, and from 1850 to 1852, he commanded the navy yard at Boston.

DOWNING, ANDREW JACKSON, an American landscape gardener, born in Newburg, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1815, drowned in the Hudson river, near Yonkers, July 28, 1852. From an early age his tastes were directed to horticulture, botany, and the natural sciences, which the occupation of his father, who carried on business as a nurseryman in the vicinity of Newburg, gave him many opportunities to cultivate. His school education was acquired chiefly at an academy in the neighboring town of Montgomery, from which he returned home at the age of 16 to assist an elder brother who had succeeded his father in the management of the nursery. At school he was a thoughtful, reserved boy, made few friendships, and seldom joined in boyish pastimes; but he was always a diligent reader and a close observer, and now endeavored to compensate for what he considered a premature removal from his studies by a course of self-instruction in his favorite sciences. In the intervals of his labors in the garden he read treatises on landscape gardening, botany, the culture of fruits and flowers, and in general every thing pertaining to the economy of rural life; and found time also to make himself familiar with poetry, art, and elegant literature. At 20 years of age he determined to become a rural architect, and with a mind richly stored with knowledge suitable to his vocation, he began to visit the neighboring estates on the Hudson river, to enlarge his experience and confirm his theories of art in landscape gardening. Three years later he was married to Miss Caroline De Wint, and almost immediately afterward commenced the erection on his little paternal estate of an elegant mansion, which, with its tastefully arranged grounds, afforded the first practical illustration of the builder's conception of an American rural home. He had previously written a few fugitive pieces for the newspapers, but his career as an author properly commences with the publication in 1841 of his "Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening." As a pioneer work of its class in this country, it necessarily attracted attention, and the author's extensive information, correct ideas of taste, and appreciation of the conditions of rural architecture in America, gave it immediate popularity and a position as a standard authority. In England it was highly commended by such competent judges as Loudon and Dr. Lindley, the latter of whom said that he "knew of no work in which the fundamental principles of this profession were so well or so concisely expressed." The "Cottage Residences," which followed in the succeeding year, was received with equal favor; and until his death Downing continued to be the chief American authority in rural art. The

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appreciation in which he was regarded abroad was evinced by his election as corresponding member of many of the chief horticultural societies of Europe. In 1845 appeared simultaneously in London and New York his "Fruits and Fruit Trees of America," of which more than 14 editions have been published; and in 1846 he became the editor of the "Horticulturist," a monthly magazine published in Albany, for which he wrote an essay every month until the close of his life. In 1849 he wrote "Additional Notes and Hints to persons about building in this country" for an American reprint of Wightwick's "Hints to Young Architects," and in 1850 published his " Architecture for Country Houses." His remaining work was an edition of Mrs. Loudon's "Gardening for Ladies." The summer of 1850 he passed in England, chiefly among the great country seats, of which he wrote some genial descriptions. On his return to America, having determined to devote himself exclusively to architecture and building, he received many private commissions, and was intrusted by President Fillmore in 1851 with the laying out of the public grounds in the city of Washington, in the vicinity of the capitol, the president's house, and the Smithsonian institution. In the midst of these labors he took passage at Newburg on July 28, 1852, in the steamboat Henry Clay, for New York. When near Yonkers, about 20 miles above New York, the Henry Clay, which had been racing with a rival steamboat, was discovered to be on fire, and was immediately steered for the shore. In the confusion of the moment Mr. Downing was separated from his wife, and when the heat of the conflagration had compelled him with many others to jump overboard, he was seen for the last time struggling in the water, with several persons clinging to him. His body was subsequently recovered and sent to Newburg for interment. A memoir of him by George W. Curtis, and a "Letter to his Friends," by Miss Bremer, who had been his guest during her visit to America, were prefixed to a collection of his contributions to the "Horticulturist," published in 1854, under the title of "Rural Essays." The labors of Mr. Downing gave a great impulse to the dissemination of correct taste in rural architecture among the American people, and of a love for rural life.

DOWNS, a term applied in England to hills of shifting sand along the coast; also called DUNES, which see. Barren tracts of hilly land used for sheep pasture are also called downs. A portion of the English channel, affording excellent anchorage, and much used by the British navy, bears the same name.

DOWSE, THOMAS, an American mechanic, who has obtained considerable celebrity as a lover of books and the collector of a valuable library, born in Charlestown, Mass., Dec. 28, 1772, died in Cambridgeport, Nov. 4, 1856. He has sometimes been called "the literary leather dresser." His father, Eleazer Dowse, was a leather dresser, and was driven with his


family from Charlestown on June 17, 1775, his
house being one of those destroyed by the con-
flagration of that day. After a short time
passed at Holliston, he established himself at
Sherborn, a small town in Middlesex co., the
original seat of the family, and there resumed
his occupation as a leather dresser. At the age
of 6, Thomas was severely injured by a fall
from a tree; and a rheumatic fever setting in
before he had recovered from the effects of this
accident, a lameness resulted which continued,
with frequent attacks of severe pain, through
life. At the proper age, Thomas began to work
with his father, at his trade and on the farm;
forming at the same time a taste for reading,
which he indulged with so much eagerness
that, by the age of 18, he had read all the books
he could procure in Sherborn. All his little
earnings were expended in the purchase of
books. He had no education but what could
be obtained at the town school. He contin-
ued to live at home as an apprentice to his
father till he had attained his majority. He
was then seized with a desire to visit foreign
countries. A neighbor of his father's, who com-
manded a vessel that traded from Norfolk in
Virginia to London, offered him a free passage;
he was, however, to reach Norfolk at his own
expense. Too poor to accompany the captain
by land, he engaged a passage in a coasting ves-
sel from Boston. Head winds prevented the
departure of the coaster till the vessel had sailed
from Norfolk, and thus Thomas Dowse lost the
opportunity of visiting foreign countries. An-
other never presented itself. He immediately
sought employment in the business in which he
had been brought up, and entered the service
of Mr. Wait, a leather dresser and wool puller
at Roxbury, Mass., at $12 a month wages. His
pay was afterward raised to $25. He remained
in this employ 10 years. He once informed a
friend that at the age of 28 his highest income
was $25 a month; that he had never paid $5
for conveyance from one place to another, never
owned a pair of boots, and was then the posses-
sor of several hundred volumes of good books
well bound. In 1803 he set up in business at
Cambridgeport, with the assistance of Mr. Wait,
who advanced the capital and shared the profits.
This partnership was dissolved at the end of
the year; after which Mr. Dowse carried on
the business of a leather dresser, wool puller,
and glover, at first with a succession of partners,
and afterward alone, till he was far advanced
in life. His business was successful, and the
articles manufactured by him enjoyed the repu-
tation of being the best of their kind in the
market. In 1814 he erected a large and com-
modious dwelling-house and shop in Cambridge-
port, and laid out 2 or 3 acres as a garden; and
here he lived unmarried the rest of his days.
From the earliest period he devoted a large part
of his income to the purchase of books. The
working hours of the day were devoted to his
shop or business connected with it; but the
early morning and the evening hours were

employed in reading. He thus acquired an in-
telligent knowledge of the contents of his steadi-
ly increasing library. Having formed a taste,
not only for good books but for handsome edi-
tions, in which the American press was then
greatly deficient, he was accustomed to import
them directly from London. About the year
1820 his agent in England sent him the pros-
pectus of a lottery for the disposal of the sets
of a costly collection of engravings of the most
famous works of the old masters, and of the wa-
ter-color copies made from the originals, for
the purposes of this publication. Mr. Dowse
bought 3 tickets in this lottery, and drew 2
prizes, one prize consisting of 2 sets of the en-
gravings, colored and uncolored; the other
prize being of the water-color copies framed,
52 in number. He thus became possessed of a
large collection of admirable copies of some of
the most celebrated paintings in England. In
the judgment of Mr. Washington Allston, it af-
forded ampler means for the study of art than
were elsewhere to be found at that time in the
United States. The paintings were advanta-
geously arranged in rooms adjoining Mr. Dowse's
library, and formed with it an attraction of
steadily increasing interest to men of letters and
taste resident in the neighborhood, and to stran-
gers. Mr. Dowse's bodily infirmity unfitted him
for much active intercourse with society, and
his disposition naturally inclined him to retire-
ment and solitary occupation. He abstained
from public life in all its forms, and though a
diligent reader, committed nothing to writing.
He continued to work at his trade till after he
was 70 years of age; but for the last 10 years
of his life, though his shop remained open in
the lower story of his dwelling, the business
was conducted by persons in his employ. Of
the eminent men whom the country has pro-
duced, Franklin was one of the special objects
of Mr. Dowse's admiration. Toward the close
of his life be expressed this sentiment by the
erection, at his own expense, of a substantial
granite obelisk at Mount Auburn, by the side of
his own tomb. With the exception of the sta-
tue of Franklin presented by Mr. Bingham to
the public library at Philadelphia, and the urn
in Franklin place, Boston, which is rather an
ornamental than a commemorative work, the
obelisk erected by Mr. Dowse is believed to have
been the first monument dedicated to the mem-
ory of Franklin in the United States. As Mr.
Dowse was childless, the destination of his libra-
ry after his decease was a matter of some curios-
ity among those acquainted with its value. A
few months before his death he formed the reso-
lution to present it to the Massachusetts histori-
cal society; and on July 30, 1856, the formal
transfer was made. The library, however, was
left by the society in the possession of M. Dowse
during the brief remainder of his life. It con-
sisted of about 5,000 volumes of a iniscellaneous
character, generally in good, often in elegant
bindings, and of the best editions. It is almost
exclusively an English library, though contain-


ing translations of the principal authors in the ancient languages, and the cultivated languages of modern Europe. It is estimated to have cost Mr. Dowse $40,000 without interest. After his death the library was deposited in the historical society's building, in an inner room fitted up for the purpose, and arranged in tasteful cabinets at a cost of $3,000 advanced by his executors, in addition to a sum of $10,000 also given by them as a permanent fund for the conservation and care of the library. Mr. Dowse in his will made provision for his relatives to the extent of $25,000. The residue of his property, amounting to about $40,000, was placed at the disposal of his executors, to be by them appropriated to literary, scientific, or charitable purposes. The collection of water-colors was given by them to the Boston Athenæum, where it is displayed in an apartment exclusively devoted to that purpose. Handsome donations have been made by the executors to the botanic garden of the university at Cambridge, and to other meritorious public objects in Cambridge and Boston. The Dowse high school has been founded by them at Sherborn, where he passed his youth and learned his trade; and the Dowse institute established at Cambridgeport, in the immediate vicinity of his residence. A commemorative discourse was delivered by Mr. Edward Everett, at the opening of the Dowse institute, Dec. 7, 1858, and before the Massachusetts historical society on Dec. 9. A fine portrait of Mr. Dowse was painted a short time before his decease by Wight of Boston, at the request of the society, and now adorns the room in which his library is deposited.

DOXOLOGY (Gr. doğa, glory, and Xeyw, to ascribe), in general, a prayer to celebrate the grandeur and majesty of God. In the Roman Catholic church it is applied particularly to the angelic hymn or canticle of praise which is sung in celebrating the mass, and is otherwise called the Gloria in excelsis. This is also styled the greater doxology, to distinguish it from the lesser, or Gloria Patri, which is usually sung after the chanting or recitation of a psalm. Both doxologies are traced to the earliest periods of the church, and though slightly and temporarily modified during the prevalence of some heresies, have not been permanently changed. They both have a place in the liturgy of the Anglican church, and are of common use in the service of other branches of Protestantism.

DOYLE, RICHARD, an English humorous artist, born in London in 1826. From his father, Mr. John Doyle, an able political caricaturist, hé inherited a taste for humorous illustration, and a few years after the establishment of "Punch" became known to the public by his designs published in that paper. His political caricatures are singularly free from direct personalities or the appearance of malice, but his humorous illustrations of London life afford the best examples of his harmless wit and graceful fancy. The series entitled "Manners and Customs of y⚫ Englyshe," though ostensibly caricatures, are in

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fact sketches of the every-day life of the people, and for liveliness of invention and various technical merits may be regarded as unique performances. The "Continental Tour of Messrs. Brown, Jones, and Robinson," perhaps the most popular of his works, is in like manner a somewhat exaggerated view of the lights and shadows of travel on the continent. In 1850 Mr. Doyle, taking umbrage at the severe attacks of "Punch" upon the Roman Catholic hierarchy, severed his connection with that paper, since which time he has employed his pencil chiefly in illustrating books of fairy tales, and similar publications, including the "Fairy Ring," " Fairy Tales from all Nations," Leigh Hunt's "Jar of Honey," Ruskin's "King of the Golden River," &c. He fails in attempting to depict the merely prosaic or the sentimental, and his illustrations to Thackeray's "Newcomes" are comparatively feeble.



DRACHENFELS (Dragon's Rock), the most celebrated of the Siebengebirge range, or hills" (though their number is really more than 7), on the right bank of the Rhine, near Bonn. The ascent of the mountain, which is 1,056 feet high, is fatiguing from its steepness, but amply rewards the traveller by the majestic beauty of the scenery of the river and valley beneath, and of the adjoining panorama of ruin-clad mountains. Upon the summit of the Drachenfels are the ruins of a castle of the 12th century, a monument erected in 1814 by the Siebengebirge militia to their gallant leader Genger, who died on the battle field, and another in August, 1858, in commemoration of the German war of independence. Here also is a famous quarry which furnished stone for the cathedral of Cologne, and hence called Dombruch (dome or cathedral quarry). The beauty of this far-famed mountain has been a fruitful theme with poets of every land, but to English readers it is familiar chiefly from the wellknown verses of Byron. Its name is explained by a tradition of a dragon which inhabited a cavern in its sides, and was slain by Siegfried, the hero of the Nibelungen lay.



DRACHMA, a measure both of weight and value among the ancient Greeks. In either case it was composed of 6 oboli, and was the part of the mina, and the 1000 part of the Attic talent. The drachma was the principal silver coin of the Greeks, and its value was from 15.20 to 17.05 cents. The drachma or drachm mentioned by Jewish writers was the Greek coin which became current among the Jews in the latest period of their national existence.

DRACO, the author of the first written code of laws at Athens, which he is supposed to have published in the 4th year of the 39th Olympiad, 621 B. C. He was of distinguished birth and virtue, honored for his severe manners and his large experience in public affairs; and the people of Athens, a prey to anarchy, besought him to give them a code of laws. Like all the other legislative systems of antiquity, the system which he proposed linked together civil and

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