Obrázky stránek

Purchase of common and waste lands, 148.

of lands in mortgage, 149.

of rent-charges, 150.

of lands subjected to leases, 337.

Purchase-money, payable to parties under disabilities, 146, 325.
how to be paid or applied, 325.

jurisdiction of Court of Chancery over, 325.

in certain cases not to be less than two surveyors shall
determine, 152.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Railways' Clauses Consolidation Act, its provisions in full, App. 156.
Rate, Poor's, liability of railway to, 468.

mode of assessment of, 468.

appeal against, 481.

certain annual accounts to be sent to overseers, 483.

cases relating to, 483.

Receiver, may be appointed, 138.

Recognizance, no appeal without, see "APPEAL."

Records, verdicts and judgments considered to be, 321.

Register of certain loan notes to be kept, 142.

of shareholders to be kept, 121, 130.

may be inspected, 143.

mode of making, 123.

mode of compelling registration, 126.

of transfers to be kept, 126.

when to be closed, 127.

of mortgages and bonds, 137.

of holders of consolidated stock, 121.

Registrar to give certificate of registration, 7.

to give certificate of complete registration, 9.

his fees, App. 247.

Registration previous to obtaining an act of Parliament, 2.
Registry Office established, 3.

Reimbursement of shareholders after execution, 143, 675.
Reinvestment of purchase-money or compensation, 325.
Remainder, lands in, how to be conveyed, 147, 337.
Remedies open to mortgagees and bond creditors, 138.

to parties complaining of nuisances, 167, 179.

Remuneration of directors, 108.

Rent-charge may be granted by company, 151.

mode of releasing lands taken from, 150.

Rents, apportionment of, 148, 151, 183.

payable to occupiers and owners, 182.

Repairs of bridges by company, 386.
of roads by company, 179.

of fences, 347.

general powers as to, 347.

of works, cases relating to, 385.

Report of select committee on standing orders, 23.

of select committees on railways, 77.

of Lords' committee on the mode of assessing compensation, 260.

Residence of promoters and subscribers to be returned, 5.

Returns to Registry Office to be made by promoters, 4.

by solicitor, 6.

to commissioners of railways, 98.

of traffic, and accidents, 98, 99, 425.

to Lords of the Treasury, 420.

to clerks of the peace and overseers, 426.
Reversion, lands in, how conveyed, 147, 337.
Revocation of act of Parliament, 98.

Rivers, general powers to cross, 145, 346.
general powers to turn, 145, 346.

Roads, general powers to cross, 145, 346.

general powers to make, 145, 346, 383.
materials to make, may be taken, 167.

temporary use of existing, 176, 355.

owners or occupiers may object to existing roads being used, 178.
substituted, to be provided in certain cases before existing road can
be used, 179, 355, 381.

ornamental, protected, 177, 179.
construction of temporary, 355.
restoration of, 88, 179.

Roads, screens for, 92.

crossing of, 88, 352.

steepness of, 88, 353, 376.
width of, 353, 371, 372, 375.

cases relating to the diversion of, 381.
repairs of, 179, 352, 355.

Sale of superfluous lands, App. 149.
Sand may be taken in certain cases, 167.
to be paid for, 182.

Scire facias, when necessary, 143.

Screen to roads, when to be made, 92, 359.

Scrip, sale of, when illegal, 122.

Scotland, remedies against shareholders living in, 70
dissolution of companies in, 673.

Sea-shore, works on, 151.

Seal, registered company may have, 11.

to be affixed to register of shares, 121.
to be affixed to certificate of shares, 121.
what contracts must be under, 109, 110.

Secretary at war may order troops to be forwarded, 409.
Securities to be taken from officers, 119.

illegal, in certain cases made available, 141.

Select committees on railways, 76.

Servants of company, liabilities of, 427.

bye-laws as to, 95.

Sessions, petty, to be held, to give consent to make deviations, 349.
Severance of lands, damage done by, to be estimated, 181.

damage done by, to tenants to be paid for, 183, 186.
mode of estimating compensation for, 260.

Shareholder, meaning of word in Special Act, 120.

to have a vote, 113.

who may vote, 113, 115.

liabilities of, 126. See "CALLS."

may inspect books, 118.

register of, to be kept by the directors, 121.

names and addresses of, to be kept in address book, 121.

may search the shareholders' address book, 121.

may have certificate, on demand, 121.

may transfer by deed, 126.

failing to pay instalments, may be sued, 128.

liable to judgment creditor, 143.

Shares, company provisionally registered may allot, 7.

Shares, company completely registered may grant certificate of, 11.

[blocks in formation]

Sheds may be erected for temporary purposes, 167.
Sheriff to summon juries and preside, 302.

may give possession of lands, 165.

Side cuttings may be taken, 167.

objections as to, by owners or occupiers, 169.

Slate quarries may not be taken, 167.

Slip, if anticipated, 92.

Soil may be taken in certain cases, 166.

may be deposited, 167.

Solicitor penalty on, for not making returns, 6.

appointment of, 6.

Spanish law of railways, 605.

Special act, defined, 103.

contents of, 104.

copies to be kept, 91, 120.

jury may be required, 303.

Speed of trains, when controlled by commissioners of railways, 92, 411.
Spoil banks, power to make, 167.

notice of intention to make, 167.

Stamp not necessary to agreement by promoter to take shares, 5.

[blocks in formation]

Standing orders in evidence to shew compliance with, 19.
Stations, general powers to erect, 146, 347.


cases relating to the construction of, 360.
definition of word "station," 360, 362.

2 & 3 Will. 4, cap. 120. . (Duties on Passengers carried on Railways).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

App. 1.

(Deposit of Parliamentary Plans with Clerks
of the Peace). App. 3.

(Conveyance of Mails by Railway). App. 4.
(Deposit of Money paid in pursuance of the
Standing Orders of Parliament). App. 11.
(Maintaining Gates on Railway Crossings).
App. 13.

(An Act for Regulating Railways). App. 15.
(An Act to Authorise and Facilitate Sur-
veys). App. 226.

(Conveyance of Troops-Powers of the Com-
missioners of Railways). App. 20.

(Stamp Duties on Proxies), 60.

(An Act to attach Conditions on future Rail-
way Companies). App. 27.

(Joint Stock Companies Registration Act).
App. 37.

(An Act for winding up the Affairs of Joint
Stock Companies). App. 74.
(Companies' Clauses Consolidation Act).
App. 85.

(Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act). App.

(Railways' Clauses Consolidation Act).
App. 156.

(An Act to enable Canal Companies to vary
Tolls). App. 198.

(An Act to enable Canal Companies to be-
come Carriers of Goods). App. 201.
(An Act to Restrict the powers of Selling or
Leasing Railways). App. 206.

(An Act to Facilitate Admission of Evidence
of official Documents). App. 206.
(An Act to Provide for the Custody of De-
posits paid under Standing Orders).
App. 208.

(An Act to Facilitate the Dissolution of
Railway Companies). App. 211.

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