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The First United States Flag. Made by Betsy Ross

Washington Taking the Oath of Office.




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"I believe in the United States of America as a govern ment of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign States; a perfect Union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.

"I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies!" WILLIAM TYLER PAGE



BACK in the savage days of the Stone-age man walked the earth armed with his club. "Might makes right" was the language of the club. "If I crush or conquer you, what is now yours will be mine." And there was no appeal

from the rule of the club.

Centuries passed and the club was changed for other weapons, but still might made right; the strong could take from the weak and the world was ruled by force.

Then, from different quarters of the earth, voices were raised - voices that shouted for "justice," "liberty,' "liberty," "freedom." 'freedom." And though these voices were few and spoke a strange tongue, their call rang out like clear cut bugle notes, and as time went on other voices in other lands echoed back their call.

So "justice," "liberty," "freedom," the three great bugle calls of civilization, echoed back and forth across the world and new voices joined with the old until they made a mighty volume


of sound, and the cry of "Might makes right" grew less.

There is no nation of to-day that has not heard within its boundaries the voices of its patriots shouting for justice, freedom and liberty. And there is no people that has not rallied to these bugle calls to push its standards forward.

History is the story of the constant march of the people of the earth towards liberty and selfgovernment. The bugle calls of liberty are the great speeches and writings of patriots urging their fellow men to advance.

The whole history of America is the story of such an advance. The colonists came to America to live and worship as they saw fit, or to escape the unjust laws of their home lands. But even in America the English colonists felt the long arm of English tyranny reach out to restrict their rights. So they arose, burst the bonds which united them to England and formed themselves into an independent nation.

Again, in 1812, England seized our ships and seamen, and the new nation had to fight a second time to win the freedom of the seas.

The holding of human beings as slaves brought about another war a war among ourselves, a war of brother against brother, and for that reason the saddest in our history. But the end of the Civil War saw Americans, north and south,

lined up behind the established principle that "All men are created free and equal."

Three wars were needed to win our independence on land and sea and to free all men within our states. We have paid a heavy price but that is nothing compared with the treasure won.

Years later, while rejoicing in the proud possession of our liberty and freedom, we heard once more, the old-time cry of "Might makes right.” Spain, like the savage with his club was beating little Cuba to the earth, and her struggles were in vain.

So, once again America took up arms, this time to drive out Spain and give to Cuba that freedom and liberty which we had learned to prize.

But the savage spirit in man dies hard, and early in the twentieth century it arose again in Germany, and tried to conquer the other nations of the earth. At once on every side the bugle calls of justice, liberty and freedom burst upon the air, and nation after nation sent its army to put down the tyrant. England, France, Russia, Italy and America united in a mighty effort to stamp out forever the rule of "might makes right."

Such is the part America has played in the liberty of the world. Some of the great bugle calls that have roused her men to action are here offered to the boys and girls of America.

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