Obrázky stránek

Arbitrators, submission to, may be made rule of court, 291.

to decide amount of compensation for carrying mails. 406.

Arches, general powers to make, 145, 346.

required to be made, 350, 356.

height of, 352.

over a street to make a station, 362.

Ascents of bridges and roads, 88, 353, 376.

Attorney-General, may be put in motion by Commissioners of Railways, 96, 98.

Attorney may be appointed before complete registration, 6.

to company, rights of, 636, 643, 651.

Auditors, to be appointed at the ordinary meeting of railway companies, annually, 119.

accounts to be delivered to, 118.

to have assistance from accountants, if necessary, 120. Authentication of acts of Commissioners of Railways, 75. of transmission of shares, 127.

Avenue protected in certain cases, 166, 177.

Award, see " ARBITRATORS."

must be made within a prescribed period, 289.
to be delivered in writing, 290.

not bad for defects of form, 291.

how enforced, 291.

form of, see "FORMS."

BALANCES to be paid over, 119.

Balance sheet to be made from time to time, 118. to be delivered to auditors, 120.

to be produced at an ordinary meeting of shareholders, 118. shareholders may inspect, at certain periods, 118.

on bankruptcy of company, 97.

Bank of England, purchase money to be deposited in, 162.
Bankrupt ceases to be a director, 106.

shares belonging to, 127.

when shares remain to his order, 127.

proof of debts due from, 8 Vict. c. 16. s. 140, App. 110.
company becoming, proceedings on, 97, 674.

Bill, Railway, application for, when made, 17.

first applied for in Commons, 17.
contents of, 104

Board of Trade, constitution of, 76.

their jurisdiction over railways, 75.

powers of, transferred to the Commissioners of Railways.


Bond may be required by the Postmaster-General, 405.

Bond for payment of stamp duties, 424.

for money borrowed by company, 137.

remedies to recover, 140.

required before entry on lands in certain cases, 164.
form of, see" FORMS."

required before lands are used for temporary purposes, 173. Bookkeeper to be appointed, 118.

Books signed by the chairman, primâ facie evidence, 6.

to be kept open to the inspection of shareholders, 118.
of accounts to be kept, 118.

to be balanced, 118.

of reference, where to be deposited, 18.

right of inspection of, 118.

to be delivered up, 119.

to be open to creditors, 138.

Branch railways, under control of Commissioners of Railways, 89, 422.
Brick-field may not be taken, 167.

Bridges, when a deviation is permitted, 87.

when a company may erect one to carry a road over railways, 92,

[blocks in formation]

Brooks, general powers to divert, 145, 346.

general powers to cross, 145, 346.

Buildings, general powers to erect, 146, 347.

for temporary purposes, 167.

may be rebuilt in certain cases with monies given as compensation, 326.

Business of certain meetings must be defined, 112, 113.

Bye-laws, power of company completely registered to make, 11.

certain, must be sanctioned by the Commissioners of Railways, 93. statute which required them to be sanctioned by justices, repealed, 94.

code of, 95.

power to make, 429.

evidence of, 431.

copy of, to be kept, 430.

CALLS on shares, how to be made and recovered, 128. See "ACTION." mandamus to recover, 128.

not to be made by railway companies provisionally registered, 8.

Calls must be paid up by shareholders, before any dividends can be re

ceived, 112.

evidence in action to recover, 107, 129.

may be mortgaged, 137.

Canal Companies may become carriers, App. 201.

Canals, general powers to cross, 145, 346.

amalgamation of, with railways, 418, 617.

Capital of the company, how divided, 120.

how to be applied in first instance, 111.
augmentation of, 142.

to be subscribed before compulsory powers can be enforced, 152. that it has been subscribed need not appear on inquisition, 311. Carriages may be viewed by inspectors, 89.

may be detained, 441.

must be of specified character, 414.

regulations as to, 414.

Carriers, company liable as, 432.

liabilities of, at common law, 443.

Act, 11 G. 41 W. 4-448.

of goods, rights and liabilities of compal y as, 458.

of passengers, rights and liabilities of company as, 462.
cases relating to, 433, 562.

Canal Companies may become, App. 201.

Casting vote of chairman at meetings, 108, 114, 670.

Certificate of provisional registration, 4. See "FORMS.”

mode of obtaining, 4.

effect of, 7.

renewable, 7.

penalty for not obtaining, 4.

Certificate of complete registration to be given, 9. See "FORMS."

how obtained, 9.
effect of, 10.

Certificate of shares, when to be issued, 121.

after transfer, 126.

primâ facie evidence of title, 121.

Certificate given by Commissioners of Railways, 9, 87, 93, 96. that whole capital is subscribed, 137, 152, 311.

form of, 153.

to sanction deviations in mode of executing engineering works, 87, 88, 350.

given by justices that lands have been omitted by mistake, 340. Certiorari when not allowed, 305.

mode of applying for writ of, 312.

Chairman of directors, appointment of, 108.


Chairman has a casting vote, 108.

of shareholders, 113, 670.

Chancery, Court of, jurisdiction of, over money paid for compensation, 328. jurisdiction of, over the costs incurred by re-investing

monies, 329.

proceedings in, generally, 546.

Charitable trustees may convey lands, 147.

Claims of compensation, particulars of, to be sent, 156; and see

[blocks in formation]

Clerk of the Peace, deposit of plans with, 18, 30.
returns to, 119.

to keep verdicts and judgments, 303.

parish, deposit of plans with, 19, 28.

Colliery, damage to, 188, 196.


Commissioners of Railways appointed by 9 & 10 Vict. c. 105-75.

may sit in Parliament, 77.

may appoint officers, 77.

may direct surveys, 76.

deposit of plans with, 18, 30,

certificate of, as to receipt of plans, 9.

may sanction a deviation in the mode of executing engineer

ing works, 87, 351.

may inspect railways previous to the opening, 88.

may inspect stations, works, and carriages, 89.

may decide disputes between companies as to the manage

ment of a common terminus, 89.

may decide where flanches shall be laid down, 89.
may authorise bridges to be built to cross roads, 91.
may regulate gates at level crossings, 91.

may regulate speed of trains on arriving at staticos near

crossings or stations, 92.

may authorise entry on lands in cases of socident, 92.

may revive compulsory powers of taking land, $6.

may sanction bye-laws, 93

may originate prosecutions and other legal proceedings, J. 46. may require certain returns to be made, 18, 426

may regulate third-class trains,

may regulate the speed of mail trains., 200.

may appoint umpires and auditors, 106, 201
notices upon, how to be signed and served.

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Commissioners may lay down telegraphs, 423.

may permit deviations from levels, 87, 350.
may require screens to be made to roads, 92.

Committee, names, &c. of, to be registered, 5.
may be appointed by directors, 109.
of directors, powers of, 109.

of lunatic to vote, 115.

may convey lands, 147.

of commoners, 149.

on standing orders (Lords), 28.

on bill (Lords), 31.

of the House of Commons, reports of, 77.

on standing orders (Commons), 23

names of, 1847, App. 275.

classification, on railway bills (Commons), 23; App. 276.
on group of bills (Commons), 23.

[blocks in formation]

Communications between railways, regulations as to, 90. between adjoining lands to be made, 356.

in certain cases not to be made, but the lands to be taken, 165.

compensation for loss of, 214.

Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act, App. 85.

Compensation for lands taken, &c. steps to be taken by claimant of, 153,

159, 160, 294.

parties to treat in respect of, 156.

certain notices required, 158.

where no notice has been received by claimant, 160.

by what parties it may be claimed, 180, 251, 252, 253, 714.

in respect of what injuries, 180, 210, 347, 714.

assessed by justices, 285.

assessed by arbitrators, 287, 159, 160, 161.

assessed by a jury, 160, 161.

assessed by surveyors, 293.

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