ed to be heard by one of the examiners, will be transferred to the other, from time to time, whenever it may seem advisable to the examiners to direct such transfer. CHARLES SHAW LEFEVRE, Speaker. II. COMMITTEE ON STANDING ORDERS FOR 1847. By a resolution of the House, 20th January, 1847, this committee was nominated : Sir William Heathcote, Mr. Ord, Lord Dalmeny, Sir Robert Fergusson, Mr. Wilson Patton, Sir John Yarde Buller, Mr. Aglionby, Captain Jones, Mr. Home Drummond, Mr. Wrightson, and Mr. Sotheron. III. RESOLUTIONS AS TO RAILWAY BILLS. On the 22nd January, 1847, on the motion of Mr. Strutt, Resolved, That, after Tuesday next, the House will not receive any petition for a private bill unless it be presented within three clear days after it shall have been indorsed by one of the examiners. Resolved, That, on and after Tuesday next, all memorials complaining of non-compliance with the standing orders be deposited in the private bill office before six of the clock in the evening of any day on which the House shall sit, and before two of the clock of any day on which the House shall not sit; and that two copies of every such memorial be deposited for the use of the examiners, before twelve o'clock on the following day. Resolved, That all memorials complaining of non-compliance with the standing orders in reference to petitions which stand in the "General List of Petitions" after No. 250, be deposited on or before Saturday the 6th day of February next. On the 3rd of February, 1847, on the motion of Mr. Strutt, Resolved: 1. That a committee of five members be appointed, to be called "The Classification Committee of Railway Bills, to consist of the following members, Mr. Wilson Patten, Lord Courtenay, Sir Robert Fergusson, Sir John Pakington, and Lord Dalmeny;" and that three be the quorum of such committee. 2. That copies of all petitions for railway bills presented to the House be laid before the said committee. 3. That the Committee of Classification shall form into groups all railway bills, which, in their opinion, it would be expedient to submit to the same committee. 4. That, as soon as the Committee of Classification shall have determined what railway bills are to be grouped together, they shall report the same to the House; and all petitions against any of the said bills shall be presented to the House three clear days before the meeting of the committee thereon. 5. That there be no more than seven clear days between the first reading of any railway bill and the second reading thereof, except by special order of the House. 6. That the breviate of every railway bill shall be laid on the table of the House, and be printed and delivered one clear day before the second reading. 7. That such railway bills as shall have been read a first time before the House shall agree to these resolutions, shall be read a second time within seven clear days thereafter. 8. That such of the standing orders as relate to the composition of the committees on private bills, and the orders consequent thereon, be suspended so far as regards railway bills pending in the course of the present session. 9. That committees on railway bills, during the present session of Parliament, shall be composed of a chairman and four members, to be appointed by the Committee of Selection. 10. That each member of a committee on a railway bill or bills shall, before he be entitled to attend and vote on such committee, sign a declaration that his constituents have no local interests, and that he himself has no personal interest, for or against any bill referred to him; and no such committee shall proceed to business until the whole of the members thereof shall have signed such declaration. 11. That the promoters of a railway bill shall be prepared to go into the committee on the bill on such day as the Committee of Selection shall, subject to the order that there be seven clear days between the second reading of every private bill and the sitting of the committee thereupon, think proper to appoint, provided that the Classification Committee shall have reported on such bill. 12. That the Committee of Selection shall give each member not less than fourteen days' notice of the week in which it will be necessary for him to be in attendance, for the purpose of serving, if required, on a railway bill committee. 13. That the Committee of Selection shall give each member a sufficient notice of his appointment as a member of a committee on a railway bill, and shall transmit to him a copy of the 12th resolution, and a blank form of the declaration therein required, with a request that he will forth with return it to them properly filled up and signed. 14. That if the Committee of Selection shall not, within due time receive from each such member the aforesaid declaration, or an excuse which they shall deem sufficient, they shall report to the House the name of such defaulting member. 15. That the Committee of Selection shall have the power of substituting, at any time before the first meeting of a committee, another member for a member whom they shall deem it proper to excuse from serving on that committee. 16. That power be given to the Committee of Selection to send for persons, papers, and records, in the execution of the duties imposed on them by the foregoing resolutions. 17. That no member of a committee shall absent himself from his duties on such committee, unless in case of sickness or by leave of the House. 18. That all questions before committees on railway groups or bills shall be decided by a majority of voices, including the voice of the chairman; and that, whenever the voices shall be equal, the chairman shall have a second or casting vote. 19. That, if the chairman shall be absent from the committee, the member next in rotation on the list, who shall be present, shall act as chairman. 20. That committees shall be allowed to proceed so long as three members shall be present, but not with a less number, unless by special leave of the House. 21. That if, on any day within one hour after the time appointed for the meeting of a committee, three members shall not be present, the committee shall be adjourned to the next day on which the House shall sit, and then shall meet at the hour on which such committee would have sat had no such adjournment taken place. 22. That, in the case of a member not being present within one hour after the time appointed for the meeting of the committee, or of any member absenting himself from his duties on such committee, such member shall be reported to the House at its next sitting. 23. That each committee shall be appointed to meet on each day of its sitting not later than 12 o'clock, unless by the regular vote of the committee. 24. That committees on railway bills have leave to sit in the present session, notwithstanding any adjournment of the House, if the committee shall so think fit. 25. That it be an instruction to all committees upon private bills not to hear parties on any petition hereafter referred to them, which shall not be prepared and signed in strict conformity with the rules and orders of this House. 26. That all select committees on railway groups or bills be empowered to refer, if they shall so think fit, to the Chairman of Ways and Means, together with the members ordered to prepare and bring in each such bill, any unopposed railway bill submitted for their consideration; and that such bills be severally dealt with by the said chairman, and those members respectively acting with him, as other unopposed bills are to be dealt with. 27. That the following clause be inserted in all railway bills passing through this House :— "And be it further enacted, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to exempt the railway by this or the said recited acts authorised to be made from the provisions of any general act relating to such acts, or of any general act relating to railways now in force, or which may hereafter pass during this or any future session of Parliament, or from any future revision and alteration, under the authority of Parliament, of the maximum rates of fares and charges authorised by this act." IV. STANDING ORDER No. 13, AS TO EVIDENCE REPEALED. February 4th, 1847, ordered, that Standing Order No. 13, (ante, 33 in the text) be repealed; and it was further Ordered, That, in the case of any application for a private bill relating to Scotland, the examiner may admit proof of the compliance with the standing orders of the House, on the production of affidavits sworn before any sheriff-depute, or his substitute there, unless the examiner shall require further evidence. Votes, 1847, page 139. |