Stiles for accommodation to be made, 352, 356. Stone may be taken in certain cases, 167. Stone quarry may not be taken, 167. Subscribers required to pay calls, 128. Subscription contract, 2, 9. when entered into, entitles a company to be com- pletely registered, 9. to be signed, and when, 20, 30. copies to be deposited, 20, 30. care necessary in the preparation of, 677. form of, App. 248. Superfluous lands, sale of, 292. Superintendence of railways, 89. Surveys, contracts for, 8. entry on lands for, 163, App. 226. Surveyors to determine amount of purchase-money in certain cases, 152. may assess compensation, 293. may direct how materials are to be taken, 173. Taxation of costs of making title to lands, 338. Telegraphs may be constructed on railways, 423. use of lands, 166. owners and occupiers may object to, 169. Tenants in tail may sell lands, 147. for life may sell lands, 147. Standing orders in evidence to shew compliance with, 19. Statutes. cases relating to the construction of, 360. 2 & 3 Will. 4, cap. 120. . (Duties on Passengers carried on Railways). App. 1. (Deposit of Parliamentary Plans with Clerks of the Peace). App. 3. (Conveyance of Mails by Railway). App. 4. (An Act for Regulating Railways). App. 15. (Conveyance of Troops-Powers of the Com- (Stamp Duties on Proxies), 60. (An Act to attach Conditions on future Rail- (Joint Stock Companies Registration Act). (An Act for winding up the Affairs of Joint (Lands' Clauses Consolidation Act). App. 117. (Railways' Clauses Consolidation Act). (An Act to enable Canal Companies to vary (An Act to enable Canal Companies to be- (An Act to Facilitate Admission of Evidence (An Act to Facilitate the Dissolution of Stiles for accommodation to be made, 352, 356. Stone may be taken in certain cases, 167. Stone quarry may not be taken, 167. Subscribers required to pay calls, 128. Subscription contract, 2, 9. when entered into, entitles a company to be com- pletely registered, 9. to be signed, and when, 20, 30. copies to be deposited, 20, 30. care necessary in the preparation of, 677. form of, App. 248. Superfluous lands, sale of, 292. Superintendence of railways, 89. Surveys, contracts for, 8. entry on lands for, 163, App. 226. Surveyors to determine amount of purchase-money in certain cases, 152. may assess compensation, 293. may direct how materials are to be taken, 173. Taxation of costs of making title to lands, 338. Telegraphs may be constructed on railways, 423. use of lands, 166. owners and occupiers may object to, 169. Tenants in tail may sell lands, 147. for life may sell lands, 147. Tenants for years or less estate, may sell lands. 147. when entitled to compensation for temporary use of lands, 182. from year to year, compensation to, 184, 224, 225, 227, 231, 236. of mines, when entitled to compensation, 188, 219, 239. c. 18, s. 135, App. 151. c. 20, s. 139, App. 192. Terminus at which joint traffic is carried on, 89. Third-class trains, 99, 410. Time within which lands may be purchased, 202. Tithe, commutation rent-charges, provisions for payment of, 424. Title to lands, how to be made, 334, 338. costs of, 334, 338. in respect of which monies have been deposited, 331, 336. scale of, may be revised by Lords of the Treasury, 418. liability to pay, 395. cases decided thereon, 433. disputes as to, 461. mortgage of, 137. Toll-collector, removal of, App. 186. Traffic, returns of, may be required by Commissioners of Railways, 98. Transfer of shares to be by deed stamped, 126. register of, 126. memorial of, 126. liabilities of shareholders until, 126. may not be made until calls are paid, 127. of mortgages and bonds, 137. by other means than by sale, 127. of lands to company, requisites of, 334. Treasury minutes on railway legislation, 80, 84. lords of, must consent to sale of lands in certain cases, 151. Trespass on railway, 427, 358. Trustee may sell lands, 147. Trustees of roads, &c., consent of, required in certain cases, 349. Trusts, company not liable to see to, 128, 387. Troops, conveyance of, by railway, 409. Tunnels, when they may be substituted for open work, and vice versâ, 87. required to be made in certain cases, 350. Umpire appointed by arbitrators, 289. may be appointed by Commissioners of Railways, 100, 289. form of award made by, App. 270. Vacancies in directorship, filling up, 106. Validity of acts of directors, 110. Vallies, general powers to cross, 145, 345. Variance between standing orders of the two Houses of Parliament, 29. must distinguish amount given as compensation for sever- ance of lands, 303. must be recorded, 303. effect of recording it, 321. Verdict, debt lies to recover money awarded by, 325. may be by proxy, 113. casting, 108, 113. in case of joint proprietors, the first on register entitled to, 115. Vouchers to be delivered, 119. Waiting-place, definition of word, 360. Waiver of notice to treat, 159. Warehouses, general powers to erect, 145, 347. Warrant to the sheriff to assess compensation, when it may be issued by company, 160, 294. form of, 296. notice from claimant, requiring issue of, 161. Waste lands may be conveyed, 148. Water-courses, general powers to divert, 145, 346. Water pipes, relaying of, 189, 359. Water works, to carry from or to railway, 347, 357. Watering places to be made, 357, 396. Way, right of, across railway, 358. Ways, general powers to make, 145, 346. Wharfs, general powers to make, 146, 346. |